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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  2. :haha: :haha:
  3. Popusili ga i Roma i Inter i Lacio, trece mesto sada i nije toliko daleko
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un7pG6acxyc
  5. http://thepiratebay...._as_We_Know_It_[1977_
  6. Night Prowler


    Zato sto nemaju sanse za titulu pa nece da se trude. Ne bi tu otpustanje Murinja pomoglo.
  7. Swedish death metallers AMON AMARTH have enlisted former CANDLEMASS singer Messiah Marcolin to lay down guest vocals on their new album, due in June via Metal Blade Records. The CD is being helmed by British producer Andy Sneap, who has previously worked with (MEGADETH, EXODUS, MACHINE HEAD, ARCH ENEMY and ACCEPT.
  8. Je l' i u Domu omladine mora sve do ponoci da se zavrsi kao u SKC-u?
  9. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=185694 :S
  10. German power metallers GAMMA RAY will release a new EP entitled "Master Of Confusion" on March 15 via earMUSIC, the Hamburg, Germany-based international rock label which is part of Edel Group.
  11. http://tvline.com/2013/01/29/the-walking-dead-season-3-spoilers-ask-ausiello/
  12. Crkao link Necu se previse nadati dok ne objave na sajtu...
  13. Dobice 6 miliona evra za 6 meseci u klubu... Bacate pare nizasta...
  14. :veseli: :veseli:
  15. 22.99 €
  16. Kostunica of metal.
  17. :haha: :haha:
  18. BREAKING NEWS: The ball boy's night get even worse, as he gets home to find John Terry shagging his mother. :haha: :haha:
  19. He kicks who he wants, he kicks who he wants, Eden Hazard, he kicks who he wants!
  20. Au, jebote... Obrisala pod i sa Anet i Tarjom... Ako Tuomas ima gram mozga zadrzace je u bendu.
  21. :haha: :haha: Kakva havarija jbt.
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