5052 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Night Prowler
IMO ova vampirska trilogija je obrisala pod sa svim ostalim novijim knjigama sa pickastim Twilight vampirima.
Koja bruka jebem ti zivot
Onda ne trazis dobro, nasao sam taj Kawasaki bootleg u dva poteza: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JGF63UEM
Meni je super ta pesma.
Sad razumem zasto ti se Thirteen ne svidja, otisao sluh nakon 4h slusanja onog izlapelog psihopate.
Smesno je poredjivati ono govno zvano Lulu sa ovim albumom. Rekao bih da je Thirteen na nivou svih albuma posle Riska, ima par super catchy pesama, par sa ultra glupim tekstovima i par nekih pokusaja thrasha. Najbolja pesma Public Enemy No. 1. Sudden Death je ubedljivo najgora na albumu. Whose Life, Never Dead, Black Swan, Millenium Of The Blind i 13 su takodje kul pesme.
STORMWARRIOR - Heathen Warrior (Japanese Edition)
Knjiga koju trenutno čitate?
Night Prowler replied to Александра's topic in Kultura, Umetnost, Mediji
Guillermo Del Toro & Chuck Hogan - The Night Eternal -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgqYY-M1_sw Pokidase i bez Henja
Je l' ima bookleta u onim Slave To The Dark reizdanjima albuma sto imaju da se kupe u Vulkanu/Dallas Records?
Koji ste poslednji original CD nabavili?
Night Prowler replied to White Man's topic in Opšta metal diskusija
Helloween - Walls Of Jericho (2 CD expanded edition) -
Mislim da nije bilo - obrada Backstreet Boys (!), pesma se zove I Want It That Way: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MSGACYG6
Guitarist Tony Iommi has told U.K.'s Terrorizer magazine that the four original members of BLACK SABBATH recently got together in a rehearsal room for the first time in years, adding, "[We] played some of the old stuff and to be together again was great. We're all on good terms and we're at a stage where we can play together again. It would be good if we could and I suppose it's the closest it's been to be able to do that. It could happen!"
BELPHEGOR - forced to stop all activities! We have to inform all friends and fans of Death/Black Metal legend BELPHEGOR that all activities are stopped since the end of September. Frontman, guitarist and founding member, Helmuth Lehner went through a serious and difficult operation 16 days ago, after the South American tour. As result of this, BELPHEGOR has to cancel all concerts until May 2012. Thanks for all your support and your understanding. We will keep you up to date on his condition in the coming weeks. Get well soon Helmuth!
Mogao bi Jorg Michael na bubnjeve sad kad je otisao iz Stratovariusa
Ma kakav Accept... A i Martin se raspada. Podrzavam Groba - Maiden, Priest, Motörhead, Saxon - obrnutim redosledom da nastupaju
Nije ovde bilo reci o tome, ali rekao je Halford na onoj konferenciji za stampu pre turneje da bi voleo turneju Priest, Maiden, Sabbath i Zeppelin. (Verovatno to kaze i u tom klipu ali me mrzi da ga pogledam.) Mada bih ja vise voleo Motörhead umesto Zeppelina.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Reactivated RUNNING WILD To Release 'Shadowmaker' In April German power metallers RUNNING WILD have reformed and will release their new album, "Shadowmaker", in April 2012 via SPV/Steamhammer. Stated RUNNING WILD mainman Rolf "Rock 'N' Rolf" Kasparek: "My comments in spring 2009 about the demise of RUNNING WILD were absolutely serious at the time. I really needed time out and, to be honest, couldn't imagine even in January 2011 that I would ever feel like recording a new album again. But when I had the inspiration for a best-of album, to which I wanted to contribute four new numbers, I rediscovered how much I enjoy composing. From then on it was only a small step to record a full new studio album." Kasparek wrote ten new tracks for "Shadowmaker", including the midtempo opener "Piece Of The Action", the uptempo number "Shadowmaker" ("roughly the same pace as 'Angel Of Mercy'," says Kasparek) and the monumental eight-minute song "Dracula", based on Bram Stoker's novel and the Christopher Lee movies. "To me, 'Shadowmaker' is a very special album because there was no pressure, timewise or otherwise," says Kasparek. "I feel it's clearly audible that this relaxed attitude helped me to write one of the strongest RUNNING WILD recordings of all time." A video message from Kasparek in which he reveals his thoughts about the new RUNNING WILD album, as well as the band's past and the future: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMNzgdu-aFg Kasparek calls RUNNING WILD's new deal with Steamhammer/SPV "a real stroke of luck and ideal partnership," adding, "SPV/Steamhammer are a long-established label with an experienced team, so I know that RUNNING WILD are in good hands. Besides, my band and the record company are based in the same German city (Hannover), which can't be a disadvantage for a smooth cooperation." Olly Hahn, an A&R representative at Steamhammer/SPV, is equally delighted. "That a style-defining act such as RUNNING WILD signed with us comes close to an accolade," he says. "Band leader Rock 'N' Rolf is one of the metal scene's last originals, and we at SPV are unbelievably proud that his choice fell on us." :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
Ne znam da l' je bilo, slucajno sam naleteo: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tesha-Teshanovic/104837102883980
Meni ta najmanje uzasna na albumu.