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Max Butcher

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Everything posted by Max Butcher

  1. Najbolji komentar sa blabbermoutha na Treyevo pricanje o fanovima... "if it wasn't for the fans you wouldn't have the money to make music. "
  2. Nisam verovao da cu ovo reci, ali Sepultura je konacno uspela da napravi solidan album...
  3. Medju CD-aim nadjoh ovaj fenomenalni bend na koji sam potpuno zaboravio... Imaju samo ovaj album, First Among Equals, iz 1989. koji je fenomenalan...
  4. BEAVIS: Um, heh, what kind of music is this? BUTTHEAD: Uh...I think this is, like, some kind of death metal disco, uh huh huh.
  5. Pa vidite kako je urodilo plodom pljuvanje po st angeru...
  6. I Chuck Schuldiner je na svakom albumu menjao i unapredjivao stil! Za mene je ovo MA...
  7. Bice ladna zima pa ce ovo drvo dobro doci za potpalu...
  8. Evo malo i hvalospeva... MORBID ANGEL's new album "Illud Divinum Insanus" will be out in less than a week! Needless to say this release is highly anticipated by fans, journalists and musicians alike, so we sent the album to some of the famous names in Metal and asked them what they thought of the seminally influential Extreme Metal act's new opus. Here goes: "The new Morbid Angel album will cause 3rd World War. After June 7th, the extreme metal scene is never gonna be the same again... And I already can't wait the moment I'll be sitting on my sofa listening to "Illus Divinum Insanus" while the world burns! Ha!" - Nergal, BEHEMOTH "No other band in the entire Extreme Metal genre but Morbid Angel would have ever dared to make 'Illud Divinum Insanus'. There are going to be quite a few unimaginative underground purists who think they know better what kind of album Morbid Angel should or should not be putting out, but with 'Illud Divinum Insanus' Trey and David prove that they answer to no one but themselves. It is an incredibly well written, performed, recorded and produced record." - Karl Sanders, NILE "One of the best death metal releases since their last album with Vincent. I'm not too much into the techno bits but I am a dude who will appreciate and respect bands doing new things, progressing... So it's all good. Vincent's vocals of course are still as good as they come. And the riffs are definitely there, Trey always delivers. New drummer is killer too!" - Mikael Akerfeldt, OPETH "The ultimate voice of death metal is back, as hellish as ever!" - Mikael Stanne, DARK TRANQUILLITY "Glad to see Morbid Angel are back! We had our share of criticism when we first incorporated electronic elements in our sound and we know it takes courage and passion to follow one's own stream of inspiration. This time the guitar work is more impressive than ever and those 11 songs are a real 'tour de force'. With this new album they're not afraid to take the hit from the more conservative audience but that's what it means to be extreme!" - Vorph, SAMAEL "Innovation, wits and a feral 'no compromise' attitude is what brands the greatest of bands. 'Illud Divinum Insanus' is all that and a leap further! Hail Morbid Angel!" - Rune "Blasphemer" Eriksen, AVA INFERI, ex MAYHEM "Morbid Angel still prove they can continue their legacy and deliver their madness with a skill so elite. The metal scene has no choice but to give back the crown to the undisputable kings of death metal! MORBID! MORBID! MORBID!" - Anders 'Blakkheim' Nyström, KATATONIA "This is Morbid Angel the way I've always loved them: unpredictable, forward-thinking, different and extreme. In one word: unique. If you hoped for a dull repeat of the past, look elsewhere. If you want something modern and daring, 'Illud Divinum Insanus' is the masterpiece only Morbid Angel could dream up. Kick-ass!" - Dirk Verbeuren, SOILWORK "I'd say it was definitely worth the wait. M.A. do their own thing as always and they are good at it. Vincent growls like a horny moose (meant in a positive way) Trey's weird riffing and songwriting is there and Tim Yeung is simply amazing. Maybe a couple of less appealing experimental tracks but over all true, groovy, crushing, heavy and fast as it should be. Rock on!" - Ola Lindgren, GRAVE
  9. Znam da vole Laibach, ali su ga preterali... A i Genitorturers vibe je pristuan...
  10. Ova se ne leci! I strucno se zove: Obsessive Compulsive Collecting Disorder ili OCCD.
  11. Žao mi je drugari, ali na dve stolice ne može... “Rok kultura je krajnje zabrinjavajuća, duhovno odvratna i uvredljiva pojava za svakog makar malo pobožnog čoveka, a tim pre je neprihvatljiva za Hrišćanina... Čak i najmanje zabavljanje pravoslavnog Hrišćanina rok-kulturom jeste izdavanje svoje vere, javno vređanje svog Gospoda, udaljavanje od Njega, opštenje sa duhovima tame, igranje sa satanom“ (Arhimandrit Lazar Vitanijski, iz knjige Pokajanje - put u život večni).
  12. Time Waits For No Slave GATEFOLD PICTURE LP collectors edition with alternative layout limited to 200 copies
  13. Ne znam da li do mene i prevelikog ocekivanja, ali nakon preslusanog albuma (par puta) nemam bas neke reci hvale...
  14. Kao sto rekoh vec ranije, album jebe kevu!!!
  15. Shane u studiju
  16. Snimljeni su bubnjevi za 20 pesama, a bas za 16. Gitare i vokali krecu da se snimaju od sutra...
  17. Pre 20-tak godina kada je Mortuary bio aktuelan nije bilo moguce slanje promo kaseta odavde... Pa smo ja i drugar otisli do Peste i poslali otuda a za ostatak para se napili ko stoke...
  18. Sve gore napisano stoji, ali kada dodje do debilnog carinika pada u vodu... Jednom mi se dogodilo da mi je stiglo obavestenje da dodjem u BG na carinu za posiljku, i posto nisam uspeo telefonom da se objasnim zapalim za BG. Da skratim, posiljka od 5 cd-a sa akcije cca. 3-4 EUR sa placenom postarinom od 30 EUR (racun included) carinik/debil sabira ovako: "To ne moze da kosta tako malo!" i hoce da vrati posiljku nazad ako necu da platim. Pristanem na kraju i racunica je sledeca 4 x 1000 dinara + 3000 dinara (za placenu postarinu) = 7000 dinara + 18%pdv = 8260 e na taj iznos carina 30% + PDV.. Vrhunac je da nisam mogao da uzmem posiljku vec da mije posalju postom na sta sam platio jos 250 din (BG-KG)... Znaci strasno... Pozivao sam se ja na clanove zakona i sl., da je dozvoljen uvoz bez carnie do 100$ i sl. ali carinik je BOG!!! Stizali su meni i paketi iz Kanade recimo sa 100 CD-a i ne platim ni dinar carine, ali zato i na jedan CD platim tzv. carisnki pregled (stotinak dinara)... Tako da samo sreca igra ulogu ko od carinika radi tu smenu kad stigne vasa posiljka...
  19. LINK Intervju sa bivsim menadzerom Death-a o svemu i svacemu. Dugo traje, ali vredi poslusati/pogledati...
  20. Album me je samo rastuzio i podsetio na Sentenced... Danas preslusavanje diskografije od prvog do poslednjeg...
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