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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=186580
  2. Ne idem ako nema Lombarda. Za Jeffa sam istrpeo jer tvrde da je povredjen, pa nije ista situacija kao sa Bill Wardom/Sabbathom. Ali ovo je vec bezobrazluk.
  3. Oticice oni na turneju i bez Lombarda i bez Jeffa ako treba - ako je mogao Anthrax da odsvira nekoliko koncerta i bez Scotta i bez Charlia, i ovi ce. Naravno, ne podrzavam, al' jbg.
  4. Ubistvo. Nisu ni jednu jedinu sansu imali na celom mecu. Na sledecem mecu treba zabiti gol odmah na pocetku i onda opusteno do kraja.
  7. Uf kad bi ovako nesto bilo: http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/slayer/2012/diamond-hall-nagoya-japan-7bdd62bc.html
  8. http://www.last.fm/event/3517976+Slayer+at+Kombank+Arena+on+25+June+2013
  10. Bane - The Acausal Fire
  11. DARK TRANQUILLITY parts ways with bassist Daniel Antonsson Shortly before beginning the studio sessions for the upcoming 10th studio album "Construct", the band amicably parted ways with bassist Daniel Antonsson. The decision has been growing for a while, and the main reason is that Daniel wanted to focus on his own musical projects as well as working more in his recording studio. Being first and foremost a guitarist, he felt that the playing bass in a full-time band didn’t allow him much time for his main instrument and true passion. With this in mind, he chose to follow his heart and step aside at this point instead of committing to another album and an intense touring cycle that would leave little room for other activities. We thanks Daniel for his years in the band - filled with great shows and amazing memories and experiences in all corners of the world - and wish him all the best with his future musical career. Daniel's statement: I want to thank the guys in Dark Tranquillity and the amazing D.T. fans around the world for the last four years of touring around the globe! It´s been awesome! Also a huge hug to the DT crew and all of the people working with us. I will miss you all very much! You are like family to me and I hope we will meet again soon! But...now is the time for me to follow my heart and again focus on my guitar playing and being a recording engineer/producer in my studio Gothenburg Rock Studios. We will meet again on the road or in the studio - that's for sure! Horns up and Cheerz! /Daniel.
  12. Kad treba pogoditi zombija, samo redjaju headshotove, ali kad treba upucati zivog coveka, treba 150 pokusaja. Ali je dobra epizoda svejedno
  13. Swansea se cuvao za finale Liga Kupa.
  14. Kako je bedan ovaj govnavi Inter. Najebali su ga sledeceg vikenda.
  15. Glupo mi je sto su pucali na random ljude umesto na Guvernera kada su spasavali Merla i Derila...
  16. Alice in Chains' brand new album, "The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here" will be available worldwide, May 2013. Kakvo ime albuma :haha: :haha:
  17. Pomesah onda jbg. Bolje da ga je odmarao tada nego danas.
  18. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/dec/31/nemanja-vidic-knee-injury-recovery Ali mi je svejedno cudno sto ga nema, mislio sam da se odmarao protiv Evertona da bi danas igrao...
  19. Kako bre nema Rafaela, procitaj opet
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