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Everything posted by SACRAMENTAL BLOOD

  1. Japansko izdanje ce moci samo preko benda da se poruci (ili licno preuzimanje) a Minerovo ce biti standradno u svim radnjama gde inace ima njihovih izdanja
  2. Evo jos jedne recenzije,ovog puta na Hell Cherry http://www.hellycher...demonarchy.html
  3. http://deadly-storm.blogspot.cz/2015/12/recenzereview-sacramental-blood-ternion.html SACRAMENTAL BLOOD signs to Ghastly Music/Amputated Vein Rec Serbian death metal division Sacramental Blood has signed a deal with Ghastly Music from Japan (sublabel of Amputated Vein Rec) for early 2016 release of debut full-length album "Ternion Demonarchy". "Ternion Demonarchy was mixed and mastered in Rome at 16th Cellar Studio by Stefano Morabito (Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hour of Penance,Obscenity, Hideous Divinity, Beheaded...) and brings you back to early 90-ies death metal and early albums of Monstrosity, Suffocation, Sinister with Obituary/Pestilence/Morgoth kind of vocals. More info about album, release date, cover artwork and available formats will be announced soon. Spread the news
  4. Evo par komentara ljudi koji su imali prilike da cuju album Laurent /Listenable Records: I like this very much.We liked the album and thought it sounded very convincin. Abyss Records: Sounds pretty killer...This is one of the best promos I have heard, killer brutal death metal and don't get old as well has that old feel. Something lot of stuff misses these days. Impressed. LabSix Recs (Fabio Zperandio – Guitarist at Gorgoroth/Ophiolatry): Sounds perfect, 666% high evolution,very very killer! Some parts remember SINISTER + OBITUARY + DEATH vocals. I think its the way, make a death metal powerful and influenced in old era but sounds like DEATH METAL 2014 Adrie "Aad" Kloosterwaard (Sinister): Man .. your new record kills .. a job well done !!! Bart van Wallenberg (ex-Sinister, Neocaesar): Pretty brutal shit you've got going on there. Crazy riffing! Great drumming and great vocals as well. Hope you guys get a deal out of this. Keep up the good work! Dave Rotten (Avulsed/XTREEM MUSIC): Thanx for letting me hear your album, I must say it’s really good, and with a great production. I really like this stuff!! Obscure Domain Productions: We have listened to the album and we like it very much. It is great, brutal and blasphemous Death-Metal !!! Weird Truth Productions: It's great brutal death metal with high musicianship. METALBLEEDINGCORP 'Destroyer of Thought and Form' , Lasted Four minutes, is enough for us to return to the era of the 90s along with the rhythms of death metal that aggressive and brutal, its memorable riffs with a touch of 100% catchy, teasing the head to always headbang, not to mention the technical composition really impressed hidden in the blends of the rhythm of them, make it increasingly stimulates our ears to hear it over and over again. For us, a song called 'Destroyer of Thought and Form ' is an incitement to forgo modernization of metal with stand and embraced skeleton of the sanctity of early death metal that impressed and really keep the emotional honesty. Their debut Album should be the first place on the album list that you want to buy.
  5. Sinoc su dovrseni neki detalji oko albuma I danas/sutra se salje master cd izdavacu. Uskoro cemo objaviti zvanicni datum izlaska
  6. http://extremereviewserbia.blogspot.com/2015/05/sacramental-blood-ternion-demonarchy.html Recently we’ve had the chance to talk to the band Sacramental Blood, and among other things we have discussed their new album. Extreme Review brings you an exclusive first impression on their brutal debut massacre “Ternion Demonarchy”. On the very beginning we must mention that there are a very few bands in Serbia that are truly loyal to their work for so many years as the band Sacramental Blood is. Years of collecting rage, bloody thoughts and a brutal devotion to their music has been grown by no one else but these guys. Judging by what we’ve heard, no one will be left indifferent, ‘cause this album is yet to come for its own! The first piece on this album is the song called “Demonized”. Hearing its first notes you will ask yourself: “Is it possible that the new Sacramental Blood has arrived?!”. The song simply rocks, fast double drum-kicks with surreal, magnificent vocal parts and squealing guitar riffs will make the melody of “Demonized” echo in your mind for a very long time. Deadly bass lines are completing this demonic madness, along with extremely fast guitar solo parts. Quick bridge and we’re passing to the second song - “Buildings of Burning Flesh”. The name itself implies that this album is not for everyone ‘cause this death metal insanity won’t please the ears of innocent victims that this album will take with it. The storm of fast instrumental and perfectly tuned vocal lines has merged in this sermon of sadistic triumph of misanthropy. With the following verse saying: “Destined to be nearest to the God who eats of your flesh and drinks of your blood” you shall prepare for a massive plague brought by the song “Nearest to the God”. In this song Sacramental blood tells you that the promise of heaven is nothing more than a lie and we state that a liar is anyone who says that this band is not praiseworthy. Devastation is continued with a well known song “Destroyer of thought and form” that waited for some time to be a part of a magnificent whole piece “Ternion Demonarchy”. The next song is “Sanctimonius”, a melodic but also a creepy beginning leads us to a complete bone shatter. Penetrating and sick vocal and drum bridges and brakes carry us trough the total guitar and bass madness mixed in the darkest caldron that is boiling this song. The knowledge and skills of this band is a huge thing that many other bands could just envy. From one song to another these guys are showing that their music experience has no limits and that they are the true veterans of brutal death metal genre. Riding trough the song “Livid deaths descend”, we’re coming to the last, vigorous piece called “Impose resurrection” that closes this album. As we can see the sound production is at a high and very serious level. All in all, mixing the influence of Florida’s death metal scene and European death metal mentality, all which painted with years of work and effort in post-war, harsh surroundings in Serbia, it results with something that can not be seen every day. It will now be definitely clear to many people what is a true, brutal death metal urge, the one that has succeeded to overcome all obstacles and present the veterans like Sacramental Blood in the best and the most sincere way possible. So, prepare your innocent ears for another slaughter, the time for Ternion Demonarchy has come! Our view : 90 %
  7. "Destroyer of Thought and Form", 4. pesma sa albuma "Ternion Demonarchy". Sherujte,lajkujte itd https://soundcloud.com/sacramental-blood/destroyer-of-thought-and-form http://www.reverbnation.com/sacramentalblood
  8. "Destroyer of Thought and Form", 4. pesma sa albuma "Ternion Demonarchy". Sherujte,lajkujte itd https://soundcloud.com/sacramental-blood/destroyer-of-thought-and-form http://www.reverbnation.com/sacramentalblood
  9. U cetrvrtak 24. jula imacete priliku da cujete novu stvar "Destroyer of Thought and Form" sa albuma "Ternion Demonarchy". U medjuvremenu posetite nasu zvanicnu soundcloud stranicu https://soundcloud.com/sacramental-blood
  10. Evo i pravog Sinistera u najavi
  11. A sad evo i pravog Sinistera u najavi
  12. Kopirano sa facebooka: We are proud to announce that we have finally finished our first full length album entitled "TERNION DEMONARCHY". It was recorded in Wild Cat studio (Kragujevac) & Archsound studio (Belgrade) and re-amped,mixed and mastered in The 16th Cellar studio (Rome) by Stefano Morabito (Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hour of Penance, Beheaded, Eyeconoclast...). It's our best work to date and we can't wait to release it. We are looking now for an appropriate label and we hope you'll hear it soon. Behold the apocalypse! Behold ternion demonarchy!!! Sacramental Blood
  13. Nije ovo album, u pitanju je demo split izdanje sa Hereticalima i Blaspherereion a album je trenutno u fazi miksovanja. Bice uskoro i to, nadamo se
  14. Jednog lepog dana ide polako ali nesigurno. Bice valjda u roku od 2-3 nedelje a do tad uzivajte u zvucima "Triple Death Threat"-a
  15. koliko mu to dodje, 50 ljudi sa sve blejacima ispred kluba
  16. da li bi dosle ovde vise od 250 ljudi na koncert ponedeljkom, pitanje je sad?
  17. Mi smo nase odavno odradili, sad cekamo slobodan termin u studiju za mixovanje/mastering. Ako sve bude po planu krajem jula dobijamo snimak a ovo gore je najava za drugi demo koji je snimljen u iscekivanju albuma
  18. Mislim da nema potrebe za rezervacijom, ne verujem da ce tako brzo da plane ceo tiraz ali mozes ako zelis poslati rezervaciju na [email protected] i obavesticemo te o ceni i nacinu dostave/preuzimanja cim nam stignu diskovi. Pozdrav
  19. Sacramental Blood trazi novog basistu! Svi zainteresovani nam se mogu javiti na ovde na PM ili na email [email protected]
  20. Nazalost dolazi do male izmene. Heretical Guilt nece moci da nastupe jer im je bubnjar povredio nogu. Nismo uspeli da nadjemo adekvatnu zamenu tako da ce nastupiti samo 4 benda. Awaiting Fear izlaze na binu u 21.30, potom slede Sacramental Blood, Daemonicus i na kraju Christ Agony. Bendovi ce svirati malo duze set liste nego sto je prvobitno planirano. Vidimo se sutra
  21. Nazalost dolazi do male izmene. Heretical Guilt nece moci da nastupe jer im je bubnjar povredio nogu. Nismo uspeli da nadjemo adekvatnu zamenu tako da ce nastupiti samo 4 benda. Awaiting Fear izlaze na binu u 21.30, potom slede Sacramental Blood, Daemonicus i na kraju Christ Agony. Bendovi ce svirati malo duze set liste nego sto je prvobitno planirano. Vidimo se sutra
  22. Nazalost dolazi do male izmene. Heretical Guilt nece moci da nastupe jer im je bubnjar povredio nogu. Nismo uspeli da nadjemo adekvatnu zamenu tako da ce nastupiti samo 4 benda. Awaiting Fear izlaze na binu u 21.30, potom slede Sacramental Blood, Daemonicus i na kraju Christ Agony. Bendovi ce svirati malo duze set liste nego sto je prvobitno planirano. Vidimo se sutra
  23. Ovo ce biti ujedno i promocija novog Albuma Awaiting Fear-a i jubilarni 100. koncert Sacramental Blood-a. Potrudicemo se da ta svirka bude nesto posebno
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