Malo sam listao Kisketov forum, pa cu izdvojiti neke zanimljive delove:
Joining in Iron Maiden
My voice could fit but my conscious would not. The boys only wanted a band with English members. A German kid will be unacceptable for British fans. Strange nationalist sometimes. They got back Bruce Dickinson and he is the best for Iron Maiden.
Helloween Reunion
Voice in good shape
No alcohol, no cigarettes and no touring for about 13 years I guess. I don't do much to keep in shape. My voice got a lot stronger. Especially in the last ten years, my voice has changed a lot. It's just natural when you get over thirty. When I'm singing these days, much louder, like a B (SI) or something, it has much more feeling and power.
I bolje sto ne planira da se vrati u Helloween, jer bi onda Deris morao da ode, sto nikako ne zelim. Ipak je Kiske snimio 4 albuma i proveo 7 godina sa bendom, a Deris 8 albuma i 15 godina. Ako ikada bude bilo nekog reuniona nadam se da ce to biti pod drugim imenom (kao Black Sabbath-Heaven & Hell) i da Weikath nece ucestvovati