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Night Prowler

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  1. Snimljeni su skoro svi bubnjevi za novi album. Basista napisao na oficijalnom forumu.
  2. Flight 666 Blu-ray, 2-DVD set and live double soundtrack album Published: April 14, 2009 "IRON MAIDEN: FLIGHT 666" Available Monday 25th May on EMI Records (Tuesday June 9th in Canada) and June 9th in the USA via Universal Music Enterprises on Blu-ray, 2-DVD Set and Live Double Soundtrack Album Can you handle 45 days on the road on the most adventurous rock tour ever? On Tuesday, April 21, 2009 the award winning Film FLIGHT 666 will be screened in over 450 special digital movie theatres in 42 Countries! Advance reviews and phenomenal media and fan reaction from private screenings of the first ever full length feature film from Brit award winners IRON MAIDEN have prompted EMI Records (Ume USA) to rush release the film and soundtrack for home-viewing enjoyment. FLIGHT 666 will be released on extended Blu-ray and DVD formats, alongside a double-CD soundtrack album and limited edition double-vinyl picture disc which will be available Monday 25th May on EMI Records, and Tuesday 9th June on EMI Records Canada and UMe in the USA. Filmed digitally in Hi Def to provide pristine picture quality, FLIGHT 666 was directed by Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen with the award-winning Banger Productions team ('Metal; A Headbanger's Story' and 'Global Metal') who take you right inside the Maiden family with almost total access to the band, something which Maiden have never allowed before. The stunning 5.1 soundtrack was specially mixed by Maiden producer Kevin Shirley to complement the picture quality as an ultimate attack on your senses. 'Flight 666' documents the first leg of Maiden's legendary SOMEWHERE BACK IN TIME WORLD TOUR which took them 50,000 miles round the planet playing 23 concerts on five continents in just 45 days. One of the stars of the movie is the band's customised Boeing 757, Ed Force One, which carried the band, all their crew and 12 tons of stage equipment and was piloted by Maiden vocalist Bruce Dickinson, a fully qualified and active Airline Captain with Astraeus Airlines. Taking you on a visual global tour from Mumbai to Sydney, Tokyo to L.A., Mexico City to Costa Rica, Bogota to Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires and Santiago to New York and Toronto and places in-between, you travel with the band and crew on the plane, to and from shows, in the bar and during leisure time, while experiencing the exhaustion and fan pandemonium that comes with such as mission. FLIGHT 666 (named after the official airways flight call) reveals how the idea for this unique tour actually came about and how complex planning turned it into a reality. The documentary also contains some of the most spectacular live footage yet seen of the band, filmed in all of those locations and beyond. If you have ever wanted to see the inside story of a truly unique and worldwide tour, taking you to places you never imagined, Maiden fan or not, this is your opportunity. As a very special bonus for the fans, Maiden have included a second disc of the entire set from the 2008 segment of this tour with the DVD (and as a long-play Blu-ray). Sixteen songs from sixteen different cities in eleven countries around the world, for the first time ever encompassing such varied places and cultures in one concert. (See full track listing below). In addition to a standard double DVD, EMI will release a special souvenir Limited Edition Deluxe DVD with 30 page booklet. The soundtrack audio version of the live show will be available on two CDs, as a limited edition vinyl set with two picture discs, and a digital download especially for those fans who do not have DVD access or just want to enjoy the show as a great live album. All are lavishly packaged as an ultimate memento of a tour to remember! To recognize the global phenomenon of Maiden, the Blu-ray/DVD are also subtitled in Hindi, Japanese, Dutch, German, Spanish, Brazilian, French, Italian, Portuguese and Swedish Comments band manager Rod Smallwood; "It's been a mammoth undertaking. From the first twinkle in Bruce's eye it's taken about three years to put band, crew and equipment in a giant flying 'splitter bus', to go through all the long and tiresome prep and safety regulations and planning, to the actual filming and of the tour itself, through to post production and right up to putting together all these items in the very best quality possible for our fans." "It's great that with MAIDEN DAY on Tuesday April 21, we can give our fans the opportunity of seeing this digitally on big screen in Hi Def with the full-on 5.1 sound experience with other fans around them. It was also very rewarding that it has won the prestigious SXSW Film Festival Award for Best Music Documentary." The 'Somewhere Back in Time Tour' reached almost 2 million fans in 39 countries and, if there is one thing l know from managing Maiden all these years, it's that our fans are not happy to wait too long, so we are delighted that EMI (Ume USA) are rush-releasing the DVD. This closes the chapter on an absolutely brilliant experience delving into the past for the band, myself and my team, the crew and hopefully all of you fans out there. After the summer and some deserved time off, we will concentrate on the 'new' with the band starting to put together material for a brand new studio album due sometime later in 2010. And, of course, after that we will look forward to seeing all our fans again!!" The film FLIGHT 666 is being released in the following manner: Long-play Blu-ray with FLIGHT 666: THE FILM and FLIGHT 666: The Concert (215 minutes)* Double DVD Disc One: FLIGHT 666 : THE FILM (112 minutes) Disc Two: FLIGHT 666 : The Concert (104 minutes)* Plus Limited Edition Deluxe Double DVD of the above with special packaging and 30 page booklet FLIGHT 666: The Original Soundtrack album - Double CD* FLIGHT 666: The Original Soundtrack album - Limited Edition Double Vinyl Picture Disc FULL TRACK LISTING for the bonus *concert footage on DVD and Blu-ray, plus the double Live Soundtrack CD (CD 1) ACES HIGH Bandra Kurla Complex/Mumbai, India February 1, 2008 2 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT Rod Laver Arena/Melbourne, Australia February 7, 2008 REVELATIONS Acer Arena/Sydney, Australia February 9, 2008 THE TROOPER Makuhari Messe/Tokyo, Japan February 16, 2008 WASTED YEARS Arena Monterrey/Monterrey, Mexico February 22, 2008 THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST The Forum/Los Angeles, USA February 19, 2008 CAN I PLAY WITH MADNESS Foro Sol/Mexico City, Mexico February 24, 2008 RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER Izod Center/New Jersey, USA March 14, 2008 (CD 2) POWERSLAVE Saprissa Stadium/San Jose, Costa Rica February 26, 2008 HEAVEN CAN WAIT Palmeiras Stadium/Sao Paulo, Brazil March 2, 2008 RUN TO THE HILLS Simon Bolivar Park/Bogota, Colombia February 28, 2008 FEAR OF THE DARK Ferrocarril Oeste Stadium/Buenos Aires, Argentina March 7, 2008 IRON MAIDEN Pista Atletica/Santiago, Chile March 9, 2008 MOONCHILD Coliseo de Puerto Rico/San Juan, Puerto Rico March 12, 2008 THE CLAIRVOYANT Pedreira Paulo Leminski/Curitiba, Brazil March 4, 2008 HALLOWED BE THY NAME Air Canada Centre/Toronto, Canada March 16, 2008
  3. Opet idemo u krug. Novi pevac je pevac benda u kome je bio gitarista Wintersun-a.
  4. Ne. CD 1 Metalizer-a je ponovo snimljen Fist For Fight sa nekim novim pesmama. CD 2 je Fist For Fight. Ja sve to zajedno zovem Metalizer.
  5. Pa ni Metalizer nije imao sve pesme o ratovima-kurac-palac
  6. Sabaton trenutno radi na 2 albuma. Prvi o poljskim pilotima koji su ucestvovali u bici za Britaniju, a drugi je nesto nevezano za bitke i sl. Prvi jos nema ime, a drugi ce se zvati Ceasefire. Ovo sam procitao sa njihovog foruma.
  7. Kad ce se znati predgrupe?
  8. Ovo se zove setlista Steta sto tada nisam bio Hm, da, onda smo mi koji ne volimo novi album svi nenormalni?
  9. Ja ne znam kako ide ni Threshold ni Natural High... Ne znam koja je od te dve bila, ostale sam sve prepoznao.
  10. Do jaja Jos samo da krenu sa nekom dobrom predgrupom
  11. Ja sam se samo pozdravio sa svima i onda otisao da zauzmem mesto pre nego sto pocnu da pustaju unutra
  12. Ja bih pre isao u Barselonu na tvom mestu, jer film mozes da gledas i na kompu
  13. Sabaton bend veceri Bloodbound odlican, pevac rastura, steta sto su tako kratko svirali HammerFall me je iskreno (nemojte sada da me napadnete) smorio... Setlista je takvo nezapamceno sranje da ne mogu da verujem sta su mislili kad su je sklapali. Jebala ih da ih jebe jebena Hearts On Fire i jeb'o ih novi album. Jesu dobro svirali, nije bilo gresaka, ali mi prokleta setlista upropastila dozivljaj stvarno... Setliste Bloodbounda i Sabatona totalno iste k'o u Mariboru, a HammerFalla se bas i ne secam, mislim da su u odnosu na Maribor samo zamenili The Way Of The Warrior sa Keep The Flame Burning. I za kraj, hocemo Sabaton solo koncert, doci ce isto ljudi k'o i nocas 100% EDIT: Zaboravih da pomenem da sam nasao bas dobro mesto na stepenicama kod stuba blizu bine pa sam sve video k'o na tacni...
  14. Ja mislim da je Slayer... Do jaja, jos samo da ova turenja dodje kod nas...
  15. Da jbt, jos bolji ti je primer Geoff Tate koji je potpuno propao sa glasom a nema ni 50 jos...
  16. Ipak cu preskociti ovo jer mi se ne isplati da za jedan bend koji hocu da cujem platim 2000 dinara i jos da sviraju samo 25-30 minuta...
  17. Meni je Megadeth ispred Metallice, ali volim i jedan i drugi bend.
  18. Znaci Columbus opet pauzira...
  19. Prognoziram da ce kroz koju godinu Sabaton vec moci da kao hedlajner dodje kod nas tako da me to koliko-toliko tesi...
  20. Sacekacu bez voiceovera, ionako necu stici da ga preslusam jos nekoliko dana...
  21. Pa nije osnivac benda svakako, bend je osnovan 1984. a Tolkki je dosao 1985. Ja racunam od nastanka benda.
  22. Ma jebes Tolkkija. On i nije originalni clan benda. Picketina je poizbacivao sve originalne clanove benda a posle hoce opet da svira sa njima. Svaka cast Kotipeltu i Michaelu sto su se vratili u bend posle svega...
  23. Koji shit. Bloodbound ne svira Behind The Moon a Sabaton Panzer Battalion. Shit, shit, shit, shit
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