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Sleaze Glammer

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Posts posted by Sleaze Glammer

  1. Aj oladi Lemi, ja ih voli, i jedan su mi od omiljenih i naravno da cu da ih dizem u jebena nebesa! A ko jebe Briana? On je tako pevao posto je jedino tako znao da peva! Tom ( pevac / gitarista ) nije ni hteo da bude vokal ali su ga ostali naterali. Njegovi omiljeni bendovi su Aerosmith i Rolling Stones... mada verovatno voli AC/DC, svi rokeri imaju neku plocu od njih.

  2. zar postoji odredjeni glas za balade?


    pevaci koji mogu da malo izvuku glas tipa Steven Tyler, David Coverdale, Mike Matijevic... Glasovi koji imaju nizi rang su dobri za dirty rock stvari npr AC/DC jev pevac,Percy itd


    O da, inace, Closer To My Heart je do jaja!!!

  3. Frontiers Records is pleased to announce all the details surrounding the highly anticipated come back studio album from WHITE LION entitled "Return of The Pride".




    All the trademarks of the White Lion classic sound can be found again in the new album which offers a musical variety that covers the entire musical spectrum the band is well know for. "Return Of The Pride" kicks off with "Sangre de Cristo", a thunderous epic that ventures into lyrical and musical territories best heard, than described. "Battle At Little Big Horn" is the album's other soaring epic, a musical re-enactment of one of Native America's most significant historical event's: Custer's Last Stand. Hook laden rockers such as "Dream", "Live Your Life" and "Finally See The Light" maintain a positive musical and lyrical vibe throughout the album, whereas "Gonna Do It My Way" and "Let Me Be Me" are the modern day "Living On The Edge" songs of rebellion.


    "Return of The Pride" will include the following songs:

    Sangre de Cristo; Dream; Live Your Life; Set Me Free; I Will; Battle at Little Big Horn; Never Let You Go; Gonna Do It My Way; Finally See The Light; Let Me Be Me; Take Me Home (European Bonus Track).


    The album was produced by singer Mike Tramp and bassist Claus Langeskov and recorded during 2007 in both Australia and Copenhagen, Denmark, in between touring commitments.


    White Lion is set to appear live in the summer 2008 with the plan to storm the European audiences. Get ready for the "Return of the Pride" to be released on Frontiers Records on March 14 with a release in Japan scheduled on King Records.


    courtesy of www.frontiers.it i www.sleazeroxx.com


  4. Obozavam Aerosmith, a jedan od razloga su ti nasty / sleaze textovi. Kao npr u F.I.N.E.


    I wanna shove my tongue

    Right between your cheeks

    I haven't made love

    now for 27 weeks


    ili u Devil's Got A New Disguise


    F U C K (citaj slovo po slovo na engleskom)

    Tell her I love Her

  5. Skid Row zvanicno spadaju u glam kategoriju, ali slazem se sa tobom da nisu. Prvi album je glemiran, a ostali imaju glama na slamku. Za mene su oni heavy rock/metal. Ipak ne mozes da spomenes glam a da ne spomenes Skid Row. Imali su izgled, pesme i uspeh u glam eri. Na kraju krajeva one 3 njihove pesme sa debi albuma ( a svi znamo koje su ) su himne glama

  6. ma dajte....... kakav bre Brajan i Dzenis? Covek ima specifican visok growl... Mnogo cool glas. Volim da pevam nekad u njemu. Znam da ga skinem super... Inace koja vam je omiljena pesma od Cinderelle. Od balada mi je Through The Rain a od rawkera... neka bude Shelter Me ( mada tu su i Gypsy Road, Love's Got Me Doin' Time, Blood From A Stone... )

  7. Znam ja sta je rekao... covek je sell-out. Zadnji solo album mu je pop - emo i covek je nosio cirokanu! On bi sve uradio samo da bude malo popularan! Inace Warrant kao bend i ne voloim nesto previse, ali imaju par do jaja stvari, a spotovi su im extra. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Sometimes She Cries ( omiljeni gitarski intro ) itd

  8. Ma pogresno si sve to svatio. nemoj da pricas ko grandzer! To je tada bio nacin zivota i hedonizam na vrhuncu!!! A pobogu, na bini si, pravis sou, naravno da moras drugacije da izgledas!!! I sta fali glam spotovima??? Cherry Pie, Up All Night, I Want Action... sve sam vrH!!!

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