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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. :)
  2. Ja jesam Samo slane, slabo jedem slatke palacinke...
  3. Valjda GB?
  4. Pazi, meni se svidja Can I Play With Madness, samo jednostavno, pesma nije za live izvodjenje, Bruce je nije pevao kako treba ni '88-e, a kamoli 20 godina kasnije...
  5. I ja sam to bas pomislio Znaci, kad spojim ovogodisnju setlistu, pesme koje onaj hrvat tvrdi da ce svirati, i sopstvene potajne zelje, bilo bi mi savrseno nesto ovako: 01_Churchill's Speech 02_Aces High 03_2 Minutes To Midnight 04_Remember Tomorrow 05_The Trooper 06_Wasted Years 07_The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner 08_Powerslave 09_Flight Of Icarus 10_Heaven Can Wait 11_Phantom Of The Opera 12_Fear Of The Dark 13_Iron Maiden 14_Alexander The Great 15_The Clairvoyant 16_Hallowed Be Thy Name
  6. E da, jedino mi je Lost Love slaba, moglo je to mnogo bolje da ispadne...
  7. Heh, jeste... Moja greska
  8. Ako zivis pored strele, umreces od strele?
  9. Ja necu ovo moci da pokrenem jos jedno 2-3 godine
  10. Ja ne mogu da se odlucim. Jednostavno, album je savrsenstvo Cak ponekad pustim uz pesmu i poneki intro npr. onaj sto ide pre Pestilence & Plague.
  11. Bilo bi kul da bude nekog dobrog metala ovog EXIT-a, na proslom samo Nightwish i neka sitna boranija
  12. Ma nema sanse za Alexandera realno... Beograd je prvi cert na turneji, pa necemo saznati setlistu... Sto je super, jer ionako sam obecao sebi da ne zelim da je znam pre certa Mogli bi da opice Infinite Dreams... Mada koliko ja kapiram setlista ce biti The Early Days vs Live After Death vs Maiden England...
  13. Realno, sa camugom nema vajde od njih...
  14. Ovo mi je ostvarenje svih snova IDEMO!!!!!
  15. Ma batali to, ako hoce da dolaze, nek dodju na leto...
  16. Ima da se skida dnevnik sa sajta, samo, danas ima jucerasnji, sutra ce biti danasnji. Oko 90 MB.
  17. Sada me, za razliku od proslog puta, niko nece spreciti da idem... Jos jednom, daj boze da je ovo istina
  18. Aaaaa, ako je ovo istina, mislim da necu spavati do tada...
  19. Daj boze
  20. :: 10.29.08 :: AMERICAN SOLDIER THIS SPRING :: 16:14 :: QUEENSRYCHE SET TO UNVEIL AMERICAN SOLDIER THIS SPRING Epic Concept Album Looks At War From The Soldier’s Perspective; Spring Tour Of U.S. To Follow LOS ANGELES — Queensrÿche is currently in the studio putting the finishing touches on their 12th studio album, AMERICAN SOLDIER. The concept album, due this spring from Rhino/Atco, finds the band once again tackling some heavy subject matter, this time focusing on telling the story of war from a firsthand perspective. Singer and chief songwriter Geoff Tate has spent the last few years conducting extensive interviews with veterans and has crafted their thoughts into this epic tale. AMERICAN SOLDIER examines American wars from World War II through Iraq from the viewpoint of those in the trenches and on the frontlines. Following the album’s release, Queensrÿche plan to present tracks from the album live on an extensive spring tour of the U.S., with international dates to follow later in 2009. The first date of the tour will be a hometown gig at Seattle’s Snoqualmie Casino on April 16. “Queensrÿche has always had incredible support from members of the Armed Services,” says Tate. “It seems like after every show, I’d end up speaking with a fan that was or had been involved with the military. The more and more I began to hear their accounts and feelings, the more I really felt a conviction to tell their story. Over the last two years, I’ve conducted dozens of one-on-one interviews with veterans of many different American wars. I listened to their amazing and moving recounts and did my best to examine war through their eyes.”
  21. HammerFall je power metal
  22. Prepoznajete li lika desno? http://www.megadeth.com/gallery/main.php?g..._serialNumber=3
  23. Album je genijalan. Axl je rasturio, ovim albumom je pregazio sve svoje predjasnje performanse (sto se tice vokala). Ne mogu jos da izdvojim najbolju pesmu, posto sam album preslusao tek 3-4 puta... Svejedno - album rastura
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