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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Night Prowler


    http://rapidshare.com/files/81393939/Wolf_-_2000_-_Wolf.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/174078936/Wolf...Black_Wings.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81410427/Wolf_...-_Evil_Star.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/81417944/Wolf_...Black_Flame.rar
  2. Sva tri albuma su mi odlicna, iako treci nisam odmah zgotivio, posto sam ocekivao nesto kao prva dva albuma...
  3. Malo da aktiviram temu... Evo, bas sada slusam A Tale That Wasn't Right, definitivno najbolja metal balada ikada
  4. 01_JUDAS PRIEST - Nostradamus 02_METALLICA - Death Magnetic 03_EMIR HOT - Sevdah Metal 04_GUNS 'N' ROSES - Chinese Democracy 05_ALESTORM - Captain Morgan's Revenge
  5. 01_JUDAS PRIEST - Nostradamus 02_METALLICA - Death Magnetic 03_EMIR HOT - Sevdah Metal 04_GUNS 'N' ROSES - Chinese Democracy 05_ALESTORM - Captain Morgan's Revenge
  6. Sise.
  7. Bezi bre, nisam ni bio na tom koncertu...
  8. Cekaj, Reinert je peder i ko jos?
  9. Ne. Mora i Jari negde tu da upadne... Dakle, bez Wintersuna nece da moze
  10. Ova lista je sranje, ima kol'ko hoces pevaca boljih od Planta (koga, iskreno, nimalo ne podnosim).
  11. Da, jos da naprave turneju Ensiferum, Wintersun i Norther pa da bude lom
  12. Tacnije Nancy the tavern wench
  13. Fight on, grab on Stormrider Stormrider
  14. Bice dobar album ako ubace malo vise pesama na engleskom...
  15. K'o sto neko rece gore, dve najbolje pesme su Stormrider i When The Night Falls + Burnt Offerings Od pesama sa Ripperom Ten Thousand Strong.
  16. Meni se svidjaju sve osim himne, al' nema sanse da se odlucim koja je najbolja...
  17. Iguman ide na Evroviziju! Oborice rekord po pitanju broja izvodjaca na bini! Nijedan! :) :)
  18. To the studio again On the 15th of February we will enter the studio to record our sixth album. The upcoming album Karkelo (it means something like having fun, or partying) will contain 14 songs... sorry, we cannot do any less The recordings will start in Hollola, Petrax studio, where Matson will do his drum work. After that we will switch to the Grooveland Recording Studio in Lahti, where the rest of the recordings will be made under the demanding eyes of the producer Aksu Hanttu. The cover art will be done by our friend Jan 'Örkki' Yrlund again. Karkelo is scheduled for release by Nuclear Blast in June 2009.
  19. Hahahaha, sad sam primetio da mi Iron zauzima 66,6 MB na hardu :) :)
  20. Meni je Tony Martin omiljeni pevac Black Sabbatha, ali vise volim albume sa Ozzy-em.
  21. Children of Bodom at Sheffield Arena, Sheffield, United Kingdom Setlist on December 12, 2008 Living Dead Beat In Your Face Blooddrunk Angels Don't Kill Silent Night, Bodom Night Hate Crew Deathroll Downfall
  22. DVD je do jaja
  23. U obradi da, ali ovi iznad govore uopsteno
  24. Ajde to, ali James od 1994. ima kratku kosu tako da...
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