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Night Prowler

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Everything posted by Night Prowler

  1. Meni je OK, posluzice dok ne pocne nova sezona The Walking Dead (za koju predvidjam da ce biti sranje btw.).
  2. "Nova" pesma: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmlI4IRgxVs
  3. Sad bez zezanja (ono gore je bio tribute to Laza i Heaven & Hell ), meni je stvarno super zvucao na tim koncertima. Mada sam pristrasan jer mi je IE jedan od omiljenih bendova a Barlow omiljeni vokal.
  4. http://www.bravewords.com/news/169893 Ima u ovom podcastu da se cuje (pesma) Dystopia Ima kurac. Nisu je postavili u podcast.
  5. http://www.mozzartbet.com/sr/kladjenje/status-tiketa?ticket=1225-6610613-917
  6. Samo Rowan Atkinson glumi u oba filma, dakle nisu bas povezani, ali pogledaj i prvi, ionako nije dugacak.
  7. Mnogo bolji nego prvi deo.
  8. Hmmm, ovo je duze od 80 minuta, kako misle da ga strpaju na jedan CD?
  9. Dakle, nama dolaze Amaranthe i Death Destruction. Idem na koncert jedino ako HF drasticno promeni setlistu...
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km03dSw-Za8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l_lbUoDm_4
  11. Symfonia je govno.
  12. Sutra stiže novi Fejsbuk koji otkriva i ono što ne biste želeli Selim se na G+.
  13. ANGRA/ALMAH Frontman Says He Has Been Singing 'Totally Out Of His Range' For Past 10 Years Brazilian heavy metal singer Eduardo "Edu" Falaschi (ANGRA, ALMAH, SYMBOLS) has released the following statement: "Dear friends, "At last I would like to clarify some facts about my voice with all the sincerity, humility and integrity that I may have. "For over 20 years I have worked without a day off in the heavy metal style, and we all know how difficult and technically demanding it is. Joining ANGRA, I had to fit a particularly high way of singing, which was totally out of my range, and of the vast majority of the singers! At the time I took the responsibility and faced all the pressure. But 10 years ago it was much easier due to the physical factor, excitement and age. I started to feel, year after year, gradually, the difficulties of singing something so high and out of my natural trait. I fought to the end! I did everything possible to continue to sing the songs, particularly the old ones, always in high pitches, because the melodic metal audience has ever 'demanded' this of us singers. But unfortunately, today, older and more experienced, I assume that I am no longer able to sing so high. I am extremely tired and feeling the weight of all that in my voice, including the region that has always been the most comfortable for me! I'm a baritone singer who dominates the mediums and lows, with drive, singing with a more aggressive chest voice, as I did in SYMBOLS and do in ALMAH. I have conquered many things and built much of my story with my own style. "Therefore, I made a decision, thinking only and exclusively about the health of my voice and integrity of my career, which I have built with so much struggle and dedication. "After fulfilling all the promotional activities of [the new ALMAH album] 'Motion', scheduled until the end of the year, I will stop indefinitely to finally rest and be able to deal properly with my health. But I have to point out that from today on I'll just sing whatever is in my natural range, be it in ANGRA or any other band, for my own good! I want to be who I really am, instead of being what people want me to be! In the meantime, I'll continue with my activities as a producer and composer, which are things I love doing, and will not harm at all the progress of my recovery. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the fans who always supported me and defend me unconditionally! I will always do my best writing and singing good music for you guys, with all my truth and emotion! This is the first step to a new time in my life! I have confidence in the future and will always be passionate about the greatest music ever, HEAVY METAL!" LOL Tek ce sada uzasno da zvuci
  14. Finnish doom metallers SWALLOW THE SUN check in with the following update: "During the well-deserved break we took from shows this year, we've been preparing new music, and now we are happy to announce that we have entered Drumforest Studios at Viitasaari to record our fifth full length album, which will be released February 1, 2012 by Spinefarm Records. "Drumforest Studios is an atmospheric studio built in an old-school middle of Finland in Viitasaari. It's the perfect environment for the-legendary sound engineer Mikko Karmila to capture our signature sound. Mikko is well known in the metal world for his work with such names as NIGHTWISH, SENTENCED, AMORPHIS and CHILDREN OF BODOM, just to name a few, and we're very happy to work with him."
  15. EX DEO "Caligula" new album to be released August 31st 2012..marking the 2000th anniversary of his birth...
  16. Mislim da je Lori planirao da otpusti Carlija jos od pocetka 8. sezone, jer je u vecini epizoda Alan bio u centru a od Carlija je pravio totalnog debila i zlobnika. U svakom slucaju, meni su sasvim OK ove nove epizode, bolje su svakako od vecina epizoda 8. sezone...
  17. Twitter: Devin Townsend Good lord, Epicloud is of Meatloafian proportions, you may get diabetes listening to this one! :0
  18. Moze link za onu aplikaciju koja racuna u procentima kompatibilnost sa prijateljima?
  19. Kasnim sa komentarom, al' 'ajde: Smorcina od albuma. The Devil's Orchard je jedina bas super pesma na albumu. Slither i The Lines In My Hand mogu da prodju koliko-toliko, kao i drugi deo Folklore, ostatak tesko da cu ikada vise slusati...
  20. Ko god da je ovo napisao, debil je. Bark At The Moon, Chinese Democracy, Load i Reload nisu losi albumi, a KISS, Deff Leppard, Mötley Crüe i G'N'R nisu metal uopste.
  21. Neki Roberto De Micheli je novi gitarista.
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