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Everything posted by PuPaK

  1. Pa pazi sa 17 godina zivota svirati DT nije mala stvar ,dobar je Vuk!
  2. Sto se loze ,sta se loze ,ne kapiram nista !?!!?!?! Ljudi samo obavestavaju lepo sta se desava u bendu!
  3. Au mame im ga spotaknem jos su stigli na tri servera da ga aploaduju ,tuga jebo orla!
  4. Pa pazi ako te podseca na novi Bio onda je mnoogoooo lose i moderatori treba da obrisu temu odma a Starshutera da spalimo i da mu izdrkamo na pepeli a ako te podseca na predhodne albume Bio onda je do jajca! Skida se
  5. Ko vole spejs iter i imade majspejs!!! http://www.myspace.com/spejsiter
  6. PuPaK


    Duco brate ne radi ti link! www.myspace.com/hatetech Evo majspejsa tamo ima nekih pjeesaama,pa mogli biste da kazete sha mislite o njima!
  7. :muzicar: :rockdevil:
  9. Moooreee ima da sviraju artifeks pa ne znam sta da bude,ima da im probijam ushi izmedju svake pesme dok je ne odsviraju!
  10. Mnogo je para Ejsi disi,svirali ovde i velicine popit njih(Dip parpl,Vajtsnejk,Mejden) pa nisu bile toliko skupe!
  11. Uh bre ,iscimaste me opasno,jebo vas global metal dva,pomisleo sam da je i to snimljeno! Prvi deo dokumentarca se zove Hedbengers dzurni a drugi je Global metal!
  12. Ukusi su kao dupe svako ima svojee!!!! SAATAANIICAAAA!!
  13. PuPaK


    Zanimljivo,cu da najdem ovo da preslusam!
  14. PuPaK


    Pa dooro ali ja zelim da cujem sto pre nove fataliti pesme a i nije bitno da na snimku zvucni savrseno ,thrash bre,bitan je stav a on ga ima.
  15. TOO BREEE ,VIMO SE NA KONCERTU! MJETAL :rockdevil: :rockdevil:
  16. PuPaK


    Cesh mozda i muzicku zelju!?!? Pogle sha ti Dacha kaze ,poslusaj!
  18. Serem se da se naserem na organizatore ako ovo stvarno jebeno otkazu jebem ti zivot u picku lepu materinu bas !!! :violent: :udri: PLUS nemogu da izvadim jebeni pasos dok ne napunim osamnes' a to je u junu tako da nemogu ni u Zagrebu da ih nafatam!!!! IDE MI JEBENO NA ZIVCE SVE OVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Lex ako si vec u organizaciji daj nam neki info nemoj da komentarises koje kake comente na cenu benda!!
  20. Moj cale je hteo da ide na ovo i danas sam mu reko cenu karata i onda je izjavio sledece:Nabijem ih na kurac sve odreda,zinulo im dupe za pare,sta se dobija za te pare,ako ce mi dati i dve crnkinje ,peceno prase i naci novi posao,kupujem za fan pit,mamu im raspalu! I evo ga ceo dan je psovao do malopre dok nije lego da spava! :) :)
  21. Nije ATG kopi pejst jeste da ima obrada na epiju blajndeda ali nije kopi pejt bend,zvuce kao da si pomesao prve albume IN flejmsa i dark trankilitija sa et d gejtcom!
  22. PuPaK


    Amm,lepo! Pa pozajmi od nekog pojacalo za snimanje bem te smotanog!
  23. Ovaj lik jebe mamu kako radi,on je radijjoo zadnji Distrakshn omot i pokido je za sve pare bez kusur,srecno sa novim albumom!
  24. Brate veruj mi neces da se pokajes!
  25. Nisam mogao da verujem da postoji ovakav bend,momci su iz Australije i preslusho sam jedan album i jedan Ep i skapao sam na shesnes lice mesta kako ljudi jebendishu nanu naninu i majcinu dusicu! :rockdevil: Melodic death metal bez metalcora a sa mudima kakvim je nekad imao sam At the gates,ako se za ove procuje dovoljno jako u Evropi i Americi ima da lom da naprave! :rockdevil: Bio: The hype surrounding Western Australia's VESPERS DESCENT is without question, considering the amount they've achieved since their inception. VESPERS DESCENT first found their feet as a fully operational battle station in June 2001 working their influences from the early technical death metal days of the Florida Tampa Bay scene to the melodic sounds of the Gothenburg, Sweden scene. The Band worked furiously for 3 months to put out their first demo. Amidst this, live performances were in order and constant rehearsing and live shows were underway. The result ended in VESPERS DESCENT snaring two important international supports, namely Mayhem and Opeth, which helped the band gain some serious recognition just prior to their first release. In June 2003, "Three Faces of Eve" was released with great success. The EP launch in November of 2003 was a break through for melodic death metal in Australia. The EP contained the 5 best songs the band had written up until 2002 and was heralded by Australian critics everywhere as "Astounding!". Throughout 2004 VESPERS DESCENT continued to promote their EP along with supporting many reputable Australian metal bands such as Destroyer 666, Days End and Alchemist. The band was also selected as support for the Perth leg of Exhumed's Australian Tour 2004. After supporting Days End on their national tour ( Perth leg ). The band continued to finish up material for a full-length release slated for 2005. VESPERS DESCENT entered Sovereign Studios in February of 2005 to record the long anticipated album only stopping in June for 10 days to jump on their first national tour supporting US death metal merchants Hate Eternal. The band were met with much praise around Australia's east coast, selling out of all copies of the EP, shirts, and samplers. Returning home, the album was finished up in September and after filming their first clip to the song "Cardinal Red", Visions in Verse was released on November 5th 2005. Performing in front of 300+ crowd at the Lookout, Scarborough, the album launch was deemed a success. The band now looks forward to touring and promoting Visions in Verse around Australia again in 2006. 2008 sees VESPERS DESCENT bring in the new year with an invigorated line up and a new release to match, in March "Realty Dysfunction" is released on prime cuts, a 6 track ep featuring 4 new blistering tracks and once again raising the bar on their own brand of melodic Death Metal, proving to the world that vespers is back better than ever and very much full of life. After the success of their ep launch and a handful of local shoes the band where invited to support "Children of Bodom" on the Perth leg of their tour. For those of you who doubted their return: check out the new ep and eat your words! Disco "Vision in Verse" http://rapidshare.com/files/109029331/2005...iaportal.ru.rar EP "Reality Dysfunction" http://rapidshare.com/files/109015045/Real..._by_Wiseman.rar EP Three faces of eve
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