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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Dobio sam juce Iron Maiden - Different World majicu, tako da i nju ubacujem na spisak
  2. Chuck Norris je oprao cetkicu za zube zubima
  3. Dosla je bosanska fudbalska reprezantacija u goste kod Albanije, da odigra jednu utakmicu. Sat vremena prije utakmice igrači Bosne i Hercegovine vele treneru Ćiri da ne žele igrati. Jedino Haso hoće. Na to Ćiro veli: - "Dobro, nema problema. Neka Haso odigra utakmicu sam, a mi ćemo otići u neki kafić i malo se zabaviti." I tako bilo. Otišli igrači i trener u neki kafić u Tiranu, jedino Haso ostao, da odigra utakmicu. Kada je bilo poluvreme, igrači gledaju na teletext: - "1:0 za Bosnu, gol od Hase u 8.minut." Igrači sasvim sretni nastave slaviti i opet uključe Teletext na kraju utakmice i ugledeaju: - "1:1, gol Skele u 90.minuti". Igrači sav razočarani odlete u Stadion, u svlačionicu i ugledaju Hasu kako leži na podu i plače. Upita ga Ćiro: - "Ćiro te tvoj pita, kako si sine, mogo primiti gol u zadnjoj minuti?" Na to će Haso sav rasplakan: - "Pa šta ja mogu, kad sam primio crveni karton već u 10.minuti?" :)
  4. Evo je konacna postava benda: Gus Monsanto - Vocals Timo Tolkki - Guitar Justin Biggs - Bass Mike Khalilov - Keyboards Bruno Agra - Drums REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE SIGNS A WORLDWIDE RECORD DEAL Revolution Renaissance, the new band of the Stratovarius mastermind Timo Tolkki has signed a Worldwide deal for one album with Scarlet Records. The last weeks have kept Tolkki and his band members busy putting finishing touches to the band's first real debut album entitled "AGE OF AQUARIUS". Recorded over 3 months in Finland, it is by far the darkest, heaviest and most symphonic album that Tolkki has ever been involved in. Finding a close connection with his new band members Gus Monsanto and Bruno Agra, the trio locked itself in a cabin in Finland for a month and composed 10 new songs. It is the first time during Tolkki's career that he shared the whole songwriting process with other band members. "I just felt this incredibly fresh vibe with these guys and the songs were just flowing. It was so natural process that it almost felt like the songs were already composed and we just let them be born. It was possible because in Gus and Bruno I finally have found the kindred spirits I have been looking for so long. The results were something that none of us were expecting and yet at the same time, we felt that this record is exactly the way it is supposed to be", comments Tolkki. The release date of "AGE OF AQUARIUS" is 25.3.2009 in South East Asia (JVC) and on 9.3.2009 in the rest of the world. The band also filmed a promotional video in Helsinki for the title track of the album. The tracklisting is: "The Age of Aquarius", "So She Wears Black", "Ixion's Wheel", "Kyrie Eleison", "Revolution Has Begun", "Sins of My Beloved", "Behind the Mask", "Ghost of Fallen Grace", "Children of the Future" and "The Heart of All". The tours are currently been booked to promote "AGE OF AQUARIUS" worldwide and are planned to start from South America in early April. Scarlet Records will also release Timo Tolkki's 3rd solo album, the ethereal classical Rock Opera Saana-Warrior of Light part 1 Worldwide on 23.1.2009. For more info visit www.scarletrecords.it and www.myspace.com/scarletrecords
  5. I ja se uclanio...
  6. Mene pevanje podseca na neke ptice, gitare na neke mutne klavijature, a bubnjevi ko lupanje prstima po stolu Mada riff na pocetku Rotacija Casnoga Krsta je mnogo zarazan
  7. 74/100, 500/1000
  8. Meni sa Lunarom: Your musical compatibility with Ninja-Viking is Very Low Music you have in common includes Iron Maiden, Death, Guns N' Roses, Metallica and DragonForce. Btw. moj last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/nightprowler666
  9. Hvala
  10. Moze li neko da mi okaci odvojeno na rapidshare ili gde vec, Rotaciju Casnoga Krsta i Bludnice Sestre... Ove druge dve imam
  11. Still Reigning najbolji DVD ikada Genijalno
  12. Battle Hymn i Dark Avenger Nego, ko je onaj kratkokosi gitarista na Blood In Brazil?
  13. Ja mogu bilo kada da ih slusam Sve pesme osim Starchild, ona mi se bas i ne svidja I onaj DVD je dobar, jedino sto je los zvuk na prve dve pesme
  14. Brate...to nije nov album...Zadnji album je Lost Highway...
  15. Chinese Democracy je po meni hard rock album godine
  16. Gledao sam ovo, dobro su ih izjebali Najjaci je Smith, koji se od pocetka do kraja pravi ozbiljan :)
  17. Jebes mi sve ako Bruce ima 7 oktava, 4 i ni ton vise Kol'ko ja znam, Kiske npr. ima 5...
  18. Ja jesam. Sanjao sam kako se borim u srednjevekovnoj bici i neko me probode kopljem
  19. Valjda PlayING With Fire, sa albuma Destiny.
  20. Deceiver, ne Deceiber
  21. Kad igra Partizan?
  22. Mislim da ona ide kao neki pred-intro... Tj. pre Churchilla...
  23. Mislim da bi Maideni trebali da budu predgrupa Igumanu
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