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ANALITY - Teska bagra - Beograd
"Mi smo teski bend Anality. Trojca bednika su se okupila ali tesko okupila. Rezultat dugogodisnjeg prezderavanja, oblokavanja, nehigijene, retardiranosti, loseg zivota, bolesnih ideja i slusanja metala rezultirali su sa 2 teska albuma “Gnojenje” i “Fale Zubi”. Gomila mesista, slaninice, rolovanog, piva, brutalnog izivljavanja nad instrumentima i neumeca sviranja pretstavljaju nas rad. Bend se sastoji od trojce masnih smrdljivih spodoba. Tesha - masnoca - jauci - bas Shilja - perut - gitara - krici Bunika - gnoj - bubnjevi - arlaukanje Albumi govore o stvarima o kojima vam nikad ne bi palo napamet da diskutujete, a inace je to deo nase svakodnevnice. Dok slusate albume sigurni smo da ce svako od vas imati barem jedan problem o kome mi urlicemo. Dok slusate albume proverite da vam nije izasao cir i da li su vam svi zubi na mestu ili su poispadali. U svakom slucaju bicete masniji i smrdljiviji nego pre slusanja. S smrdljivim pozdravom, Anality " www.myspace.com/flogocid
Ne mogu da verujme da poznajem neke vase snimke bolje od vas. Ako se odlucite da objavite taj CD javite se da vam posaljem i te dve pesme koje ste ponovo snimili a da niste to ni znali.Veruj mi nije u pitanju verzija nasnimljena sa prvog albuma. 3 pesme su ponovo snimljene sa novim aranzmanima. Obozavam Necrophobiu vec 14-15 godina tako da znam vase stvari jako dobro. Sindrom je recimo snimljena bez onog fenomenalnog srednjeg dela sa klavirom i akustarom + solaza,tj.totalno usrana ali nema veze. 3 nove stvari koje imam su genijalne, kao i ceo prvi album.Jebo tehno, on oje bilo zakon.Svaka vam cast
Ili je to bila mnogo jaka ganja pa se i dalje ne secate ili je nesto drugo u pitanju ali jedan lik mi je nabavio od Polzovica snimak "nove" Necrophobie.Nisam dobio spisak pesama ali znam da imam (nazalost samo na kaseti) 3 nove stvari, ako se nevaram State of Mind i Oblivious Fenomena, trecoj ne znam ime, a tu su i Sindrom i jos 2 stvari sa Impotence.Poslednja i ako se dobro secam prva sa IBS (proslo je bar 4 godine otkako sam slusao taj snimak pa se ne secam bas dobro) , sve tri ponovo snimljene u novim aranzmanima.Definitivno nije drugi bend u pitanju.Isti je bend snimio svih 6 pesama, ista je produkcija, zvuk, apsolutno sve, a spot sam video milion puta i to je ta ista Oblivious Fenomena sa spota koju imam i na toj kaseti.Sve mi ovo lici na zonu sumraka...
Impotence = najbolji death metal album svih vremenena sa prostora ex Yu 2. album = 3 odlicne nove stvari + 3 neverovatno oskrnavljene pesme sa 1. albuma.Kad sam cuo te nove verzije bilo mi je drago sto su se raspali i nikad ih nisu objavili
Novi sajt je u pripremi a postojeci je tu samo zbog informacija, ako nekoga interesuju.Kad novi bude postavljen (verovatno tek za 3 nedelje) svi drugi ce biti uklonjeni.Za sad bolje ista nego nista.I ovi nam za sad rade dobar posao
Sacramental Blood trazi novog basistu!!! Svi zainteresovani (ako ima takvih) mogu da se jave na PM ili mail [email protected] i da se raspitaju oko detalja.
Sacramental Blood trazi novog basistu!!! Svi zainteresovani (ako ima takvih) mogu da se jave na PM ili mail [email protected] i da se raspitaju oko detalja.
Ophiolatry (Brazil) x Sacramental Blood (SER) European Blastour 2006 Serbian edition: 04.08. Beograd @ Klub Doma Omladine + Kramp, Kuga 05.08. Cacak @ Dvoriste Gimnazije + Democratic Terror, Last Funeral, Mrtva Priroda 06.08. Kragujevac @ Galerija Doma Omladine 08.08. Sombor @ Kabare + Incarnation
Ophiolatry (Brazil) x Sacramental Blood (SER) European Blastour 2006 Serbian edition: 04.08. Beograd @ Klub Doma Omladine + Kramp, Kuga 05.08. Cacak @ Dvoriste Gimnazije + Democratic Terror, Last Funeral, Mrtva Priroda 06.08. Kragujevac @ Galerija Doma Omladine 08.08. Sombor @ Kabare + Incarnation
Petak 4.Avgust Klub Doma Omladine BLAST FEST Vol. 1 Nastupaju: OPHIOLATRY (BRAZIL) SACRAMENTAL BLOOD KRAMP KUGA Cena karte 200 din
Ophiolatry + Sacramental Blood + Embryotomy 8.Jul Skopje @ Vulkan
Radimo na tome da na turneju nosimo tour majce
ANGELMEAT fanzin vise nece izlaziti. 6-7 intervjua je odradjeno za treci broj i steta je da ne budu objavljeni. Na temama ostalih bendova koji su bili planirani za #3 mozete procitati intervju sa nekima od njih. Intervjui su sad malo bajati jer su radjeni pre 2 godine ali mislim da nisu manje interesantni. Pogledajte teme: Suffocation, Severe Torture, Ophiolatry, Gutted, Haemorrhage, Putridity, Gospel of the Horns. HAEMORRHAGE Hello Luisma! What’s new in the morgue? Not too much. The split EP with terrorism is finally out now. It contains 3 live tracks we recorded for a split with Agathocles in 1998 that never came out so it was a good chance to use this stuff. We are currently working on new stuff for our upcoming album. When can we expect new album? I believe that you will enter the studio very soon since “Morgue Sweet Home” was released more than 2 years ago. What can you tell about new songs? What is working title, where will you record it etc? We expect to record in January 2005, we booked the studio for that date, and I guess it will be released before the summer 2005, but I don't know the release date. There's still no title. We are thinking in some weird things like "Explicit Encycopaedia of extreme pathology" and things like that but there's still no title. The songs are in the Haemorrhage style, but I think the fast songs are faster, and the vocals must be sicker. The songs are shorter and the album will be shorter too. But it's better to talk after the recording. Did you feel any kind of pressure during making songs for new album since “Morgue Sweet Home” was so amazing album? Many fans will compare every next album with this one? Do you think that you will be able not to disappoint them? By the way, how many copies of the Morgue have you sold so far? Yes, we got a great success with "Morgue sweet home" but we can't thing in doing the same things again or trying to copy "Morgue...", we have some creative pressure as everyday it's harder to compose new stuff cause it should sound like Haemorrhage and not to be the same than the old songs... But I'm not pressured by people's opinion. The most important thing is we like the album. I think "Morgue..." has sold over 10,000 copies, but I don't know a exact quantity, it was released in Europe, USA, Brasil, and Baltic states by different labels, so its hard to control all sales, but something between 10,000 and 15,000 should be the real thing as only Morbid sold over 5,000. When you start creating new album, do you feel like you must do something new, different, but in the same genre? You know, it’s standard story about progress from album to album. Yes, that's what I think and what I need. Other bands change the style with every new album. Which label will be honored to release new stuff? Are you satisfied with Morbid Records? It’s interesting that you are probably the only band that has been loyal to them for such long time. Other bands usually didn’t release through them more than 1-2 albums. Would you sign for some other label and would you feel comfortable to sign for Metal Blade or Relapse Records? Yes, if everything goes in the way we think Morbid will release our next album too... I can't think in signing for other labels as we got no offers from them, but I know bands on that labels and conditions aren't so much better than Morbid. Oh yes! It sounds better " I will release my new album on Relapse", people think you are a great musician, ha, ha.... We got offers from other labels and conditions are the same or worst than Morbid, so why should we change? If it’s not secret, what kind of contract did you sign with Morbid Records? Do you get some money from sale? Are they helping you with booking tours or they just release CDs and promote them? We sign for every album but Morbid always had the option to equal the other label's offer. They pay all studio and production costs and Yes, we got royalties from album sales (but too late, ha, ha....). They help us on tours sometimes, but nowadays we got many offers for tours by ourselves. Obviously you are free to release live albums and splits through other labels. Are you able to list all your releases? Do you know exact number of all CDs, split tapes, compilations, 7”… you have put out? Ufff...I can do it but I think I will miss something, its like 8 CD's and 8 EPs , tapes, etc... enter to: www.haemorrhage.ht.st www.haemorgue.ht.st All our released are listed there with covers, titles, etc.... Cover of “Morgue Sweet Home” is not quite typical artwork for gore/grind band. I’m not sure but I think I saw different cover in some catalogue, so is this the only version and why did you choose this one? I must say that I’m missing the point of picture of that house. Yes, you saw the pic LP cover, that was used by Morbid to advertise the album, as it was made before the actual CD cover (the house cover....). We were looking for a picture with a house...we wanted something like the house of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you know...We had another pic, but my brother Dani came with that pic, he got it from a ghost site on internet, it was a haunted house and it's a ghost somewhere in the pic. It was really close to the house I was looking for. The "house" is linked with the story of "Anatomical Inferno", and "Morgue..." lyrics are about the return of the pathologist to a new morgue, after the old one was destroyed...ha, ha...it sounds weird but there's a full story about this. Gore lyrics are not something unusual. Actually hundreds of bands are writing gore lyrics so is there something that makes your lyrics different from others? I use my brain to write lyrics with some meaning not only empty gory words to fill the CD booklets. What can you tell me about DVD? I haven’t seen it so can you tell me how did it turn out? It also includes 3 video clips. Were they recorded specially for this DVD or they come as some kind of bonus? What kind of video clips did you make? Are they just mixed video shots from different shows or they have some plot? The DVD is a complete view of Haemorrhage history through all these live recordings...It's like a documentary for all our fans. We included the video clips we shot for "Morgue..." that weren't showed on TV as they said they were disgusting. The 3 clips are different...one its about the song lyrics, with a kind of gory story, the second one ourselves on stage mixed with gory images, and the third one is the classic "on the road" clip with tour / backstage scenes. This is my favorite as I made it with the help of my cousin. And it brings me tour memories of great funny times! I saw some pictures of you covered in blood, so I was wandering where do you get all this blood? How many litters of blood do you usually use per one tour? Do you bring it with you or local organizers have to provide it? We buy the blood in a shop of Carnival, Theather and special FX. It’s the same blood that's used in movies. I don't know how many liters he uses in a tour but I think like 0'5 liters per show. The organizers only must clean the stage after we play! ha, ha... It’s interesting that you have a girl in band and I believe that everyone keep asking you “how’s that happen?” Are you able to relax when she’s around, like do you feel uncomfortable to talk about porno movies or to burp or brake winds in van/ tour bus? Oh yes, I think Ana is in this bussiness for so long and she has many kilometers on the road. She knows what's a tour but generally musicians are very cool people, and have a correct behaviour. We can burp as much as we want. Don't worry... What are you doing for living? Do you have enough free time for some other activities? I know that Dani and Ramon released album with Greenfly more than a year ago. Do other members have side projects? Have you thought about putting out some comic strip, maybe instead of booklet for new album? The most of us have jobs, and only Rojas and Ramon play in other music projects, that's all. Nah! I would like to include some drawings but not a full comic strip. Do you collect CDs/ tapes/ LPs and what were the last CDs that you bought? Yes, I have like 600 CDs and a lot of LPs and tapes...the last one was Carcass "choice cuts" I think. Few years ago I got bunch of albums of Spanish brutal death metal bands and it seemed that your scene was very strong, but since then I haven’t heard too much about Spanish underground so how would you describe your scene at this moment? What bands would you recommend? What is going on with such acts as Unnatural, Uncreation, Reincremation? The spanish scene is always the same it seems it dead but then it seems to be alive...Its rare. I recommend you Gruesome Stuff Relish, if you like Haemorrhage you'll like this band too. They're really great. All the bands you say are dead, the best ones were Unnatural with a female drummer that was one of the best drummers from Spain. Have you got chance to listen to some band from Serbia? Have you ever been in touch with someone from my country? I don't remember any serbian band now, but I get e-mails from Serbia sometimes. Do you think that extreme metal has become trend again? Can you imagine doing this for a living? No, I don't think it’s a trend like in the early 90’s, but it's rising. Actually its soooo hard to get a living from music I think only bands like Cannibal Corpse or Napalm Death can do it. The rest have part time jobs. OK Luisma that would be all. Hopefully I will listen to new album as soon as it leaves the morgue. Once you taste the gore you can’t get enough. Just keep bleeding!!! Did I forget to ask you something important? Ok, thank you very much Milan, it was a great interview. Thanks for your support and a big hello to all Serbian Grinders. I hope to meet you all soon!!!!! STAY SICK!!!! [email protected] copyrights ANGELMEAT zine
ANGELMEAT fanzin vise nece izlaziti. 6-7 intervjua je odradjeno za treci broj i steta je da ne budu objavljeni. Na temama ostalih bendova koji su bili planirani za #3 mozete procitati intervju sa nekima od njih. Intervjui su sad malo bajati jer su radjeni pre 2 godine ali mislim da nisu manje interesantni. Pogledajte teme: Suffocation, Severe Torture, Ophiolatry, Gutted, Haemorrhage, Putridity, Gospel of the Horns. SUFFOCATION (USA) - Intervju dao Mike Smith (bubanj) Hello Mike, welcome back! I was really happy when I heard that you returned to band since you have always been one of my favorite drummers. What is the feeling to be again part of such killer and one of the most influential metal bands and do thousands of such boring interviews like this one, ha ha. Well of course the feeling is great to be back with band, but as an original Suffocation member you’re always a Member of Suffocation. During the time I left the band I certainly couldn’t hide or deny the fact of who I was from friends and fans so it has always been a part of my everyday existence. Although it was announced as original members reunion, obviously it’s not completely original line up. Why did Josh Baron leave the band again? What was reaction of Doug Cerrito to reunion of band? Have you heard about his reaction to ‘Souls To Deny’? Josh was forced to leave because he is a career drug abuser, his actions would definitely be the weakest point of a strong foundation. Doug Cerritto never responded to the offer to reunite so I can’t say what his reaction was. Through the grapevine I hear he is surprised by the turnout of Souls To Deny, I can only assume he was under the impression the band couldn’t go on without him, but I’m sure opinions have changed. We are stronger now than ever. What is status of Derek Boyer and Guy Marchais in the band since you said that Chris Richards and other replacements were just fill in members? Anyway how did you choose Derek and Guy? They are both doing well and holding their position as if they appreciate the opportunity, which is more than I can say for past fill-ins. I didn’t personally choose to go with Derek Boyer first off myself, Terrance and Frank weren’t familiar with him. It was Guy who submitted his name to us so we gave him a shot and saw promise in his enthusiasm to be a part of the reunion. That was the important factor, finding one who would appreciate the position without abusing it or weakening the effort. What was actually reason for splitting up? How much did departure of Dave Culross exert influence on decision of band to split up? I heard that guys were tired of line up changes and rehearsing again and again the same old songs. The band was a watered down version that didn’t get along well enough to succeed any further. Dave Culross had nothing to do with any decisions of Suffocation nor did any other fill-in member. There were plenty of drummers who could have taken a turn. After release of ‘Despise The Sun’ we could read some announcements for new album. Band had about 6 new songs prepared for 4th full length when they split up. Are songs from ‘Souls To Deny’ brand new or you included some older ideas? Did Doug contribute to any of new songs and did he make any problem about copyrights for songs he composed? All the songs on the new album are new creations, maybe a rhythm or two were stored from the past that were suitable to use. Doug contributed to no material on the new material, as for copyright issues with Doug there were no problems to arise. ‘Souls To Deny’ was certainly long awaited album. Do you have impression that it fulfilled extremely high expectations of fans worldwide? I don’t think that death metal fans have been so impatiently waiting for any other album in last 10 years. I think so. What we were aiming to prove was that we still had the same skill we left with and possess all of the traits we’ve always used in our writing style. As for what the fans may expected it to sound like was not our concern. We knew that if we felt comfortable with the end results the fans would understand our intentions. Musically it has elements of all previous Suffocation releases. Can you say something about lyrics? Why did you name it (album) that way? I found interesting title ‘Demise Of Clone’. Wasn’t that also the title of your rap project? Frank could elaborate best on the lyrics except on ‘Demise of the Clone’ which I wrote. We named the title ‘Souls to Deny’ because all of our career we’ve been denied by those running the business, once we have reached where we are aiming for there will be a swarm of souls who will be denied. Those who held us and the scene back from success will be the first to feel it. Who is Keith DeVito? How does it look when someone outside band writes lyrics for you? Do you give him music first or any kind of directions? Keith is a long time friend of the band, he is our tour manager as well when we tour in the states. It wasn’t my decision to have him write any lyrics for us, I didn’t feel we needed any assistance. If I were Frank it wouldn’t have happened. Terrance felt he owed Keith the opportunity which only Terrance could explain. The music was written first for the record. I like cover of Seagrave a lot (actually I like all your cover artworks except Despise The Sun). Did you give him any instruction for any of his paintings or he was free to do it the way he wants? How much does it cost to get his painting for cover of album? No one in the band like the Despise cover except for Cerritto. Despise was considered his project, which made it easier for the band to disband soon after the release. The art on this album was submitted to Seagrave with full intent and direction as to what we wanted form their he put his twist on it which has always worked well for us. It costs a few grand to obtain his services. Opening riff from ‘To Weep Once More’ reminds me a lot of the riff from ‘Jesus Wept’. Is there any connection between these songs? We intended for the new song “To weep once more” to be a continuation of the song “Jesus Wept” that is why it is familiar. If Jesus were alive today he would be weeping for sure. Have you thought about rerecording song ‘Human Waste’ on ‘Souls To Deny’, since you have done it on previous albums with all other older songs, previously recorded on ‘Reincremated’ demo and ‘Human Waste’ EP? Do you have such plan for some of next releases? No we haven’t considered it. We prefer to keep the past the past this time around unless we decide to re-record a good version of the Breeding the Spawn album. ‘Pierced From Within’ version of song ‘Breeding The Spawn’ sounds great. Have you thought about recording that album again? Yep, when time permits. Maybe we’ll add it on our DVD when we start putting that together. Why did ‘Breeding The Spawn’ have such sound? I think that it totally ruined music? How was it possible that such killer combination (Morrisound Studios/ Scott Burns/ Suffocation) gave such bad product? If I’m not wrong it also led to your departure from band? Were you in touch with band and their music after your departure? Breeding the Spawn wasn’t recorded with Scott Burns or Morrisound. It was done by a no-name engineer that Roadrunner felt was worthy to record our follow-up album. They were good for holding down the progress of death metal. That is the main reason why it was an easy decision to leave. I could have always contacted the members if I felt a needed too, but at that time there was no need. I needed to focus on making a real living and making some money that early death metal wasn’t providing. Drumming on this album is faster than it was before your departure. How did you manage to stay in condition? Did you play in some metal bands after departure from Suffocation? You were involved in rap project but you said that you didn’t listen to rap music. How is it to play something you don’t like specially after such band as Suffocation? Deleting drugs from my life mixed with a natural talent to drum made it possible for me to return without much problem. Every thing I do from work to play is physical so I’m not a candidate to grow fat and weak. I’m stronger and more capable now than I was when I was young and reckless. I didn’t play any metal when I wasn’t in Suffocation. I did a solo Rock/rap project “Grimm real which combined the elements of both the underground rap and death metal scene. I don’t need to loyally listen to any certain form of music to create my version of that form, that is a trait Suffocation has always lived by that keeps us infinitely original. Listen to less, write more. More musicians should try it. What kind of music are you listening to? Many big bands don’t wear t-shirts of new bands and keep saying that they don’t listen to new acts but only to same old bands they used to listen to back in 80’s. I think that’s bullshit, because it’s impossible to listen only to same old shit for 20-30 years. You’ll get bored one day no matter how good that music was. Still you are wearing shirts of Disgorge for example. How close are you to younger bands? Do you watch shows of local supports at your gigs? I wouldn’t say it’s bullshit. The bands of today can never compare to the originality and diversity that the bands of the early 90’s had. It bores me more trying to sift through the swarm of bands that are out now who are following the same exact format. As for what kind of music I am listening to, I can honestly say I don’t listen to much music these days. We are at a point now where we need to concentrate on writing another album, during this time I listen to no music. This enables me to work from within with no outside influence which has always worked in the past. Many bands (like Deicide, Malevolent Creation etc.) said that it was big mistake to sign for Roadrunner. Back in beginning of 90’s, Nuclear Blast and Roadrunner were more supportive to death metal but it showed up that they were supportive just because it was trend and they wanted money. Do you think that there was any other fair and honest label that could make these bands (including Suffocation) so big? Do you think that scene actually needed those hypocrites? At that time in the early 90’s those labels were important, the scene was too young to be picky about label opportunities. It was in your interest to sign with them or spend the next ten years trying to find something else in comparison willing to gamble on death metal. Earache was another label that was willing to put time and effort behind a new scene. Have you thought about taking part at some tribute album? I heard that band supposed to do cover of Slayer before they split up. Which song did they pick up and why haven’t they recorded it? I’ve never heard anything about a Slayer cover. I have some live audio and video recordings of Suffocation (like 3-song “Live Statenisland USA 15.11.1991”) and I know that many fans (including myself) are spending hours and hours watching those bad sound recordings. Is there any chance that you release official live album or DVD some day? We definitely intend to release a live album or DVD sometime in early 2005. We are gathering the footage we need during these tours to make something worth watching. What are your impressions about tour with Morbid Angel? Do you think that there was place for such band as Satyricon on that tour? The tour with Morbid was great on all aspects. Satyricon definitely had its place on that tour. It’s good to add foreign acts to a US bill. It brings diversity and new fans to all involved. How much have you been touring lately? Can you do it now for a living? Since the reunion we have been touring extensively. At the moment I am doing it now for a living but it takes careful money management. Spend foolishly and you will be back at the old 9to5. Is there any chance that we see you some day here in Serbia or some neighbor Eastern Europe country (which are very poor and hardly can afford to pay regular price of your show)? Vader played about 1-2 months ago mini tour through Balkan lands for lower price than usual, as a kind of gift to their fans. Is there any chance that you do some similar thing? I’m sure if there is a reasonable request from promoters in Serbia we will play there. It is very expensive to travel and coordinate shows when we are asked to just fly in and out. It’s not necessarily what the band is asking for to play that prevents such appearances. Plane tickets, lodging, transportation and equipment rental are all high expense issues that some promoters just can not handle to pay to make a show possible. What can we expect from Suffocation in next 2 years? A steady assault on the world through touring, and a few more quality releases for the fans. Full length, live album, DVD and videos to support if the label cooperates. I’ve been big fan of Suffocation for more than decade so I have thousands of questions for you. Maybe I should stop bothering you. Thanks for interview. Message to fans in Serbia. Thank you for the support, we hope to destroy the clubs around your area soon. Peace till……………………………………………… We arrive! www.suffocation.us copyrights ANGELMEAT zine
ANGELMEAT fanzin vise nece izlaziti. 6-7 intervjua je odradjeno za treci broj i steta je da ne budu objavljeni. Na temama ostalih bendova koji su bili planirani za #3 mozete procitati intervju sa nekima od njih. Intervjui su sad malo bajati jer su radjeni pre 2 godine ali mislim da nisu manje interesantni. Pogledajte teme: Suffocation, Severe Torture, Ophiolatry, Gutted, Haemorrhage, Putridity, Gospel of the Horns. SEVERE TORTURE (Holandija) – Intervju dao Patrick Boleij (bas gitara) Hello guys, how are you? What have you been doing these days? Is there any breaking news about Severe Torture? We are fine thank you! We have just been released of our contract with Hammerheart, that was our biggest project of this year. Now we are free to sign a new deal and do things different. Also we have been very busy writing new stuff. First thing from your web site that caught my attention was your problem with censorship? I know that one of your shows in Switzerland was cancelled because, according to local promoter, your artwork was “perverse, disgusting and very offensive, and shows a total lack of respect for other human beings”. Did you have any bigger problem with censorship? Are you worried when you hear that Cannibal Corpse are not allowed to play songs from first 3 albums in Germany? That thing in Switzerland was shitty, but after talking with the local promoter when we were there for the tour (ofcourse we weren’t allowed to play) I am not angry anymore. But still it sucked being there and not getting the chance to play. I am not concerned for the future, labels censore artwork even before they get any complaints, so if we have another brutal album cover, the label will probably censore it so they are sure that the album gets in the stores. You emphasized on your web site that it’s not female but male being butchered. Why is it more offensive if it’s woman? There are so many organizations fighting for rights of women. Shouldn’t they have the same rights as men, to be butchered, he he? Hehe, the things is that the biggest problem was that the Swiss promoter was offended by it because he thought that we were women haters, hehe. So that is why we explained the artwork. And I can assure you, that we love women, if you know what I mean. Many bands today have quite disgusting covers, sometimes with photos of mutilated human bodies. Are you surprised because you are the one who has problem with censorship? How did they pick up your band amongst so many bands out there? Well, a promoter always gets a promotion package before they book the show, so that’s why they picked us. As for the artwork you are talking about, that concerns bands that most of the time don’t have their albums in record stores, only at mail orders or distro’s. So they don’t have distributors that refuse the CD! Still, cover for ‘Butchery of the Soul’ is not so extreme. How’s that happened? It had to be clear that it wasn’t a normal Severe Torture release and it is too expensive to create the artwork we normally have. Were those covers your idea or it was all done by Joe Maloney? If it’s not secret, how much did it cost to get his painting? The art concept is always from us, but Joe does a great job creating what we want. I am glad that we are one of the only bands that are using him! I am not gonna tell you what we pay him, hehe! One thing I like about Severe Torture’s music is that although it’s brutal death metal it’s not typical US patterned death metal ala Suffocation/Deeds Of Flesh/ Dying Fetus, played by many bands nowadays. It sounds to me more like early Cannibal Corpse but much more brutal. Do you agree? Can you list your 10 favorite albums/demos? Many bands skip this question. I guess that we have a little euro influence in our US death metal. We are trying to sound like ourselves and to much as what most bands are doing. But ofcourse you will always hear our influences! My top 10, well that’s hard. There are too many to mention so I am gonna skip this one too, hehe! Hammerheart Records offered Severe Torture a contract for 2 full-length CDs and an option for 2more. Are you satisfied with Hammerheart and will you continue cooperation? Have you thought about other labels and which one you would like it to be? What do you think for example about Unique Leader? We are free from Hammerheart now, they did a good job, but we wanted to try something different. See what we can do if we sign to another label. About Unique Leader, they are very cool label, but for us I would work, we know everybody at the label so it is hard to keep business and friendship apart. How many copies of both albums have you sold so far? I know that vinyl editions are mostly sold out. Both albums sold about 10.000 copies each. It could have been more if the US release of both albums would have been the same as in Europe. But still for brutal death metal it is quit much! So I am pretty satisfied so far, but I know it can be better! The vinyl is no longer available through HH as far as I know, you can probably find at distro’s or mail orders. I know that you started working on 3rd full-length album. Can you tell me something more about it? How much is it going to be different from first 2 albums now when you have 2 guitars? Does Marvin have any influence at your music? The new stuff is more mature song-wise. It still is brutal, but we managed to put more dynamics in it. And the songs have become real songs, as far as you can speak of songs in death metal. Marvin has been a mayor influence, from the minute he joined the band he helped writing new songs! When will you enter the studio? Will you record again at Franky’s Recording Kitchen or you will find some other studio to get different sound from previous albums? We will hit the studio in January. It will be in a different studio this time. We want to get a better sound and a better mix than the first 2 albums. I can’t tell which studio cause we don’t know yet! You made video clip for Butchery Of The Soul (my favorite Severe Torture song)? Where have you played it so far? Why didn’t you include some explicit content, something in vein of your covers? Do you have some more video clips and do you have plan to make a video for some song from upcoming album? The Butchery video was something that we wanted to try. It has only been shown on Dutch music channels as far as I know. The video had to be cheap because we paid for it ourselves, so that is why we only used footage of ourselves. We will make new videos for the upcoming CD, I don’t know what it is gonna be like. Maybe some naked chicks and us by a swimming pool, hehe! How difficult is life during tours? Or how difficult is it for Seth (you know the scene from Butchery clip), haha? When you are on tour do you have time to see the town you’re playing in, or you can just check out local beer? Touring is hard, but playing makes everything right. In Europe, most of the time we can walk around the city, so that’s always cool to do. But in the US we never anything else than the venue, which sucks because we don’t go to the US that often. And ofcourse we always check the local beers, we drink everything that gets us drunk, partying makes you sleep better on the bus, hehe. Why didn’t you take part at tour with Hate Eternal, Dying Fetus and Deeds Of Flesh? Before you, Houwitser also cancelled participation and Prejudice joined them (excellent replacement). It was great opportunity for you, don’t you think? That tour being cancelled sucked. At first the tour was supposed to happen in September, but it got cancelled. Then the tour was set up for January, at that time Marvin was in the band for almost a year. But in the tour bus there was no place for him, so we decided not to do it! It was hard, but it was the best way to show that we are serious about Marvin. Have you got chance to play in some Eastern Europe country? Is there any chance that you come to Serbia? Do you usually play just for traveling costs or you get some fee? We never played Serbia, maybe in the future, who knows. Usually we play for a fee, we feel that if a promoter makes money, why shouldn’t we? I know that a lot of bands say that they will play for travel costs. We used to do that too, but nothing is for free, we need to pay bills too. US bands say many praising words about European fans. How did it look like to you when you were in America? How many fans were attending shows and can you compare them to European fans? We did a underground tour with Deeds of Flesh, Disgorge (US) and Disavowed. Most of the shows were great, with good turnouts, but we did have our ocassinally bad shows. But is part of touring! The fans over there are different, the European crowd looks more metal than the US crowd. You played for about 3-4 years without second guitarist. How did you decide to recruit new guitarist after so much time? Was it a problem for you to find suitable person/musician or you just didn’t think about that until you met Marvin? It took us so long because we didn’t want an extra guitar player. But Marvin was just the only guy we felt that ever could join our band. He was playing with Dew-scented on the tour we did with Cannibal Corpse, so we spent 5 weeks on the road with. After the tour we were thinking what to do next, and we started thinking of maybe recruiting an extra guitarist. Marvin was the only guy we could think off. And that is the best decision we ever made! Around 1998 (if I’m not wrong) Seth and Patrick joined another Dutch band Centurian, and your vocalist Eric joined legendary Sinister. How much did it help or hinder you? Many fans have heard about you thanks to those bands but how much did it slow you down? It only helped us, it got our name out and that was important around that time. That’s all, there was never any hinder. Unavoidable question is one about Holland scene. What demo bands would you recommend and what are your favorite Dutch bands? What was reaction of fans to news about Sinister splitting up? If they had been Serbian band they would have had status of heroes here. How do people there in Holland look at them? There are may great bands in Holland, but a lot of bands think that achieving what we did is easy, so they are lazy. The good bands right now: Pyaemia, Disavowed, God Dethroned, Inhume. The split of Sinister was just a matter of time, there were just to many line-up changes and ofcourse Aad was getting older, so his drumming wasn’t what is once used to be. I think they made an good decision, now they can still be proud of what they did! As far for the scene, there is a lot of jealousy. Most musicians are jealous at other musicians. That sucks but that is the way it is. What king of cooperation do you have in Holland? Are bigger bands ready to support and promote newcomers? The cooperation is pretty good even with the jealousy, we always support bands that we think are cool! Are you into deeper underground and do you have time for it, like visiting smaller shows, trading zines/ tapes/ CDs? What scene do you specially like? Do you prefer American or old continent underground? I go to every show I can, that’s sometimes 3 a week! But I don’t buy every death metal CD anymore. There is too many CD’s coming out, so am very picky nowadays. I like everything that sounds brutal, and is recognisable, I do have to hear music, he he! What are you doing apart from playing in Severe Torture? Where do you hang out in the evenings? What is life in Holland and is there any country where you would like to move? We all have jobs to pay for the bills. In the evenings we write music and watch TV and hang out with the girls. A couple of times a week we rehearse and in the weekends we visit shows and get drunk! Hmm, questions are gushing out? This could be just the first half of the interview so maybe it would be better to finish it before I bored you to death. For the end, tell me more about plans for future. Any plans for some tours? Well in January will hit the studio, so hopefully it will get a release in April/May. And then finally we can start touring again, I can’t wait to get out on the road again!! Thanks for interview. Last words are yours… Thanx for the support!!! Check out our new CD next year!!! Stay drunk and get laid!! Pat and Severe Torture WWW.SEVERETORTURE.COM Copyrights Angelmeat zine
ANGELMEAT fanzin vise nece izlaziti. 6-7 intervjua je odradjeno za treci broj i steta je da ne budu objavljeni. Na temama ostalih bendova koji su bili planirani za #3 mozete procitati intervju sa nekima od njih. Intervjui su sad malo bajati jer su radjeni pre 2 godine ali mislim da nisu manje interesantni. Pogledajte teme: Suffocation, Severe Torture, Ophiolatry, Gutted, Haemorrhage, Putridity, Gospel of the Horns. OPHIOLATRY (Brazil) – Intervju dao Fabio Sperandio (gitara) Hello Fabio! What’s up? I know that you had some personal changes in the band so I think it would be the best that for the beginning of this interview you say what has happened with the band since release of debut album "Anti-Evangelistic Process". Exactly! In 2002, Tiago Nunes left the band. In the same year, Antonio assumed the vocals of the band. In 2003, we recorded Misanchristianthropy as a power trio and we want to keep this present formation definitively. Tell me more about your latest material entitled "Misanchristianthropy"? How different is it from album? I haven’t got the chance to listen to it but I read some review that described music as satanic black metal. Did you mix your old style with black metal or they just used this term because of your lyrics? To me our music is more original than before. Through the years, our style got stronger. Some people associated Ophiolatry with Black Metal because of our lyrics and maybe because Misanchristianthropy front cover. And anyway, labels don’t bother me! Our intent is to bring chaos through music! What are other reactions to it? Do you think that you can achieve more with this release than with "Anti-Evangelistic Process"? I heard it’s sold out so will it be reprinted? When we’re composing we don’t think about riffs! They just come out naturally. Our music happens naturally also. I think Misanchristianthropy is getting a better publish then our first full length CD because Deathgasm is giving us a better support. Anyway, Anti-Evangelistic Process is over. You can’t find it anymore. Have you signed contract with Deathgasm for next album or they just released split CD? How did you start cooperation with Infernal Dominion and Deathgasm? Our contract is just for only one split CD. Alex asked for a full length album, but we’re still thinking. All we wanted was a chance to show how Ophiolatry sounds as a power trio and we thought a MCD or maybe a split CD would be perfect. We talked to Alex and he made us a good offer. What are your plans now when Evil Vengeance is out of business? Do you negotiate with some other labels? Would you have continued cooperation with Evil Vengeance if they hadn’t quit? Next year we’re going to contact some labels to release our next album. We had an agreement with EVR to record 2 albums, but the label was closed by Gene and because of this we want to reach different objectives. EVR gave us a great support to Ophiolatry record Anti-Evangelistic Process, but we can’t say the same thing about the publish. Promotion of "Anti-Evangelistic Process" was strong, but concentrated in North America? Have you tried to release it also through some Brazilian and European label or contract with Evil Vengeance didn’t allow that? Can you try now to re-release it on the old continent? Copyrights was owned by Gene worldwide. In Brazil, Mutilation Records had some interest to release Ant-Evangelistic Process and in Europe, I talked to Laurent (Listenable Records). But Gene wasn’t interested in selling the rights. And now that EVR ended, Gene gave us the Anti-Evangelistic rights as a payment for some royalties. So, we’re free to contact some European labels to try to release Anti-Evangelistic Process. And that’s what we’re going to do next year. What kind of contract did you have with Evil Vengeance? The contract was really simple: he paid all the expenses with recording, pressing and promotion of the CD. With that he owned all the CD rights and paid us only 10% of the selling and merchandise. Your demo "Opposite Monarchy" was released as a split CD with Ancestral Malediction by Mutilation Records and it was also re-released as a 4-way split by Relapse Records as the "Brazilian Assault" compilation. How did Relapse Records pick you up for this split? Rangel (Abhorrence guitar) had some contacts with some guys from Relapse Records. He said to these guys if they weren’t interest in releasing Brazilian Assault. Rangel showed them Ophiolatry’s work to Tom Hailey and then he said we were one of four bands chosen. After our conversation, next step was contacting Relapse Records and then sending our material. How much has your music been changed from this demo to "Anti-Evangelistic Process" and you latest release "Misanchristianthropy"? I read that it was in vein of Deicide and Hypocrisy. Would you say so? Ophiolatry is getting better day after day. During the demo time, we didn’t have idea about music as professional musicians. Since Anti-Evangelistic Process we are more dedicated to our art, including rehearsing three times a day. With Misanchristianthropy we almost reach our bjectives. I’m sure our next album will be 666% OPHIOLATRY. Covers of "Misanchristianthropy" and "Anti-Evangelistic Process" are quite simplified. Do you prefer such covers or you just can’t afford to pay artists as Seagrave or Zig? Our money we had (including some of our own pocket!) was used to record. That’s why our art cover aren’t so good and also to contract some artist who is able to get Ophiolatry’s feeling. Desmond Sia is a Fantastic artist, but his art was damaged by bad graphic work. Tell me more about upcoming split with Abhorrence? Your 2 last recordings are split releases. Do you have some plans for 2nd full length CD? As I said before, we're going to release a new album in 2005. The thing is that to record a split is not so expensive as a full length album. And we don't have any album or split released in Brazil. So, that's why a split will be very important at this time. This is going to be released by Malignant Art that agency Ophioaltry and Abhorrence as well. I hope that is going to be malign 666. Many Brazilian bands sound very similar (to Krisiun) but Ophiolatry is not one of them. What do you think about your scene and which Brazilian bands do you like? There are lots of bands in Brazil, but almost of them are unknown in Europe. I like ABHORRENCE, ANCESTRAL MALEDICTION, FUNERATUS, KROMORTH and much more. All of them are BRUTALEXTREMEHELLBANDS. What are the conditions in Brazil for rehearsals, recording and releasing albums, touring and presentation of metal bands through medias? Problems such as economical, political and religious are all big enemies of the art. But in Brazil things are going better little by little. There are some labels that really believe in Brazilian bands and there are more events happening here. But we still have some difficulties to buy good equipments to rehearse, doing shows and recordings because everything is dollar and north-american money is 3 times more expensive than Real (our money). Your strong antichristian attitude expressed in you lyrics is kind of your response to life conditions in Brazil and people who are waiting for the heaven’s promises instead of trying to change something in their lives. What I’m interested in is do you think that antichristianity means Satanism or you see it as something between these 2 fractions? I know that you despise idea of god but do you consider yourselves as Satanists in term of worshiping Satan? We live in a ceaseless war. In Brazil we have the second biggest shrine of the world!!! People are narrow minded!!!! In each street you can find 2 or 3 churches from different religions and that reflects in a noxious way in the society. We dedicate our art and our lives to an only one antichrist objective and that means that we are enemies of everything that reminds religion. Consequently we are Christ enemies, you opposite. The best description should be SATAN 666. I know that you are trying to get the best possible live performance but it’s not possible without good equipment so what equipment do you use for live shows and what do you use in studio during recording sessions? I use EMG 85 guitar pickups, Marshall JCM, ALESIS Compressor, Samsamp distortion and tube screamer for leads. Bass: passive pickups and compressor ALESIS. Drums: Brazilian Pads Staff Drums, ALESIS D4, ALESIS compressor and triggers all over the drums. These are our equipment to shows and recording. To rehearse we use a quite simple equipment. To rehearse we also use a Quick Time metronome. How much do you rehearse to stay in condition? From Monday to Friday: three times a day. Saturday and Sunday: Once a day. We think that’s minimum needful to keep a good repertory, good technique and also a good performance on stage. You got the chance to play in Europe for the first time few months ago so can you tell me about that experience? Who did organize that tour for you and how many gigs did it include? I believe it was very important moment for you so can you write some tour report? When will you visit old continent again? We booked all days. We don’t have a intinerary. This mini-tour was only to make some contacts. We met lots of cool guys like the people from Demonizer, Nick Neyah, Tommy (Soldiers of Sudarium), Andro (Malediction / Death Trap). This first time we played in 7 shows in Belgium and 3 more in Hungary. But next year we would like to make at least 40 shows. What are the chances for South American bands to tour around that part of the world? Have you got the chance to play in some neighbor countries and what do you think about metal scene from this (SA) region? It’s getting easier to play in some neighbor countries like Peru, Paraguay, Chile and many others. None invited us to play in these countries around Brazil. But we want to do so! It should be fantastic. As I said before, the situation here in South American is not one of the best. But as the bands going notorious in heavy metal scene, they tend to play in Europe. I hope that next year we will be able to arrange your show in Serbia. Till that time spread some more blasphemy for the end of this interview. Ophiolatry thanks your support Milan. I hope we can meet you next year in Europe! Don’t forget to visit http://www.ophiolatry.org You can see all our merchandise, contact us to interview and so on. Suffocate Christ…..We can kill the Jesus’ Spawn! www.ophiolatry.org Copyrights Angemeat zine
Sacramental Blood, Ophiolatry (Brazil) - EXIT 7. Jul
Potvrdjen je nastup Sacramental Blood-a i Ophiolatry. Uskoro cemo objaviti raspored turneje
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U prodaji je konacno i Sacramental Blood (SCG) / Ophiolatry (Brazil) split CD "Inception of Ceremony" / "Satancore". Cena preko ANGELMEAT distribucije iznosi 400 din + 50 din PTT. CD mozete od danas kupiti i u Mordoru (BG) i Mungosu (NS) Adresa za narucivanje: Milan Dobrosavljevic Brace Rajt 2/1 11211 Borca Beograd
Majce su rasprodate. Uskoro cemo stampati nove kolicine (onih sa logo-om benda a i nove dizajne).
CD je od danas moguce kupiti u Mordoru (BG) i Mungosu (NS). Za cenu nismo sigurni ali ukoliko narucujete preko maila cena za Srbiju je 400 din + 50 din PTT Adresa za narucivanje: Milan Dobrosavljevic Brace Rajt 2/1 11211 Borca Beograd Osim Sacramental BLood/ Ophiolatry split CD-s mozete naruciti i: Amon Din - Dinamoneyezed 350 din Silent Kingdom - Bloodless 300 din Silent Kingdom - Reflections of Fire 400 din