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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Trebaju mi linkovi za sledece stvari: Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office 2007 i konverter iz jednog u drugi Office. Hvala unapred
  2. Pogledajte proslogodisnji lineup za Evropu: Ensiferum Korpiklaani Moonsorrow Týr Eluveitie
  3. Ne verujem da ne sviraju As Torches Rise. Bez nje nije to to.
  4. Napravio sam last.fm stranu za Sinod: http://www.last.fm/music/SINOD
  5. Kad sam prvi put pustio Tizer, Tesa je pokrenuo smak sveta. TO JE ZNAK!
  6. Predlazem da ovu Tesinu sliku svi stave na avatar, kao secanje na dan "when the earth stood still". Ako prezivimo.
  7. Saljem Guardianu PM da gasi forum, gotovo je. Kraj je dosao. Idem da se ubijem.
  8. Procitao sam na Urban Breed forumu da ce ove pesme uvezbati, ali da ne znaju koje ce ostaviti za turneju sa HammerFallom i Sabatonom posto sviraju samo 30 minuta: Sweet Dreams Of Madness (sa novog albuma) Take One (sa novog albuma) Metal Monster Nosferatu Desdemonamelia Behind The Moon Black Heart Book Of The Dead The Tempter Bless The Unholy
  9. Evo jos nekih informacija sa Avantasia foruma o novom albumu: - The album will be "The Scarecrow - Part II". There will be no "Metal Opera - Part III". - Half of the album was recorded in 2007, while recording The Scarecrow. Bass is fully recorded, as well as some drums and guitar parts. Vocal parts are still to do. - The line-up is the same as the previous album (Tobi, Sascha, Eric Singer and all the guests), but there will be more guests. I'm not sure, but I have heard that one of them will be Hansi Kursch from Blind Guardian. - As rdyfrde said, there will be a real orchestra and the production will be great as always. - The song "Promised Land" was originally made for this album, but someone thought that was great and so they released it before. - Many of you may know that Tobi said that the first Avantasia tour is also the last and they will never play live again, but this is not true. Tobi changed his mind and they WILL play a new tour! He said it in many interviews and also here in my country while touring with Edguy. The crowd was asking for a couple of Avantasia songs with Andre Matos and Tobi said "No, I'm sorry, you have to wait a couple of years for this, when we will be back here with Avantasia.". + Andre Matos ce takodje pevati na novom albumu. Za ovo boldovano sam ostao bez teksta. Ocekujem album bolji od prethodnog.
  10. Sabaton: 01_Ghost Division 02_40:1 03_Panzer Battalion 04_Cliffs Of Gallipoli 05_Attero Dominatus 06_The Price Of A Mile 07_Primo Victoria 08_Metal Machine/Metal Crüe HammerFall: 01_Punish & Enslave 02_Crimson Thunder 03_Legion 04_Blood Bound 05_Renegade 06_Hallowed Be My Name 07_The Abyss 08_Last Man Standing 09_Heading The Call 10_Glory To The Brave 11_Something For The Ages 12_Any Means Necessary 13_Natural High 14_The Way Of The Warrior 15_Between Two Worlds 16_Riders Of The Storm - 17_Trailblazers 18_Let The Hammer Fall - 19_Hearts On Fire
  11. Verovatno dolazim. Prosli put je bilo kul... I prebacite ovo u deo gde su koncerti, ovde niko nece videti.
  12. Ghost Of Fallen Grace - Jos jedna pesma sa Age Of Aquarius.
  13. Provalite ovog bolesnika: http://www.last.fm/user/Kikoin/ A commenti su najjaci: May this is the Guantanamo radio station? ili There is this band called Metallica, I think you would really like them. :) :)
  14. Dobar album, ali nije ni najbolji od Megadetha, kamoli u celom thrashu...
  15. Nije tacno, The Dragon Lies Bleeding jeste uvrstena u taj live album: http://www.metal-archives.com/release.php?id=31652
  16. Je l' to pro-shot, da ga ne vadim za dzaba? EDIT: Ja mislio da je u pitanju video
  17. Setlista Sabatona je odlicna, svaka pesma je odlicna Sad cekamo da se Bloodbound prikljuci, da vidimo njihovu setlistu
  18. Ja se nadam da ce biti kao TWNAH ili TSHF, UA je ipak slabiji od ta dva.
  19. Evo je moja idealna setlista: The Dragon Lies Bleeding The Metal Age HammerFall I Believe Child Of The Damned Steel Meets Steel Stone Cold Unchained Glory To The Brave
  20. I ja Mada, tu je Sabaton, oni sta god da sviraju bice super
  21. Je l' ima neko setlistu za Sabaton i Bloodbound? Btw. HammerFall setlista je SRANJE. Samo naslovna sa prvog albuma
  22. Nostradamus je klasa za Gods Of War. Jedino sto je bolje kod GOW-a je produkcija.
  23. Da je svaka pesma sa zadnjeg albuma kao Loki God Of Fire...
  24. Zna li se koliko ce koji bend da svira i kad pocinje koncert?
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