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Sleaze Glammer

Iskreni članovi
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Everything posted by Sleaze Glammer

  1. 99 KASETA? Pff..
  2. Dobro, ajd onda Sindrelu Aj bre bacite se na probe pa da svirate.
  3. Koliko puta je tema Atlantide otvarana/zatvarana do sada? Enihau za one koji su lenji da otvore link evo je recenzija... ali ih je popljuvao... Mislim da bi bilo kul da Nemanja (dobro... Atlantida) batali metal i okrene se roku. To ima vecu prodju i nekako su mi vise za to nego za ovo sto su pokusali da urade. BTW, zar nisu Brankovici odsvirali soloe na ovom albumu? Album beogradskog benda “Atlantida” u izdanju One Records-a, dostupan je publici od decembra 2006. godine. Energične pesme i uglavnom ljubavna tematika karakterišu ovo muzičko dostignuće koje je zapažen uspeh postiglo na talasima radija 202 tokom prošle godine. Bend proizvodi Hard n’ Heavy zvuk prožet elementima power metala ali se mogu osetiti i razni etno elementi koji podsećaju na naše stare domaće bendove kao sto su Osvajači i Generacija 5. Ono sto prvo vidim kad razmišljam o kupovini CD-a je svakako cover albuma. Nažalost Atlantida se ne može pohvaliti svojim coverom. Cover albuma je u grafuckom smislu siromašan. Kada otvorite buklet, zatećićete fotografije benda i dosta tematski nepovezanih slika pored tekstova pesama. Raznolikost tema u pesmama su pokušali da prate i temama u bukletu sto nije bio dobar izbor. Dok sa druge strane ne mogu a da ne pohvalim logo benda koji je zaista impresivan! Na albumu prvencu se nalazi dvanaest pesama u trajanju od 46 minuta. Album otvara pesma “Atlantida” vrlo pevljiva, ali sa već viđenim metaforama i lirskim patosima. Prilično neupečatljiv vokal je dopunjen ženskim vokalima koji su mi se naročito dopali u pesmama “Večnost” i “Strahovi”. Za najuspešniju pesmu na albumu “Kraljica pohlepe” je urađen i spot osrednjeg kvaliteta koji se kao bonus video može naći na disku. Na albumu se nalazi i jedan instrumental bez naziva. Očekivala sam da će biti malo virtuozniji s obzirom na gitarske deonice u ostalim pesmama, ali ovaj bih nazvala prilično bledim. Opšti utisak o albumu je da su vokalne linije vrlo pamtiljive i jako dobro uklopljene sa muzikom. Bubanj daje energičnost, pesme nisu monotone i jednolične. Produkcija je solidna za naše prostore. Gitarske deonice su slične u svakoj pesmi ali su dobre. Klavijature su sjajne i po mom mišljenju one su vrhunac albuma! Čini mi se da je interesantno napomenuti da je kroz ovaj bend prošla citava horda muzičara, i da većina onih koji su stvarali ovaj album više nisu članovi benda. Ali da se ovaj članak ne pretvori u žutu stampu na hard n’ heavy način ovde su staviti tačku i albumu benda “Atlantida” dati ocenu 6 od 10. Jovana Tomić za RockSerbia.net
  4. ugh.... oni ne sviraju hricanski glam metal... Zapravo oni nemaju veze sa hriscanstvom. Njihov nadimak (posprdni) je bio bandwagon messiah, jer im je prvi album u glam metal fazonu (a la Poison), drugi sleaze (GnR) a treci industrijal
  5. Zar to nije zensko? Anyway, TO je imalo super frizuru. A ona babusketara iza bubnjeva mi je bila grozna (of course) Uopste se ne secam kakva je bila muzika L.H. Neki melodicni rock tako nesto
  6. pff naravno da mozes... Evo ja sam potpuno ravnodusan prema njima
  7. Ja jesam... Potpuno prosecan album ali te dve uz Tommorow su mi bile najbolje. nisu napravili zaista dobar album od Histerije. Adreanalazj je bio tek prosecan
  8. jesam jesam priznajem, sorry... Pa mozda je cura dobra, ali na ovoj slici mi je bzvze
  9. lol a do jaja
  10. Neke cinjenice sto se tice SLAYERa Since its debut record in 1983, the band has released two live albums, one cover album, one box set, three DVDs, one VHS, two EPs, and nine studio albums, four of which have received gold certification in the United States. By early 1985, Show No Mercy had sold over 40,000 copies Although the album received virtually no radio airplay, it became the band's first to enter the Billboard 200, debuting at #94,[15] and the band's first album certified gold in the United States 1988's South of Heaven received mixed responses from both fans and critics, although it was Slayer's most commercially successful release at the time, debuting at #57 on the Billboard 200, and the second album to receive gold certification in the United States Seasons in The Abyss debuted at #44 on the Billboard 200, and was certified gold in 1992. The title track spawned Slayer's second music video, which was filmed in front of the Giza pyramids in Egypt prior to the Gulf War The band released a double live album, Decade of Aggression in 1991, to celebrate ten years. The compilation debuted at #55 on the Billboard 200 In 1994 Slayer released Divine Intervention, the band's first record with drummer Bostaph. The record became the band's highest charting at that time, debuting at #8 on the Billboard 200 A lawsuit was brought against the band in 1996, by the parents of Elyse Pahler, who accused the band of encouraging their daughter's murderers through their lyrics. Elyse was drugged, strangled, stabbed, trampled on, and raped as a sacrifice to the devil by three fans of the band (ok ovo je jebeno bolesno) Diabolus in Musica was released in 1998, and debuted at #31 on the Billboard 200, selling over 46,000 copies. The album received a mixed critical reception and was criticized for adopting characteristics of nu metal music such as tuned down guitars, murky chord structures, and churning beats The band received its first Grammy nomination for the track "Disciple", although the Grammy was awarded to Tool, for "Schism". Eternal Pyre featured the song "Cult", a live performance of "War Ensemble" in Germany, video footage of the band recording "Cult", and a five minute video of a Slayer fan carving the band's name onto his forearm. Five thousand copies were released and sold exclusively through Hot Topic chain stores, and sold out within hours of release. On June 30, Nuclear Blast Records released a 7" vinyl picture disc version limited to a thousand copies Christ Illusion was released on August 8, 2006, and debuted at #5 on the Billboard 200, selling over 62,000 copies in its first week. The album became Slayer's highest charting, improving on its previous highest charting album, Divine Intervention, which had debuted at #8. However, despite its high positioning, the album dropped to #44 in the following week. Three weeks after the album's release Slayer were inducted into the Kerrang! Hall of Fame for their influence to the heavy metal scene The video for the album's first single, "Eyes of the Insane", was released on October 30, 2006. The track was featured on the Saw III soundtrack, and won a Grammy-award for "Best Metal Performance" at the 49th Grammy Awards, although the band were unable to attend due to touring obligations The band released a special edition of Christ Illusion, which featured new cover art and bonus track, "Final Six", which was given a Grammy Award for "Best Metal Performance".
  11. ooo da ha ha ha ha ha
  12. e aj obradite Faster Pussycat!
  13. E Sale za srce si me ugrizao Ti si samo ljubomoran sto ne mozes posteno da natapiras kosu Keep on
  14. Zar nije John 5 svirao u Shotgun Messiah pod drugim imenom? Tower, aj daj neku super slicku te curice
  15. Evo ja da ozivim malo ovu temu Sta je sa novim albumom i DVDjem 8. Putnika? Radi se na njima odavno...
  16. Brate te prica za koncert Kupera... Cujem ju barem jedanput godisnje vec 8 godina
  17. sta je to?
  18. Malo veci raspon godina Mel Galley je u pitanju
  19. Ma Reckless Love. Sranje bend (ko i pevac) evo ga spejs -> http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=111095824 Ma zbog cega je odbio Crashdiet... Dobro barem je odan sto je kul. S tim bendom je bio i pre nego sto je presao u Svedsku.
  20. Swedish rockers Crashdiet have sent out the following press release announcing the departure of vocalist Olliver Twisted: We have decided, in a mutual decision, to go separate ways with Olli. We need a singer who can commit 100%, which unfortunately Olli couldn't live up too. He, as many know about, has another band in finland and we couldn't settle for sharing our time. We want to go further than any band has done before and we can't afford to spend time just waiting. We need to function as a full unit, all the time! It was, as mentioned above, a mutual decision and this ain't the result of any kind of argument. We definately will go on as friends, and we wish Olli all the best! Just to make things clear. CRASHDIET has no intention of giving up. The three of us are more hungry than ever and you ain't seen the end of CRASHDIET yet! Eric, Martin and Peter Courtesy of www.crashdiet.org Ja ima da posaljem neke demoe ovoga puta MOZDA dobijem posao Ozbiljno. Aj kada posaljem da potegnes neke veze ROX i ti Savage
  21. stvarno? e da me vodis kada dodjem u Svedsku
  22. izvinjavam se, nisam znao da je neso solo snimao, ja sam mislio na Motley Crue Nisam fan MC ali mi se novi album MNOGO svidja!
  23. da problemi sa radnom vizom
  24. a i Desmond Child nema nikakve veze sa njima
  25. lol moja devojka ti porucuje da te mrzi Ja ocu u Sverige, cak i caletu to govorim ali nece on tamo da me vodi Ma kada zaradim kintu prvim avionom tamo i ne vracam se ovde! O da mogu i da onesposobim olivera tvisteda i da ja budem novi pjevac Crashdieta . Svirao je sa njima na njihovom debi albumu za Sony (ili je to bese bilo Warner), ali je album propao posto ovi nisu hteli da mu daju postenu reklamu. Hot Rod mu je umetnicko ime
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