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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Je l' izaslo bez voiceovera?
  2. Pustio sam prvu pesmu sa tog jedinog albuma Swashbucklea i odma' izbrisao...
  3. Ja na srecu jos nisam doziveo da sam kupio kartu a da se koncert otkazao. Castle Fest, Judase i Slayer prosle godine bih ionako propustio zbog letovanja, na KISS sam hteo da idem, al' su otkazali pre nego sto sam kupio kartu. Od Lordija sam odustao pre otkazivanja, na Evergrey nisam ni planirao da idem, kao ni na ovo. Ne secam se sta je jos otkazano...
  4. I Ozzy je sto puta isao u penziju
  5. Prvi i drugi odlicni, treceg sam gledao al' se nicega ne secam.
  6. Nisam bas shvatio najbolje onaj tekst: ko ce prvi da svira, Slayer ili Megadeth?
  7. Izaslo je vec.
  8. Ili Judase? I jedni i drugi vec 40 godina.
  9. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseact...logID=485743373 Eh, kad bi ovo doslo kod nas... Pogibija!
  10. Ja necu moci da dodjem, moram da idem u selo.
  11. Evo postave za turneju: Tim "Ripper" Owens - Vocals Chris Caffery - Guitar John Comprix - Guitar David Ellefson - Bass Simon Wright - Drums
  12. One Month Later Droogies! It has been one month since I got home from the Priest Feast! And in that time, we have unpacked, repacked for Germany, unpacked, repacked for Anaheim, unpacked, went into the studio and started writing and recording guitar and vocals. I have sang and played guitar, we have edited several songs from the block of music each song initially was, into new and individual arrangements on each song. I have played electric, and did rhythm only so far. Chris has played almost everyday, for all day once I grow tired, and he has played electric and acoustic. I went into the room that he was isolated in and he had his special little foot stand for his acoustic in the room and I said, "Wassup Estoban!" (or whatever that dudes name is). I have sang seven songs and with the instrumental track equally eight, there is only three more songs to sing and the vocals are done for the Domestic release. I will need to add one more song for the Japanese release. I also need to have a B-song, and I am trying to salvage a song that we opted against for this record. This was song that Shawn wrote and I just didn't like it. I opted to not do it; and then I started to get another idea, like I told them, and to let me see what i come up with. Well, Andy and I have come up with something that I think is better, and I will just have to wait and see. I have to get going to get to the studio on time, and its also getting close to the time that we are going to officially announce the tour dates coming up next. Stay tuned for more, and check out my number for TheLIVELine.com MSGD!
  13. Imaju titlovi na engleskom.
  14. Zaboravih I nju Mada, ako se neko seca kad su prikazali sve tri Harrisove cerke, ona plavusa sto je bila levo mi je bolja od Lauren Ona u sredini je malo debela.
  15. Ma ne znam ja kako se to radi. Poslao sam Trooperu, on ce da stavi link. Veceras cu konacno da odgledam film
  16. Bas se dosta poznatih muzicara pojavilo u filmu: Dio, Vinny Appice, Kerry King, Scott Ian, Kisser i camuga iz Sepulture i naravno:
  17. Night Prowler

    Formula 1

    Nije bas da je propao, al' meni bez njega nikad nece biti isto... Najjace su mi bile sezone kad je Sumaher osvajao titule dok je Hakinen i dalje vozio... Uh, kako sam mrzeo tog lika.
  18. Poslao sam ti Ne mogu sa dial-up-om da se bakcem sa uploadom, okaci na rapidshare, pa ostavi link
  19. Konacno sam dobio srpske titlove za Chemical Wedding! Ko hoce da mu posaljem, nek mi ostavi mail na PM.
  20. Mislim da sam vec negde napisao da im je odlicna bila ideja da pocnu S&M sa njom...I onda odma' Master Of Puppets
  21. Ma znam, al' jbg, nadao sam se makar 3-4 pesme na engleskom da ce biti... Ovako ne mogu ni jedan tekst da upamtim.
  22. The Call Of Ktulu je Metallicin najbolji instrumental, i meni u Top 5 omiljenih instrumentala uopste.
  23. 1. Vodka 2. Erämaan Ärjyt 3. Isku Pitkästä Ilosta 4. Mettänpeiton Valtiaalle 5. Juodaan Viinaa 6. Uniaika 7. Kultanainen 8. Bring Us Pints Of Beer 9. Huppiaan Aarre 10. Vesaisen Sota 11. Sulasilmä 12. Kohmelo 13. Könnin Kuokkamies (Bonus track) A jbt, previse pesama na finskom... Samo ova 8. i mozda 1 na engleskom...
  24. Najjaci je kraj Mystery Trip, kad prodje ona tisina "You drunken pig!"
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