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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Nema Vidica
  2. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=186193
  3. Procitajte Mustaine-ovu autobiografiju. Jeste on bio i ostao budala nevezano za Metaliku, a specijalno u zadnjih 10 godina kada je poceo da jede govna o hriscanstvu i politici, ali se oni stvarno nisu prema njemu dobro ophodili. Konkretno Lars, Dzejms je uglavnom cutao i nije hteo da se suprotstavlja Larsu. I pored toga, ne vidim razloga da sad tu fanovi jednog benda napusavaju fanove kad su oni u miru vec skoro deceniju...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JQ31SoAyGU
  5. Otisao LaTorre iz benda.
  6. Liverpul :haha: :haha:
  7. http://thefuckingweather.com/
  8. Nisam mislio da preskocim Sabaton naravno, vec ove anonimuse pre Eluveitie
  9. Kad pocinje Eluveitie, da preskocim ovo ostalo?
  10. Death Magnetic je bolji od svih Megadeth albuma posle Youthanasie.
  11. Ja bih pre Kill It nego Burning Sun Pogledah opet intervju, izgleda da ce nastaviti tradiciju katastrofalnih izbora pesama sa novog albuma, svirace Wanna Be God
  12. Ja se sve nadam da ce da opice Kill It na ovoj turneji, rekao je Deris da je na listi pesama koje ce uzeti u obzir za turneju.
  13. Freemake Video Converter. Mozes i da spajas/seckas i konvertujes klipove.
  14. Guitarist/co-founder Anders "Blakkheim" Nyström of Swedish dark rockers KATATONIA just done with stripping down the band's latest album, "Dead End Kings", to an atmospheric sound devoid of any metal. Says Nyström: "Early on, we felt it was both peculiar and interesting how the songs could breathe on their own taking a different minimal approach, so we wanted to go back and explore this in a very spontaneous and unpretentious way. Vocals, keyboards and acoustic guitars are in and distorted guitars/bass and drums are out! Stay tuned for a release date!" In other news, Nyström will spend the next dew weeks "diggin' into old boxes and transferring ancient VHS cassettes and DV tapes to digital media, so we can finally get goin' on the actual edit on the documentary that will hopefully wrap up the anniversary DVD that's been taken forever!" KATATONIA's upcoming DVD is expected to contain professionally filmed video footage of the band's May 6, 2011 concert at Koko in London, England.
  15. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=185985
  16. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=185988
  17. :haha: :haha:
  18. Super je pesma, bolje da probaju nesto novo nego da recikliraju sami sebe kao Tolkki.
  19. Fala kurcu: :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  20. Opet status na srpskom + ovo:
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