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Everything posted by Night Prowler
Setlista sa koncerta povodom desetogodisnjice osnivanja benda (inace, koncert je odrzan u gradu Falunu u Svedskoj, rodnom gradu clanova benda): 01_Sun Tzu Says 02_Ghost Division 03_The Art Of War 04_Hail To The King 05_Rise Of Evil 06_Union (Slopes Of St. Benedict) 07_The Hammer Has Fallen 08_40_1 09_Cliffs Of Gallipoli 10_Attero Dominatus 11_The Price Of A Mile 12_Panzer Battalion 13_Shadows 14_A Light In The Black 15_Långa Bollar På Bengt 16_Primo Victoria 17_Metal Machine_Metal Crüe
Ja cu da ga skinem al' necu da ga preslusam... Sta ima veze, ionako ce sledece godine novi :)
Promenio sam misljenje o albumu... Dobar je, ali je prvi svakako bolji...
Meni nije. Stvar ukusa.
Sta fali Droveru? Mene bi najvise odusevilo kad bi se vratili Friedman i Menza a za basistu uzeli onog MacDonough-a sto je svirao u bendu pre nekoliko godina... Oduvek sam mrzeo Ellefsona, a i ovaj lik je odlican back-vokal...
2009.07.09-12. *Novi Sad* Exit Festival
Night Prowler replied to crusader84's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Je l' ovo znaci da Sabaton svira sat i po vremena, ili sat vremena pa pola sata pauze do ovih sledecih? -
E sad vec preterujes, nije toliko lose
Kako je jako Isprva sam vristao od smeha, al' mi se posle svidelo Svaka cast Manowaru!
Pesma sa poslednjeg albuma Tankarda, When Daddy Comes To Play je o njemu
Nadam se da ce Kaka da istrune na klupi Reala.
Friday May 15 2009 Chuck's Family Announces Fan Contest Let me introduce myself, I am Beth Schuldiner, sister to Chuck Schuldiner. In keeping with Chuck’s planned promotion for his latest album at the time, Father of Rock Corporation will be announcing the fan contest that Chuck had been putting together prior to his illness and tragic death, via international press releases, beginning May 25, 2009. The top, 1st Place Prize will be Chuck Schuldiner’s personal guitar, a BC Rich custom handmade Mockingbird. The 2nd Place Prize will be the Death stage backdrop used by Chuck/Death while touring internationally, including concerts in the great country of Mexico. The 3rd Place Prize will be a replica of his Stealth guitar, made by BC Rich/Hanser music group, an exact replica of the same guitar Chuck played on stage. The 4th Place Prize, but certainly not least, will be a set of guitar pick-ups by Dimarzio Pick-Ups/USA, the pick-ups exclusively used by Chuck while both touring and in the recording studio. From May 25th on contestants will be able to enter on-line at the website chuck-schuldiner.webs.com, web design by Fernando Medina of Gudtalajra, Mexico. The entry fee is $25.00 USD. The contestants must also submit an essay entitled “What Chuck’s Music Meant to Me” along with the fee, at the time of entry. The contestant will beissued a number. The winning numbers will be drawn and the winning contestants will be announced on August 20, 2009 on EmptyWords.org, the only official Chuck Schuldiner/Death website, created and operated by Kees & Yvonne, both of whom are considered to be members of the Schuldiner family. The family requests that winners submit photos of themselves with their respective prizes for posting on EmptyWords.org. All prizes will be sent to the winners within 14 days of the drawing via insured and registered FedEx. All winners will be issued a certificate of authenticity by the estate of Charles (“Chuck”) M. Schuldiner and a photo of Chuck with the winning guitars along with a photo of Chuck in front of the winning stage back drop. Essay entries will be published in a book dedicated to all the fans who meant so much to Chuck, soon to be available on the internet, which will also contain a selection of the letters of support and inspiration which fans sent to Chuck during his illness. Chuck was always about the fans and had no stomach for the commercialization of his music, instead always keeping true to his vision. He was known for battling record labels and the like throughout his entire career. One of his favorite sayings, ‘Support music, not rumors’, comes to mind. The proceeds, in part, will be used to finally produce the never before released last music Chuck was able to record in the studio. This is an important project not only to the fans who have been waiting years, for all of the “red tape” to disintegrate, but for Chuck’s long time close friend & drummer, Richard Christy and other band members, Chuck’s family and the entire international metal music community. Thank you for your support of this important announcement, Sincerely, Beth Schuldiner
Friday May 15 2009 Chuck's Family Announces Fan Contest Let me introduce myself, I am Beth Schuldiner, sister to Chuck Schuldiner. In keeping with Chuck’s planned promotion for his latest album at the time, Father of Rock Corporation will be announcing the fan contest that Chuck had been putting together prior to his illness and tragic death, via international press releases, beginning May 25, 2009. The top, 1st Place Prize will be Chuck Schuldiner’s personal guitar, a BC Rich custom handmade Mockingbird. The 2nd Place Prize will be the Death stage backdrop used by Chuck/Death while touring internationally, including concerts in the great country of Mexico. The 3rd Place Prize will be a replica of his Stealth guitar, made by BC Rich/Hanser music group, an exact replica of the same guitar Chuck played on stage. The 4th Place Prize, but certainly not least, will be a set of guitar pick-ups by Dimarzio Pick-Ups/USA, the pick-ups exclusively used by Chuck while both touring and in the recording studio. From May 25th on contestants will be able to enter on-line at the website chuck-schuldiner.webs.com, web design by Fernando Medina of Gudtalajra, Mexico. The entry fee is $25.00 USD. The contestants must also submit an essay entitled “What Chuck’s Music Meant to Me” along with the fee, at the time of entry. The contestant will beissued a number. The winning numbers will be drawn and the winning contestants will be announced on August 20, 2009 on EmptyWords.org, the only official Chuck Schuldiner/Death website, created and operated by Kees & Yvonne, both of whom are considered to be members of the Schuldiner family. The family requests that winners submit photos of themselves with their respective prizes for posting on EmptyWords.org. All prizes will be sent to the winners within 14 days of the drawing via insured and registered FedEx. All winners will be issued a certificate of authenticity by the estate of Charles (“Chuck”) M. Schuldiner and a photo of Chuck with the winning guitars along with a photo of Chuck in front of the winning stage back drop. Essay entries will be published in a book dedicated to all the fans who meant so much to Chuck, soon to be available on the internet, which will also contain a selection of the letters of support and inspiration which fans sent to Chuck during his illness. Chuck was always about the fans and had no stomach for the commercialization of his music, instead always keeping true to his vision. He was known for battling record labels and the like throughout his entire career. One of his favorite sayings, ‘Support music, not rumors’, comes to mind. The proceeds, in part, will be used to finally produce the never before released last music Chuck was able to record in the studio. This is an important project not only to the fans who have been waiting years, for all of the “red tape” to disintegrate, but for Chuck’s long time close friend & drummer, Richard Christy and other band members, Chuck’s family and the entire international metal music community. Thank you for your support of this important announcement, Sincerely, Beth Schuldiner
Prekjuce sam skinuo Time Does Not Heal... Odlican je album... Favoriti: naslovna, Pain's Invention, Madness, An Ancient Inherited Shame, Psychosexuality i A Subtle Induction Uskoro cu da nabavim i ostale
Vrućina, 'ladnoća i ostale vremenske (ne)prilike
Night Prowler replied to Dead Man Walking's topic in Sve & Svašta
Kakva je oluja krenula sada... Zacrnelo se nebo. -
Nemojte sad da se svadjate, niko nije mislio nesto lose...
Ne verujem da bi se neko sa ovakvim stvarima zajebavao. R.I.P.
Ja bih voleo da osvoji neko slabije plasiran, osim Djokovica prosle godine na Australian Openu, godinama samo Nadal i Pederer uzimaju gren slemove.
Do jaja! Valjda ce i novi Megadeth do tada
Meni je bas dosadan ovaj novi album, od pesama izdvajam Leviathan, That Famous Ol' Spiced, Keelhauled, Wolves Of The Sea i naslovnu. Od ovih navedenih, prve cetiri sam znao jos pre mesec i po dana... Ocenu cu dati tek kad ga jos koji put preslusam...
Meni su prva cetiri albuma najbolja, redosledom kojim su izdati.
Ozzy je jedna velika kretencina. Dobar je on muzicar i sve to, ali je postao tezak papucar, ova Sharon mu sve govori sta da radi, a on je slusa k'o malo dete. Kreten. Iommi treba da drzi 150% posto prava na bend...