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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. http://www.metalsucks.net/2013/04/09/keep-of-kalessin-released-a-new-ep-but-you-cant-listen-to-it Davajte link kad se pojavi.
  2. Koji kurac jbt. Wtf. Kasni mi stream 2 minuta i 2 gola pala. Idi u kurac.
  3. Nebitno, prosli bi i sa 1:1.
  4. http://www.nuclearblast.de/en/label/music/news/details/2974215.ashes-of-ares-sign-with-nuclear-blast.html Fuck yeah...dovodite ih sa Powerwolfom odmah
  5. http://uploaded.net/file/0uy5ddl1/Anaal_Nathrakh_Man_at_C_and_A_VLS_MAG_2011_GRW.rar Sifra: www.0sce.com Ovo je neki vbr@297kbps, vinyl rip. Nisam nasao bolje nazalost.
  6. Jeb'o ga Welbeck vise. Trebali su Kagawa i Hernandez od pocetka da igraju, umesto Giggsa i Welbecka.
  7. https://twitter.com/evilkagawa
  8. Inter :haha: :haha:
  9. edit: pogresna tema
  10. Jeste, jeb'o mu pas mater, jedan nepostojeci penal za Fiorentinu, i dva nedosudjena za Milan. Mada je i Milan sam kriv kad igra jebeni Nocerino.
  11. Sudija + jebeni Nocerino.
  12. Picketina Ljajic, nije bio penal.
  13. Night Prowler


    Svaka jebena cast
  14. Night Prowler


    Polish extreme metallers HATE have released the following statement: "[During the] night [of] April 5-6 near the German town of Munchberg, our friend, best comrade and longtime bass player unexpectedly passed away. After the show in Stuttgart last night, he went to sleep and never woke up. We found him lifeless early in the morning and immediately called an ambulance. He was reanimated, but to no avail. Results of Slawek's (Slawomir 'Mortifer' Archangielskij) autopsy should be known soon. In this situation, we decided to cancel the remaining shows and return home. We gave detailed testimonies to the German police. We are shocked and shattered by his sudden, unexpected death. We mourn together with Slawek's family and friends."
  15. Povredio se Bale: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BHCTFK4CIAAJn52.jpg
  16. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/05/movies/roger-ebert-film-critic-dies.html
  17. Pisanje po Droveru.
  18. Chad L. Coleman and Sonequa Martin-Green, who recurred on Season 3 of The Walking Dead as Tyreese and Sasha, have been upgraded to series regulars for the fourth season of AMC’s zombie-apocalypse smash. Additionally, Emily Kinney — who joined the show in Season 2 as Hershel’s youngest daughter Beth — has also been elevated to a regular. :haha: :haha:
  19. Iron Maiden - Maiden England '88 2CD + 2DVD
  20. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=188186 Naravno, najvise me zanima Rotting Christ obrada.
  21. Epizoda sama po sebi nije losa, ali je veoma razocaravajuca kao season finale. Kako bih voleo da pocne sledeca sezona (ne citati ako niste citali strip):
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