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Теша Тешановић

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Теша Тешановић

  1. nju sam vec vidjao i sama po sebi i nije toliko interesatna,potrebno je da postoji nesto vishe da bi ona imala znacenje usput slazem sa tobom i gojkom da je ovo previshe zagoreli forum,mislim ajde odjebite koji vam kurac,imate po 25 godina i sedite i pisete na nekom forumu neke perverzije nekim klinkama.nema picke od tastature idite nadjite nesto jebite sada odmah ali prestanite sa ovim jer ste stvarno jadni
  2. jebes alkohol,ja ga nikada nisam ni probao niti cu ga ikada probati
  3. ja nemam nista protiv izbeljenih farmeraka i tesnih majci,one su stvarno uredu ovo je bas perverzno ali ne na pozitivan nacin uopste
  4. crne kosulje su stvarno nesto najjace,jednom kada sam pricao pre neko leta posle nekog koncerta sa nekim clanovima italijanskog anarho hardcore benda rekao sam im iskreno da ono sto stvarno cenim u vezi italije jesu italijanski fashisti stari ali ne u politickom smislu vec zato sto nose crne kosulje.oni su se na to nasmejali
  5. pa upravu si zato i necu da se sisam,hvala na savetu.i da upravu je vudu soul kult,duga kosa je dobra ako je prava svetle boje ,ali recimo ako je kovrdjava ili ako se osoba vishe znoji onda duga kosa ne vredi
  6. ja pljujem po tim ljudima jer kupuju robu koju prave multinacionalne korporacije koje iskoriscavaju ljude u zemljama treceg sveta.isti taj zapad cije su to korporacije je nas bombardovao i odgovoran je za finansiranje izdajnickih nevladnih organizacija i stranaka.i posle toga sto preko b seru kako je radovan karadzic ratni zlocinac da ja kupujem adidas i coca colu??neka se tera u kurac zapad
  7. hvala na komplimentu i savetu.uvek ista prica kada pitam devojke dali da se sisam uvek od devojaka koje izlaze na fensi mesta cujem "daj bre si normalan da imas dugu kosu,sisaj se obavezno,duga kosa je odvratna" a od devojaka koje slusaju neku rok muziku ili nesto slicno cujem "jau nemoj da se sisas imas bas lepu kosu".razliciti odgovori me zbunjuju,ali neznam necu da se sisam i ako razmisljam o tome jer mi se nekako svidja da imam dugu kosu
  8. jebes modnu industriju i sve to,to je sve kapitalisticka prevara.ko ih jebe sve.takodje jebes i to metal oblacenje i ta gej sranja
  9. ma kako god ko ga jebe
  10. svaka cast konacno da i ti kazes nesto apsolutno genijalno
  11. jebes narkomane usput ja trenutno citam doktora zivaga na preporuku moje majke
  12. e samo da kazem da nije bas istina da su svi ljudi sa dugom kosom idioti koji imaju dugu kosu zato sto pokusavaju da imitiraju neke metal muzicare.postoje posteni ljudi koji imaju dugu kosu a da ih pritom zabole i za metal i za nekakvo lozenje na dugu kosu.meni je duga kosa jednostavno frizura koju trenutno imam i ne vidim nista sto me definise u njoj.mada ozbiljno razmisljam da se osisam lepo na celavo
  13. sto je najjace na kraju filma pise nastavice se
  14. to je kao prvo bilo pre godinu dana a kao drugo kao sto sam rekao to sam sve rekao preko neta iz zezanja,u stvarnosti nemam takve stavove ako ti treba pomoc samo zovi nije problem ja se javljam da pomognem neznam ni ja stvarno uopste
  15. kao prvo ja nemam nameru sa nikim da se bijem tamo niti uopste vidim razlog da se bijem sa tobom ali koji je tebi kurac bree???,na svaki moj post upadas sa nekim postom napusavanja.nisam od pocetka niti pokusavao da te prozivam niti ista ali ti uporno me napadas.i po pravilo ja nebi trebao ni da pricam sa tobom niti imam nameru da pricam sa tobom zato sto si govorio protiv madjara a ja sam delom madjar.ja svakako dolazim na skup i nemam nameru ni da pricam sa tobom a kamoli ista vise kada si vec tako neprijateljski raspolozen. edit usput cisto da razjasnim ja sam ponosan sto sam srbin,ceh i madjar i nikada nebi negativno govorio o tim nacijama i zelim svima vama sve najbolje bez obzira kojoj naciji veri ili politickom opredeljenju pripadali
  16. za sve prave sladokusce evo filma koga su svi cekali beogradski staford http://rapidshare.com/files/86964599/Beogr...-haTT.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/86964719/Beogr...-haTT.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/87051887/Beogr...-haTT.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/87088766/Beogr...-haTT.part4.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/87132082/Beogr...-haTT.part5.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/87180199/Beogr...-haTT.part6.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/87176126/Beogr...-haTT.part7.rar
  17. I am no art critic, but I can definitely appreciate some great looking pieces when I see them. The very first time I saw the drawings by Milovan, I knew there is something unique here. So I reached out to Milovan, who with great dedication keeps producing tons of logos, covers and designs that you will most likely see more and more on your favorite underground releases and zines. CM: Tell us your name, where you’re from and what you do. Bestialized vomits from Doclea! I’m Milovan Novakovic first of all underground metal fetishist and maniac, and second editor of Zapisnik fanzine and one of those who help to bands/label/zines/ with drawing of logos and artworks. I’m from Montenegro one weird country on Balkan (ex Yugoslavian country) and because of the fact that I live in such maniacal and hellish region I always have some satanic infernal ideas for artworks and logos. Just one more thing to attach is one more fact - I only draw for bands into real black/death/thrash cult and the ones only into the old satanic cult of metal!!! CM: I understand that along with creating some metal-related artwork, you also paint outside of the metal realm? Tell me a little bit about that, how long have you been creating art? Yes of course. I’m still on academy and all my days are full of painting, drawing and even chiseling of course listening of satanic metal music comes there very very often. That way will surely continue to my death. I’m painting and drawing for years, enough to create some nice pieces of it. The metal oriented artworks and logos for metal bands I started to create firstly for my own satisfaction and lately comes drawing for bands, labels and zines. Now because of my zine activities in Underground I have many contacts and many bands/personals into the underworld cult ask me to drawing for them. CM: Initially finding your artwork on the NWN forum, I saw that you are very fast and free about creating logos and artwork for anyone who makes requests, how long does it usually take you to create the pieces? Yes I’m very, very fast. Mostly I create metal pieces of blasphemy in free time, between the (short or long) pauses through my painting processes or when I’m listening some great old school albums from black/death/thrash genres. I draw the logos very, very fast, I don’t need more than a half of an hour for it and artworks use some more time because they need more dedication and more satanic ideas! Also as you said I’m doing the stuff for free. I will not say total free because I always search for band/label/zines to send me few copies of releases that include stuff I draw. But they still get review in my zine also..he,he.. CM: When did you get into metal and metal art? Metal art comes with metal music very early, and years ago. I think that when metal drawings are in point on whole scene Chris Moyen make the biggest influence. He draws for cult acts like Incantation is, and the cover of Incantations Ep Deliverance of Horrific Prophesies might be my fave one ever and because of that I start to draw devilish and hellish works. Covers of old metal albums and especially demos (even flyers) make a big influence on my blasphemic works, but as with my own feel of course because all artist have it. It maybe strange I haven’t started to listen metal with heavy or speed, I start to listen with bootleg tapes from Poland that were here in Montenegro for sale and that my old brother have buy 15-20 years ago. These were bands like (only first album) Slayer and some, Cancer, very early Deicide and Benediction, Incantation which is still one of my favorite bands ever…and whole bunch of hellbastards… lately I got tapes of first two Bathory albums. Return is still in my opinion best black metal album ever… CM: With your creations have a very unique and “primitive”, as you describe it, style - is there a certain time period or art movements that you feel influenced by? I call it primitive becouse they really are in my opinion. Why primitive? Because usually they don’t have some classic artistic shits like perspective, natural illumination, and stuff. I really don’t know, I’m infomed in art history in details and cannot say which genre I like mostly or which one influneces my works. But some my underground brothers have said that I have influneces from surrealism and even from cubism. When you look better you will really seen such details in my works. CM: Have you had any exhibits? If yes, where and how did those go? I haven’t had exibits with my satanic metal artworks. I will probably go to prison or be prosecuted by Serbian Orthodox Church if I make exibit of such stuff…he,he.. Maybe strange for people who read this but Montenegro is very primitive region and you cannot do everything you want, unfortunately. CM: What equipment do you use? I use everything that I found in my studio, from one rotten pen to the acrylic or water-colours. For metal artworks both logos and artworks I mostly use ink or pencil that left black trail.. And of course I use in big quantity my rotten brain full of insane ideas..he,he CM: Any current artists that you admire? Total support to old maniac Chris Moyen of course and only one more artist that I absolutely support and respect is Daniel aka SelfDesecrator from amazing Chilean band Slaughtbbath! He is one of best satanic artists in Underground and he can with its dedication kill many of todays artists into metal! Hail to brothers! Probably there also some more mainiax into artistic shit but I don’t know them. CM: Do you take any requests for artwork or logos from bands, labels and distros? Yes of course. All bands, labels, zines, distos, can ask me for artworks/logos/flyer occult designs. Only satanic and old school black/death and thrash bands and only serious requests. I don’t have time to spend on shit eaters and wimps. (Editors Note: ways to contact Milovan are at end of the interview) CM: Do you sell any of your art? I’m seling my paintings but not blapshemic metal artworks but I thik that they arent interesting for maniax that read this. CM: What’s your personal taste in music, and what are some of your current favorite bands/genres? I have always been into cult of black death and thrash old school metal and mostly I’m into the underground bands! I’m into bands like early Beherit and Sarcofago, Von, Necro Shizma, Abhorer, Blasphemy, early Mystifier, Unholier, Death Yell , Gospel of the Horns, Grand Belials Key, and tons of other shits becouse I have large collection (thanx to tape-trade cult) of many Underground old school demos/albums. All of them I like becouse I never collect stuff I don’t listen to. From current, young and new bands…theres a lot of them but in last time am listening Nocturnal Graves, Proclamation, Malas, Heptameron etc..etc..many of them… Contact: [email protected]
  18. voleo bi da vam ispricam moj najveci blam ali to nije moguce jer je mene nikada nista nije bilo sramota
  19. kao prvo na omotu prvog albuma je slikan u kravati i odelu i na svim nastupima od pocetka je bio lepo moderno obucen,ne vidim kako se je izdao hvala hvala svaka cast lepo lepo
  20. jebiga bas mi krivo sto sam te razocarao ali dobro sta da se radi.nisam ni video nista veliko niti posebno u mojoj goloj slici,to mi je samo neko dosadno internet pankerisanje da se prekrati malo vremena.to i nisam ja u punom svetlu.ali nema veze meni je jos uvek smesno sve to sa golom slikom.mada kada se setim jeste jadno jer podseca na one kretene sto salju slike svog kurca smokvinom listu sa natpisom recimo "volim da volim" .ali meni nije bila namera da bude kao oni,vec samo da uradim nesto sto je po meni smesno.volim nedostatak smisla u nekim stvarima na neki nacin me inspirise da trazim smisao.hvala a podstcaju sto se tice devojaka pa ide lepo sto se tice toga u zadnje vreme.i srecno sa porodicom i svime.jebes ove forume,net.fejsbuk sve te stvari su nekako dubinski gej
  21. da taj gore neki homoseksualac sto nema muda da se skida go na javnom mestu
  22. ti nezni pederu odjebi i olja mi nista nije uradila
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