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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Poredite babe i zabe. Dva totalno razlicita stila pevanja. Jbt.
  2. Je l' ima neko iskustva sa Radijus Vektor kablovskim internetom?
  3. http://www.new.facebook.com/apps/index.php?q=last.fm
  4. Sail On, gore-dole?
  5. i As Time Goes By, Rich & Famous, ovo-ono?
  6. Stvarno? Kada? Jedva cekam :rockdevil: :rockdevil: :) :)
  7. Brate, prepravi potpis, ne pise se HALLOWEED BY THE NAME vec HALLOWED BE THY NAME
  8. Kako da stavim last.fm aplikaciju na Facebook? EDIT: Provalio sam
  9. Ko je lik skroz levo, i lik desno od Gojka?
  10. Ma pojma nemam iskreno, lik koji ga je radio je postavio na net, ali su ga ubrzo uklonili sa svih sajtova. Kazu da je nedovrsena verzija.
  11. Ima li neki pro-shot video koncert gde je sviran ceo AMOL&D?
  12. E da, koliko ja znam, to nije konacna verzija omota...
  13. - Delic nove pesme Sons Of Winter & Stars!
  14. Slusao sam samo prvi album i odlican je. Nosferatu i Behind The Moon zakon
  15. Meni bilo kul, iako nikoga nisam poznavao do sada... Bilo nas je oko 20 i vise... I zna li neko koliki je bio racun na kraju?
  16. ALESTORM To Release Black Sails At Midnight In Spring 2009 Posted on Friday, December 19, 2008 at 13:42:26 EST Napalm Records has issued the following update on Scottish pirate metal act ALESTORM: "The Scottish buccaneers have not been idle the past few weeks. Besides an occasional raid and plunder, Alestorm entered the studio to work on new material. The hard work has paid off. Pirate Chris has already confirmed the delivery of hymns in the traditional Alestorm style: Sing-along refrains, keyboard melodies, heavy guitar riffs, and a full mug of rum! All of that and much more will be found on the upcoming album ?Black Sails At Midnight?, which will be unleashed upon corsairs and landlubbers in the spring of 2009. Hoist the sails and polish the grapnels." Earlier this month, the band issued the following: "Alright lads and lassies, The last gigs of 2008 are finally over. What a twunting year it's been! When we had our first ever full band rehearsal back in February, I doubt any of us would have imagined we'd get this far. But we're still alive in some shape or form, and ready to kick some more ass in the new year. It's gonna be ace. See you all on the road in 2009! Until then, here's a cheap and cheerful live *ahem* video of 'Wenches & Mead' we've put together. Enjoy..." Negde sam jos procitao da album izlazi u aprilu... Jedva cekam
  17. Ma, prvo da izdaju konacno novi album A do tada - OMOT NOVOG ALBUMA! Balavim...
  18. Ne pomerajte bagrenje Ne pomerajte bagrenje Ne pomerajte bagrenje Ne pomerajte bagrenje :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  19. Je l' ima neko engleski titl za Chemical Wedding, ako vec nema srpski?
  20. E bas super, verovatno cu ici na ceo EXIT ove godine...
  21. Beyond The Dark Sun je sranje. Salim se naravno Znaci, sve pesme su odlicne, osim Starchild, a vredi poslusati i demo Winter Madness, pogotovo zbog prvobitne verzije Death & The Healing.
  22. Hocu i ja Wizard's Crown i Run For The Night i Battalions Of Fear i Follow The Blind i The Martyr, al' jbg
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