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Anonimus of Metal

Anonimus of Metal (1/6)



  1. BelgraDeath fest je indoor extreme metal festival koji će se održati u klubu Božidarac u petak, 20.3.2020. Nastupaće bendovi iz zemlje i inostranstva a cenu ulaznica i tačnu satnicu ćemo objaviti u predstojećim danima event: https://www.facebook.com/events/597617507648018/ Nastupaju: MAIM (Sweden) - old school death metal https://www.facebook.com/maimdeathmetal/ NADIMAČ (Serbia) - thrash/crossover https://www.facebook.com/nadimacband/ INCINERATION (Greece) - brutal death grind https://www.facebook.com/Incinerationband/ CRYOGENIC IMPLOSION (Ukraine) - tech death metal https://www.facebook.com/cryogenic.implosion/ SACRAMENTAL BLOOD (Serbia/Hungary/Bosnia) - death metal division https://www.facebook.com/sacramentalblood/ TERRORHAMMER (Serbia) - necro speed hooligans https://www.facebook.com/Terrorhammer/
  2. BelgraDeath fest je indoor extreme metal festival koji će se održati u klubu Božidarac u petak, 20.3.2020. Nastupaće bendovi iz zemlje i inostranstva a cenu ulaznica i tačnu satnicu ćemo objaviti u predstojećim danima event: https://www.facebook.com/events/597617507648018/ Nastupaju: MAIM (Sweden) - old school death metal https://www.facebook.com/maimdeathmetal/ NADIMAČ (Serbia) - thrash/crossover https://www.facebook.com/nadimacband/ INCINERATION (Greece) - brutal death grind https://www.facebook.com/Incinerationband/ CRYOGENIC IMPLOSION (Ukraine) - tech death metal https://www.facebook.com/cryogenic.implosion/ SACRAMENTAL BLOOD (Serbia/Hungary/Bosnia) - death metal division https://www.facebook.com/sacramentalblood/ TERRORHAMMER (Serbia) - necro speed hooligans https://www.facebook.com/Terrorhammer/
  3. BelgraDeath fest je indoor extreme metal festival koji će se održati u klubu Božidarac u petak, 20.3.2020. Nastupaće bendovi iz zemlje i inostranstva a cenu ulaznica i tačnu satnicu ćemo objaviti u predstojećim danima event: https://www.facebook.com/events/597617507648018/ Nastupaju: MAIM (Sweden) - old school death metal https://www.facebook.com/maimdeathmetal/ NADIMAČ (Serbia) - thrash/crossover https://www.facebook.com/nadimacband/ INCINERATION (Greece) - brutal death grind https://www.facebook.com/Incinerationband/ CRYOGENIC IMPLOSION (Ukraine) - tech death metal https://www.facebook.com/cryogenic.implosion/ SACRAMENTAL BLOOD (Serbia/Hungary/Bosnia) - death metal division https://www.facebook.com/sacramentalblood/ TERRORHAMMER (Serbia) - necro speed hooligans https://www.facebook.com/Terrorhammer/
  4. BelgraDeath fest je indoor extreme metal festival koji će se održati u klubu Božidarac u petak, 20.3.2020. Nastupaće bendovi iz zemlje i inostranstva a cenu ulaznica i tačnu satnicu ćemo objaviti u predstojećim danima event: https://www.facebook.com/events/597617507648018/ Nastupaju: MAIM (Sweden) - old school death metal https://www.facebook.com/maimdeathmetal/ NADIMAČ (Serbia) - thrash/crossover https://www.facebook.com/nadimacband/ INCINERATION (Greece) - brutal death grind https://www.facebook.com/Incinerationband/ CRYOGENIC IMPLOSION (Ukraine) - tech death metal https://www.facebook.com/cryogenic.implosion/ SACRAMENTAL BLOOD (Serbia/Hungary/Bosnia) - death metal division https://www.facebook.com/sacramentalblood/ TERRORHAMMER (Serbia) - necro speed hooligans https://www.facebook.com/Terrorhammer/
  5. ANGELMEAT zine #5 sa malim zakasnjenjem: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rkb4s2iqtqghejr/ANGELMEAT_%235.pdf/file
  6. Novi lyrics video kao najava za koncert sa Cannibal Corpse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBs1DEwT4UM
  7. Postavili smo online i nas prvi DIY website. Posetitite www.angelmeat.tk We have launched our first website!!! Visit www.angelmeat.tk for news from extreme metal scene. You will also find there all info related to Angelmeat Promotion activities and links for free download of Angelmeat Zine issues. Spread the news!!! Angelmeat started as a printed fanzine in 2001. After 2 (t)issues it was put on hold and resurrected in 2018 as an e-zine available for free download in PDF format. This time the Angelmeat zine became one of the promotional tools used by Angelmeat Promotion, which also includes Angelmeat Distro and now, for the first time this portal, where you can read the news and articles from the extreme metal scene.
  8. Hvala! Jbg nema vajde stampati, cak i kad je besplatan download nije lako postici dobar tiraz koji bi pravdao rizik ulaganja u stampanu formu. Kad je Terrorizer pukao sta mi da ocekujemo. Bolje ovako, manje glava boli
  9. Novi, 4. broj Angelmeat-a je dostupan za besplatan dowload na linku https://www.mediafire.com/file/48h0dz2l5a3mxbz/Angelmeat_%234.pdf/file
  10. ANGELMEAT zine trazi saradnike! Zbog velikog broja pristiglih albuma za recenziranje potrebne su nam dodatne snage. Svi koji su zainteresovani da pisu recenzije za Angelmeat, poznaju "materiju" i dobro govore/pisu engleski mogu se javiti na email adresu [email protected] radi dogovora. Radovi na #4 su u toku \m/
  11. U novom broju Angelmeata ce se izmedju ostalog naci Witch King, Psychotomy, Valdrin, Zealot Cult... Obratite paznju na njihove nove albume, vecina u septembru izlazi
  12. Sve po malo. Angelmeat Zine je deo aktivnosti Angelmeat Promotiona a u sklopu svega je i Angelmeat Distro. Dakle radicu distro ali samo probranih stvari. Za sad su tu pored SB izdanja diskovi Maim-a (poslednji album Ornaments of Severity) a vremenom ce biti jos nekih izdanja i mercha
  13. Ako nekoga interesuje, link za besplatan download novog broja Angelmeat-a Intervjui sa Azarat, The Stone, Create a Kill/Gruesome, Maim, Puteraeon, Resurgency, Rude i Rebaelliun http://www.mediafire.com/file/k9h9hvu2hssr9uy/ANGELMEAT_%25233.pdf/file
  14. Intervju sa The Stone u novom broju Angelmeat Zine-a http://www.mediafire...T_%233.pdf/file
  15. Neocaesar, izdali pre 10-ak dana samostalno album "11:11", imas 2 stvari na soundcloudu. Za razliku od Sinistera zvuce kao pravi Sinister
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