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Everything posted by AwakeN
Necu ni da ga slusam sada,dovoljno ste mi vi ogadili album,verovacu vam na rec.
Sad sam razocaran necu ni da ga skidam.
Nisam zadovoljan soundom bubnjeva,konkretno dobosa......nadam se da ce cistije da zvuci na boljem snimku.
Neverovatno da posle toliko promasaja jos uvek gajim nadu.....
Ne uzimaj hleb A. Lucassen-u.
Jebo ga growl vise.
Minneman moj favorit......Mangini se previse kurci dok svira......neodgovara mi takva licnost u DT.....svi su stalozeni dok sviraju.
Pojavio se pre-order novog albuma na Amazonu......kontam da cemo brzo da ga poslusamo......
Iskreno uzivo mi je zvucala bolje......bila je brža I energicnija......ovako je puno smornija,klavijature su ok,ali sam se odvikao od Pinelle I njegove dominacije u pesmama!
Slusao sam ih vec kao headliner-e tako da,ako dodje jos nekih prog bendova,mogao bih se iscimati u pestu.
Ove dve pesme sto su odradili u pesti obecavaju dobar album.
Potvrdjen datum u madjarskoj 4 avgusta na Fezen Festivalu! Ali nemogu da nadjem nista o tom festivalu........nema ga ni na eventimu jos!?zanima me ko jos dolazi od bendova???
Pevac je nadrkana verzija Labrie-a!!!voleo bih ga cuti u Dreamu.
Ukratko moj utisak......... Thaurorod je imao extra ton,iako nevolim tipican Dragonforce power......... Mercenary je na momente zvucao ok,ali ubedljivo najlosiji ton,neznam koji im je....... PW je zvucao extra iako nisam neki ljubitelj,mada se cinilo u par navrata da se pevac pati jer nije mogao da izvuce neke deonice ali sa oprostenjem,jer su se nedavno okupili opet...... I sada Highlight of my day NEVERMORE,iako sam isao zbog SyX..........znaci nemogu da verujem kako su zvucali i dalje nemogu da dodjem sebi!!!! :rockdevil:imali su takav jebeno dobar ton,a posebno da naglasim to da im basistkinja jebe mame i uzduz i popreko!!! I na kraju SyX,ono sto sam i ocekivao kao sto je neko gore i naveo........Romeo-v riff zvuci sranje,pinela se stvarno jako slabo cuje u harmonijama dok je u solazama bio ok,ali Russell je pokazao i odrzao lekciju pevanja svima.......basista totalno nezapazen,da nije odsvirao uvod Domination na bass-u nebi ga ni pogledao,dok je bubnjar bio ok ozvucen. ukratko moji utisci.....pozzz ekipi koja je bila i sa nama i sa Lazom.
U pravu si,imao je dusu na par albuma ali je izgubio komercijalom. Nadam se da je otisla u pakao zbog toga.
Na Underworldu je svirao Kevin Codfert,znaci solaze su mu bruka dok u poslednja 3 albuma Rudess zvuci isto,kao cirkus sto i svira.jebale ga cirkuske teme. Edit:ok,vidim da si ispravio post drugar!
Mozda jeste wizard ali mislim da bi ga Kevin Codfert(adagio) pojeo u duelu kao zec kelerabu. Setimo se samo Underworld albuma,cini mi se da je proglasen lik za klavijaturistu godine po izlasku albuma.
Ako je tako rano su poceli da sviraju nove stvari......ba sam ocekivao album do kraja meseca.....
Vidi ima raznih predrasuda o DT i jednostavno je previse misljenja i ukusa o ovom bendu,tako da nevredi ulaziti u ikakve polemike.... a za "kralja"sam napisao zbog slike.
Prestao sam da postujem na ovoj temi otkad je Tarja otisla,i davno nisam ulazio ovde ali nemogu da verujem da jos uvek traje prepucavanje koja je pevacica bolja,neverovatno.
Hahahah Kralju!!! jednostavno nemam zalju da slusam Dream vec dugo vremena zbog svih njihovih sranja sto su ucinili. Ima toliko novih prog bendova koji bi mogli da odrze DT-u casove proga.
Power/Prog metal predlozi & noviteti
AwakeN replied to WindrideR's topic in Power & progressive metal
Ove scene jebu ali bas jebu kevu!- 4683 replies
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Nista novo........mada nije losa stvar,voleo bih da cujem malo bolje riffove. Malo vesti.... In other news, the official SYMPHONY X French web site The Eyes Of Medusa has also revealed the main visual that will adorn the cover of the band's new album, "Iconoclast", as well as related t-shirts and posters. Check it out below. During a January 29, 2011 interview with DJ JC Green of Metal Messiah Radio's "Heavy Metal Thunder" show, SYMPHONY X vocalist Russell Allen was asked what stage of the recording/mixing process the new CD is in. "We are in post-production, so the album is pretty much almost done," Allen replied. "At this point, mixes are being wrapped up and finalized and it's off to mastering and should be ready for release in a few months — definitely first quarter of 2011. We've got the artworks all done, we're taking pictures next week... all that good stuff. So everything's on track for release pretty soon." Regarding the sound of "Iconoclast" and how it compares to that of 2007's "Paradise Lost", Russell said, "Sonically, it's in the realm of that one in a way, in terms of the sound of things; the guitar sound is a little different. Basically, the album is pretty intense — probably the most intense record we've ever done; it's chock-full of riffs — tons of great riffs. It's heavy, the music, but the singing is very melodic in terms of its... the choruses are real strong, the verses are real strong, but I'm singing aggressively — a lot of that going on — 'cause the topic is, again, very dark; you know, that's what we do. So the album's very powerful. And, of course, we do have one song that's like a little mini-epic, so to speak, and it's the lightest — a light, light, light song. So there is a contrast on the record of that one song that has that sort of 'Paradise Lost' feel to it; it's a ballad, I guess, if you wanna call it that." He continued, "This album will contain a good body of work that harkens back to a lot of early metal — some early metal — and a lot of SYMPHONY X standards that you guys know already, and a little bit of a newer sound, too, here and there — just a newer direction. Some of the singing parts, I tried some more rhythmic things that I was hearing that sounded pretty cool, and some different things that I'm doing with my voice now that are a little more looking to the future of what we hear the music going. It's just the next progression for us, where we are as writers and stuff, but it's pretty intense — it's way more intense than 'Paradise Lost', if you can believe that." When asked about the "Iconoclast" lyrical concept, Russell said, "It is basically just the idea of machines taking over everything and all this technology we put our society into pretty much being our demise. It's a story we were all familiar with, but we put our own spin on it. It's not a linear story in terms of... This is just the theme of the record, so all the songs are in that theme, but they're not connected in any sort of story way — there's no characters of any of that stuff — it's just a theme. Like [PINK FLOYD's] 'The Dark Side Of The Moon', it's really just a theme of the dark side of the moon — one song deals with death, the other one deals with time... You know what I mean?! So it's the same kind of thing. I'm not comparing the two albums by any means — don't misunderstand me — but in terms of the idea of a concept, so to speak, the concept is there, but it's not a story record — not like [2002's] 'The Odyssey', where the song 'The Odyssey' is that story."