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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Hi folks! We are sorry that we haven't updated our news in long time but we have been working with the new material 24/7. As you might know Ensiferum started recording fourth album 13.4. Album is recorded/produced by Tero Kinnunen (Nightwish, Amorphis etc.) and Janne Joutsenniemi ("Victory songs"-producer). Album will be mixed by Hiili Hiilesmaa (HIM, Sentenced, Amorphis...). As usual there will be lot of session folk musicians but there will also be some surprises. We will update track list later but we can reveal that there will be 7 songs plus intro and cover song featuring very special guest. Album will be released 9.9.09 and after that band will start tour which will reach lands near, far and beyond. ENSIFERUM
  2. E gotovo sad, ja otisao u Portugal Nema veze, imam jos jednu kartu za selidbu
  3. Mene cak i od ovih "rumoured" bandova, zanimaju samo Manicsi
  4. Odlicno ako su ubrzali, jedva cekam da izadje na net bez voiceovera...
  5. Fantastican film. Moram kako god znam i umem da vidim Maidene opet.
  6. Sutra cu da se selim, ne mogu da gledam vise Hrvatsku zastavu u profilu. Ima neko neki predlog kuda da idem?
  7. Bonus pesme sa zadnjeg albuma: Slania (Folk Medley) i Omnos (Metal Version) http://www.4shared.com/file/100003691/7363ecd0/ebm.html 4shared password: www.musicsharing4all.blogspot.com
  8. Od svih do sada objavljenih bendova, gledao bih samo Manic Street Preachers i eventualno Prodigy...
  9. Ne smem ni ja... Ova nova pesma Stratovariusa mi bas cudno zvuci, videcemo kakav je ceo album.
  10. Novi album je fantastican, sije Book Of The Dead uzduz i popreko, da li je bolji od Nosferatu-a videcu kada jos nekoliko puta preslusam...
  11. Thursday, April 16, 2009 Close to a title . . . start keeping track of the titles Droogies! This week has been fantastic! Andy Sneap is back at the helm in Vic’s Garage and it is such a natural thing to see Andy here with me, that I am thinking of trying to find him an American super-model that will marry him and spend the rest of their lives in San Diego make records for me and making whoppee for Android! Seriously though, I love working with Andy. I have had some greats over the years, and Andy is one of them. We have been making some serious soulful and aggressive vocal performances. Now, Let me tell you about Chris Broderick’s soloing! This guy is like Tony Montana. I have never ever heard a guitar player this good. Sorry Marty, I try to keep you in the fans memory, but they are going to have a hard time once they hear Chris. I mean we all worked hard to get Chris to where he is right now, but nothing that I could have done, and I mean very little, if not zero was contributed by me. Chris is a genius, a virtuoso, a master, and I am the proudest I have ever been in my musical life right now. Even Justis said, “He stomps Marty Friedman dad.” What a blessing to have such a cool son!!! I have to get going, I have a crazy day today again. I need to finish the song I was singing yesterday called, “This Day We Fight.” This was influenced by the Lord of the Rings. I am also in the middle of finishing up a lyric this morning called tentatively, “How the movie ends.” We’ll see if the title sticks by the time the disc is finished. Have a great day, I hope you have had a terrific Easter break so far, and I really want to thank everyone here that calls me over at TheLIVEline.com. I feel so close to you hearing your messages, and don’t be shy, it’s free, so you can call me as much as you want. Well, I have to go wash the metal shavings out of my hair from Chris’ shredding it up last night. Mustaine sez, Goodbye Droogies! __________________ If you really want to "hear" from me, be sure to call me on TheLiveLine at (866) 597-6342 and for our international Droogies click here. Leave me a message and I might get back to you...
  12. Vala bas. S&M bi jos i valjao sa boljim izborom pesama. Da su izbacili Fuel, Until It Sleeps, Sad But True i Battery a stavili The Unforgiven, The Unforgiven II, Fade To Black i Welcome Home (Sanitarium) bio bi mnogo bolji jer se ove ove iznad nabrojane bas ne slazu sa orkestrom...
  13. Toni-Marie Iommi i Tony Iommi Lauren Harris ima konkurenciju
  14. Malo da skrenem sa teme, mislim da bi bio red da Metallica konacno izda pravi live album... Onaj S&M da ne racunamo...
  15. Dobra su oba albuma... Za one koji nisu primetili, na pesmi sa drugog albuma - Praying Is Nothing, gostuje Jonne iz Korpiklaanija. Sa drugog albuma mi se najvise svidja Calling Out, sa prvog Gathering The Clans.
  16. 1. Metallica 2. Death Magnetic 3. Ride The Lightning 4. Kill 'Em All 5. ...And Justice For All 6. Master Of Puppets ... Reload Load ∞ St. Anger Izmedju prvih 6 sa lista je jako mala razlika, stalno mi se menja lista... Ovi ostali ce mi verovatno uvek ostati u ovakvom redosledu.
  17. Bilo je to odavno...
  18. St. Anger moze biti bolji od Death Magnetica samo u paralelnom univerzumu. Na novom albumu ima odlicnih solaza, nisu bas sve pamtljive, ali ih makar ima, za razliku od Shit Angera. Lars nikada i nije bio neki bubnjar, ali na novom albumu makar svira bubnjeve a ne kante i serpe.
  19. Gde su nestale domace stranke?
  20. Nazalost, nece moci Slayer, tad su u USA na turneji
  21. Black Album je izmislio pojam muzike za St. Anger... Kakvo bre deljenje mesta...
  22. Onaj kome se vise svidja St. Anger od Master Of Puppetsa treba odma' da ide da se ubije. Jbt.
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