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Max Butcher

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Everything posted by Max Butcher

  1. Hvala
  2. I nije cudo sto nisu uvrsceni u oficijelnu diskografiju jer muzicki nemaju ama bas nikakve veze sa stilom Destruction-a. Trebalo je da promene ime benda na ta tri izdanja. Podatke o izdanjima mozes naci na www.butchersound.com/destruction pod Neo-Destruction
  3. Ako nekog zanima imam 1 viska Destruction-Thrash Anthems DIGI 15 neraspakovan u celofanu
  4. Updatovan sajt www.butchersound.com/sentenced
  5. Ukoliko neko ima nesto od Destruction (CD, LP, EP majicu i sl.) a da mu ne treba a u dobrom je stanju javite se radi eventualnog menjanja ili prodaje... A sajt http://butchersound.com/destruction/ je updatovan...
  6. Ukoliko neko ima nesto od ND (CD, LP, EP majicu i sl.) a da mu ne treba a u dobrom je stanju javite se radi eventualnog menjanja ili prodaje...
  7. Novo izdanje: Live in Japan - Grind Kaijyu Attack! Split LP Limited picture disc vinyl. Both sides were recorded Jan 9, 2004 at Club Quattro, Osaka, Japan. Napalm Death 1. Narcoleptic 2. Take the Poison 3. Next on the List 4. To Lower Yourself 5. Can't Play, Won't Pay 6. The Icing on the Hate Nasum 7. Corrosion 8. Doombringer 9. Just Another Hog 10. Inhale/Exhale 11. Scoop 12. Bullshit 13. Relics 14. Löpandebandsprincipen 15. I Hate People 16. Masshypnosis 17. A Welcome Breeze of Stinking Air 18. Fatal Search 19. This Is... 20. The Masked Face 21. The Idiot Parade 22. Den Svarta Fanan A i sajt http://butchersound.com/nd/ je updatovan
  8. Zbog Mike-ovog polomljenog prsta, gitaru na koncertu u Portugalu, svirace ce Ol Drake iz EVILE-a! A sto rekoh nedavno jednom batici: "Moja Release From Agony majica je starija od tebe!"
  9. Citao si u Butcherian Vibe-u
  10. Max Butcher


    U bendu sviraju: Steve "Zetro" Souza - Vocals (Legacy, F-Bomb, Testament, Dublin Death Patrol, Exodus) Jed Simon - Guitars (Armoros, Devin Townsend, Strapping Young Lad, Front Line Assembly, Zimmers Hole, Caustic Thought) Glen Alvelais - Guitars (Forbidden (US)/Forbidden Evil, Testament, Bizarro (US)) Byron Stroud - Bass (Zimmers Hole, Strapping Young Lad, Fear Factory, Devin Townsend, Caustic Thought, Unit: 187, City of Fire) Gene Hoglan - Drums (Daemon (Dnk), Dark Angel (US), Death, Dethklok, Devin Townsend, Forbidden (US), Just Cause, Meldrum, Naphobia, Old Man's Child, Phantasm (US), Pitch Black Forecast, Strapping Young Lad, Testament, Unearth, Wargod (US), Zimmers Hole, Mechanism (Can)) treba li bolja preporuka?
  11. Verujem ti brate... Od kad sam saznao danas ceo dan sam pregledavao zajednicke fotografije... Nedostajeace mi ta ljudina i teranje sa njim oko thrash metala... Taj klinac mi je bas bio prirastao srcu... Ova scena jos nije svesna koga je izgubila...
  12. Thrash till death my friend!
  13. Mislim da ce vam se svideti ovaj bend i njihov album Religion Blindness
  14. Ne videh temu do sada Voleo bih da vidim slike vasih originalnih majica i prisivaca (ne Felix, kineske i sa buvljaka) Moje su ovde: http://www.svetlost.co.yu/folder/
  15. Ovi svedjani puno obecavaju dajte im sansu... Imaju 2 demo profi snimka Thrashing the Law i Thrash After Death http://www.deathfuckingthrash.se/
  16. "Ako nije gej, nije metal!" quote by Thebon of Keep of Kalessin
  17. Za sve razocarane ovim, cuj albumom, Martin van Drunen sprema novi album Asphyx-a tako da ce biti veselja... A tu je i Hail Of Bullets
  18. Ne nadjoh temu pa rekoh da preporucim ovaj dobar bend... Iz Amerike su, osnovani 2004. Postava: A Fucking Tyrannosaur - Vocals Rambo - Lead Guitar The Hulk - Rhythm Guitar Darth Vader - Bass Hulk Hogan - Drums Imaju dva albuma Necromantic Maelstrom, 2007 Toxic Zombie Onslaught, 2008
  19. Ako ti je u zivotu Napalm Death - Smear Campaign LTD Edition Digipack 900 din javi se pozz
  20. ne downloadujem mogu reci samo da ploca izgleda vrhunski
  21. DOBAR!
  22. Visual Violence album je ono kako treba thrash metal da zvuci...
  23. ND su se vratili eksperimenatlijem zvuku na novom albumu koji mi je za sada medju prva tri! NAPALM DEATH “Time Waits For No Slave” (50:13) track-listing: 1. Strong-Arm (3:04) 2. Diktat (3:41) 3. Work To Rule (3:16) 4. On The Brink Of Extinction (3:29) 5. Time Waits For No Slave (4:26) 6. Life and Limb (4:00) 7. Downbeat Clique (4:26) 8. Fallacy Dominion (4:07) 9. Passive Tense (3:48) 10. Larceny of the Heart (3:36) 11. Procrastination On The Empty Vessel (2:56) 12. Feeling Redundant (3:23) 13. A No-Sided Argument (2:13) 14. De-evolution Ad Nauseum (3:48) The limited edition Digipak and vinyl versions of this album will include two exclusive audio bonus tracks!
  24. "I almost feel sorry for Testament for releasing an album in the same year as this monster. Album of the year for some, album of the career for others." 6/6 Max Butcher Butcherian Vibe magazine
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