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Anonimus of Metal

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  1. https://anatomized.bandcamp.com/music
  2. Limbonic Art - Moon in the Scorpio Satyricon - Nemesis Divina Memoriam - For the Fallen (long sleeve) Immolation - Dawn of Possession (XXXL) Nuclear Assault - Survive Slayer - Hell Awaits
  3. Original majice uglavnom veličine XXL, sa printom napred i nazad, nabavljene preko Neta ili iz različitih delova Evrope... Za slike, cenu i ostalo pošaljite pm ili pišite na mail [email protected] Gruesome Stuff Relish - Sempiternal Death Grind My Dying Bride - Turn Loose The Swans Bolt Thrower - Realm Of Chaos Bolt Thrower - The Fourth Crusade Cancer - Death Shall Rise Massacre - Inhuman Condition Windir - Likferd (long sleeve) Napalm Death - Scum (long sleeve) Immortal - All Shall Fall Bathory - Hammerheart Carcass - Reek of Putrefaction Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja (XXXL) Vader - Morbid Reich (XXXL) Death - Leprosy (long sleeve, XXXL) Morbid Angel - Gargoyle (long sleeve) Syphilectomy - Epidemic Consummation Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream Autopsy - Mental Funeral Blood - Impulse to Destroy (grey) Carnage - Dark Recollections Benediction - Subconscious Terror Kreator - Pleasure to Kill Nekrokrist SS - Waiting the Mass Destruction (XXXL) Memoriam - Requiem for Mankind Beheaded - Ominous Bloodline Sinister - Demon Onslaught - Killing Peace Unleashed - Hammer Battalion Testament - Dark Roots...
  4. Forum namenjen ljubiteljima pretežno Punk-a i HC-a http://www.punktorrents.com
  5. Bend Black Mass osnovani su 2012 i dolaze iz Bostona (Masačusets, SAD). Posle dva demo izdanja i EP-ja ''The Second Coming'' iz 2013, dve godine kasnije pojavljuje se prvenac ''Ancient Scriptures'' (2015). Ovih dana u prodaji se našao novi album ''Warlust'', ubitačni ekstremni ''Oldschool'' Thrash Metal... Album je objavio nemački ''Iron Shield Records'' koji rade sa bendovima Fatal Embrace, Reactory, Thrash Bombz idr. Za album ''Warlust'' odradjen je i video za numeru ''Hellhounds'' Ovo su linkovi na kojima se nalazi i merch benda Black Mass https://www.facebook.com/BlackMassBand https://blackmassband.bandcamp.com/ Uskoro će se pojaviti i intervju na fejsbuk stranici webzine https://www.facebook.com/Oath-Zine-Serbia-1650277075193278/
  6. Većina majica je prodata tako da postavljam nove u ponudi Za informacije pisati na pm
  7. Domaći Death Grind bend BegUsToStop upravo su se ovih dana našli sa svojim prvim albumom ''Overdose Reality'' na stranicama sajta Discogs, album je izdat od francuskog Meat 5000 Records https://www.discogs.com/artist/6959683-Begustostop Takodje na Facebook stranici Oath Zine Serbia možete pročitati intervju sa bendom (uradjen na engleskom jeziku)
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU8QI03yMms
  9. Disgorge, Meksikanci, da se ne zaborave, dugo je vremena prošlo od zadnjeg albuma ''Gore Blessed To The Worms'', 12 godina, al još uvek sviraju Malo krljanja sa prvog albuma ''Chronic Corpora Infest'' iz 1997
  10. Rasprodaja veceg broja majica (veličina XXL) po ceni od 900 din/kom, odnosno 4 majice za 3000 din. Majice su nove, nenošene (u tzv. ''mint'' stanju), sa printom napred i nazad Slike šaljem na pm Autopsy Sinister Malevolent Creation Carcass Absurd Brutal Truth Emperor Sodom Onslaught Unleashed Haemorrhage Exodus Suffocation Slayer Mortician Celtic Frost Nuclear Assault Graveland Facebreaker Darkthrone Testament Sabbat Haggard Hellhammer Impetigo Massacre Kreator Deranged Incantation Krisiun Bloodbath Asphyx Benediction Entrails Revel In Flesh Terrorizer
  11. BESATT Black Cult of Evil DVD Rip My link
  12. LIMBONIC ART Phantasmagoria My link SVARTAHRID Ex Inferi My link
  13. PSYCHOPATIC SADISM Teach Me to Kill My link TORTURE THE MASS VConfrontation with Abnormal Violation My link MUCUPURULENT Monsters of Carnage My link SEVERE TORTURE Slaughtered My link SODOMY TORTURE Exterminamorgue My link OERJGRINDER Pig Dick Pig Nick My link
  15. A N A T O M I Z E D, grindcore, Apatin, Srbija www.myspace/anatomizedband My link
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