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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Svaka cast!
  2. Rob Halford Announces "Halford III - Winter Songs" Rob Halford (Judas Priest, Fight, Halford) debuts his first holiday CD, "HALFORD III - WINTER SONGS" on his new label Metal God Records distributed globally by ADA Global / Warner Music Group, Fontana / Universal Music Group, Conveyor / Universal Music Canada and Sony Music Japan this fall. Written, arranged and recorded during 2008 "HALFORD III - WINTER SONGS" is Rob's first solo release in more than seven years. The release includes a collection of new Halford-penned tracks plus traditional holiday favorites presented with original arrangements by HALFORD (Rob Halford - Vocals, Roy Z., - Producer / Guitarist, Metal Mike Chlasciak - Guitars, Mike Davis - Bass and Bobby Jarzombek - Drums). The first new Halford single, "Get Into The Spirit" debuts at radio and RobHalford.com on September 29, 2009. "Well, I've always said I wanted to produce a Christmas CD," comments Rob Halford. "The Halford band has assembled a fantastic release, and we're excited to have produced a collection of holiday tracks which all of us have enjoyed from a very early age." HALFORD III - WINTER SONGS debuts new Halford tracks: Get Into The Spirit When Christmas Comes For Everyone Light Of The World What Child Is This Oh Holy Night Come All Ye Faithful and more "HALFORD III - WINTER SONGS" will be released world-wide week of October 26, 2009 at your favorite retailer, e-tailer, Amazon.com, HMV.COM, BESTBUY.COM, PLAY.com, iTunes, www.HalfordMusic.com and visit MetalGodShop.com (currently running an exclusive HALFORD III - WINTER SONGS Pre-Sale).
  3. 'ladno
  4. To je iz Get Thrashed! ako se dobro secam...
  5. Ima li neko da okaci pesmu I Live My Way u 320 KBPS ili FLAC? Ja se ubi trazeci, ali imaju samo neki shit ripovi.
  6. Helloween - Live On 3 Continents Iced Earth - Alive In Athens Iron Maiden - Beast Over Hammersmith Iron Maiden - Flight 666 Iron Maiden - Live At Donington Iron Maiden - Rock In Rio Iron Maiden - The History Of Iron Maiden Parts 1 & 2 Manowar - The Absolute Power Megadeth - That One Night - Live In Buenos Aires Slayer - Still Reigning Turisas - A Finnish Summer With Turisas
  7. Hahahahaha, zaboravio sam da napisem Revolution Renaissance.
  8. Toni rekao u nekom intervjuu za neki finski casopis ko ce biti predgrupa
  9. Za Petrija: Zasto je izabrao Ensiferum a ne Norther? Za ceo bend: Kako im se svidja Wintersun? (mozda malo glupo pitanje, jer je album star vec 5 godina ) I da, zaboravih da spomenem da na onoj bonus pesmi gostuje Heri, pevac Týr-a.
  10. To je to. Zahvaljujem
  11. Neka deca igraju neku igru, onda im kuca odleti u svemir ili tako nesto, neki astronaut im upada u kucu i to je jedino sto se secam. Film je iz 2000-tih, ima neko zajebano ime, pa ne mogu nikako da ga nadjem.
  12. Evo ga CD rip/320 kbps sa bonus pesmom: http://torrents.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2191637
  13. Ne znam da li je neko napisao ovo posto je stara vest al' nema veze: New Iron Maiden Album Out in 2010 Wednesday, April 22, 2009 IRON MAIDEN are to return to the studio and the road in 2010. According to drummer Nicko McBrain, in an interview with Rock Radio in the UK, “We have actually booked a studio and I think we’ll kick off in the second week of January with the new record…. As to touring – the end of the year, or definitely 2011. We may actually go out at the end of 2010. Once you’ve got the new album finished and packaged, and the record company’s happy with all the bits and pieces, then you want to go touring.” Sto se mene tice, ne trazim 80-te, nek budu dugacke pesme i produkcija sa AMOL&D, samo da bude malcice brzi album i meni super
  14. Ne znam da l' je bilo, evo sta John Greely trenutno radi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERs07TTQku8
  15. Uf, ja ipak mislim da je moguce ovo kod nas, i da bi bilo vise ljudi nego na prethodnom koncertu Metallice. Bez pristrasnosti oko toga koji od ova 4 najvise volim, bilo bi realno da Metallica svira 2 sata, Megadeth 1:30 - 1:45, Slayer 1:15 - 1:30 (oni ionako ne sviraju dugacke koncerte) i Anthrax sat vremena. Pretpostavljam da Metallica kosta jedno 3 puta vise nego ovi ostali zajedno, ali...
  16. Je l' moze neko da mi da provereni link za neki antivirus koji dobro radi i keygen koji dobro radi? Samo da nije Avast.
  17. Well, we were finally able to let the cat out of the bag and post that we are going to be playing on Sept., 17th on the Jimmy Fallon show in NY. I am so pumped to do this show, because I have done several shows before, like FX, Jon Stewart, Politically Incorrect, Arsenio, and the great Dave Letterman, (and there was obviously the rush of Letterman), but few were as fulfilling as being on Bill Maher or Jon Stewart's shows. I am sure that there is going to be quite a lot to talk about soon, as I am having to make a considerable adjustment with my business and personal chops for this new record and this next tour; basically starting over. I have been going over every stitch of my stuff and preparing for a much leaner tour and a much more efficient approach to Megadeth, and my life in general. It has been really interesting going over all of the stuff in the studio for the last year, as well as my personal stuff. There are years worth of memories, as well as tours and tours worth of stuff out in the warehouse. Willie Gee (yes, the world famous Willie Gee - he is not my tech, I actually play guitar for him) has been here for a few days, and has been going over everything with a fine tooth comb. He has found tons of stuff that we have troubleshot and fixed and we are almost done with all of the gear in the entire place - studio included. I am going to have him go over his dreads with the fine tooth comb next! I am also very excited about the Pacific Rim tour. There will be terrific shows in Oz and NZ with us and Slayer, which is a great concert for our friends down under (Slayer are definitely amazing to watch), and there will also be some shows that we are both doing separately; like the Loud Park Day, we are on different days, and there are some other shows in the Pac Rim that we added in Japan, and I was just thinking about how excited I am about the new band, the response to the new record, and the fact that we are playing really well. I had a meeting with Chris and James yesterday and I talked with Shawn on the phone today about us changing our approach to our stage, and our performances. We decided that there were many more songs that we all would like to take a stab at. So we went over all of the back catalogue, and we decided, beside the 12 that makes up the co-headlining set with our friends in Slayer, there were 30 extra songs we wanted to try to play over our next world tour; including the new ones from Endgame. I shall be making several announcements next week, mostly good, and I look forward to talking with you later. MSGD!
  18. Meni bi bilo dovoljno da budu Metallica, Megadeth i Slayer. Jos kad bi svirali tim redosledom...
  19. 'ajde, bas cu da preslusam ceo album opet, da vidim da li ce se nesto promeniti
  20. Ja sam trazio 320 verziju ali je nema nigde...
  21. Ja ne mogu da smislim So Far, So Good...So What!, ma kol'ko ga preslusavao. Sa njega jedino slusam In My Darkest Hour i Anarchy. Dave zvuci vrlo lose i bubnjevi su sranje. Jedino mi je Risk gori od njega... Endgame mi je za sada odlican, ali cu konacan sud dati kad ga jos koji put preslusam...
  22. Evo ga i link za download Tale Untold: http://ifolder.ru/13555118
  23. ENDGAME!!!!! http://torrents.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2162815 Ko nije registrovan, neka saceka da ja skinem pa uploadujem na rapid ili dok se ne pojavi na nekom blogu.
  24. Schmier je rekao da je za to vreme vodio restoran, a to za pornice je rekao da je izmisljotina.
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