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Sleaze Glammer

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Everything posted by Sleaze Glammer

  1. zasto metalci vole Tolkina? Zato sto uglavnom izgledaju ko trolovi... isto vazi i za metalke... CAST IZUZECIMA
  2. ja nikad nisam bio na 202. A niti slusao radio... evo veceras cu... maybe ako nadjem. Ajde o ladite sa devojkom, potuno je u pravu. Ovo je tema za 20. a ne za pedofilisanje i pricanje o liozanju picaka. Jbte ponasate se ko da ste glemeri iz 80ih, idete na svirke sa nadom da odvojite nesto a ne da slusate mjuzu
  3. ja sam imao obrisao sam... sve sem one pesme 1 nite of passion
  4. ko kaze da iko od njih vodi vise brige o izgledu nego o muzici? Jesi li IKADA video neki bend koji staje usred pesme na koncertu da trkne u bejstejdz da popravi sminku?
  5. ma jesu carevi Nego to je glavnija vest... Da im je album na petom mestu bilbordove liste... Prodali do sada nekih 80ak hiljada albuma
  6. Mada mislim da je SRF bolji... imaju obicno mnogo bolje i poznatije bendove izmesane sa new wave-om
  7. jbte postao "upicanjeniji i urbaniji" ... Oba odgovaraju modi toga vremena... Ovako kako su obuceni / natapirani ovi novi bendovi je moda u Skandinaviji ( jeste, znam ) a onakva je bila moda u 80ima. EVOLUCIJA BRATO! I sta os da kazes da nisu u fazonu 80ih?
  8. Jade Wright of the Liverpool Echo recently conducted an interview with Def Leppard vocalist Joe Elliot. After more than three decades in the music business, you might expect Def Leppard to rest on their laurels. The Sheffield super group has sold more than 65m records, making them one of the biggest acts in the history of British rock. But they're just about to go back out on the road, and in this week's midweek charts - both for the UK and America - their new album, The Sparkle Lounge, is No. 5. "Thirty-one years in the business and we're infiltrating the top five," laughs singer Joe Elliot. "I'm not complaining. It's just a strange place to be after so long. We must be in the right place at the right time." I caught up with Joe this week to find out more about his taste in music, and what - if anything - is on his iPod. "Of course I've got an iPod," grins Joe. "I've got an iPhone too." He gets it out of his pocket to prove the point. "I'm a bit of a technophile when it comes to music. "I listen to lots of different things. Eclectic, I suppose you'd have to call my tastes." He scrolls through some of his favourite choices. "Black Parade by My Chemical Romance is a great record," he chuckles. "I love the lyrics, the way they play with words. "Muse always surprise me. I don't know the names of any of the songs, but I'm always amazed that just the three of them can make all that noise, all those different sounds." Joe begins a spookily accurate impression of a Muse song, although exactly which one it's difficult to tell. "It sounds like a spaceship taking off," he laughs. "Phil's (guitarist Phil Collen) guitar tech gave me a great CD by this new band called Fuzz Bubble. I don't know where they're from, but they sound good. I've got that on my iPod and it's something I keep listening to. "You know Orphans by Tom Waits, the album that came out last year? Well, that's taken over from Lou Reid's Berlin as my favourite record to listen to in the bath. I can't listen to it anywhere else. "But Lou Reid in the bath? That was just getting too much. I found myself searching for the razor blades, so I knew I'd had enough of Lou." Def Leppard play the Summer Pops at the ECHO Arena alongside Whitesnake and Thunder on July 15. Their album, The Sparkle Lounge, is out this week. For more information, see www.defleppard.com. Courtesy of www.liverpoolecho.co.uk
  9. A KAD JE TO BILO???
  10. pise ti... daily mirror a i gosn David Coverdale je potvrdio a takodje je poznato da je jedino Plant bio protiv reuniona http://www.mirror.co.uk/ evo ti text u "originalu" Supergroup Led Zeppelin are set to reform for a world tour after their triumphant one-off reunion concert. The Whole Lotta Love legends, with more than 300 million album sales worldwide, are ready to rock 'n roll again to mark their 40th anniversary this year. And like the Rolling Stones, they could each make up to 10million pounds. Fans have been calling for Led Zep to tour after their successful gig at London's 02 Arena last December, which saw Jason Bonham on drums in place of late dad John. Singer Robert Plant, 59, was originally opposed to the idea but has been talked round by bandmates Jimmy Page, 64, and John Paul Jones, 62. A long-time pal, Whitesnake's frontman David Coverdale, said yesterday the tour was "very likely" and he was expecting to be the support act. David said: "I'm expecting a call from Jimmy any day asking my band Whitesnake to support them on their world tour. Am I on board? You bet. Probably worth billions! "Unlike rolling out the wheelchairs with the umpteenth Rolling Stones world tour, a Led Zeppelin tour will be incredible." A source added: "A couple of months ago, it looked unlikely because Robert was against the idea. "But now it looks almost certain. It would either be at the end of this year or early 2009."
  11. hahahahahaha so true
  12. bilo bi kul ( i jedino pravedno imo ) da tribute / cover bendovi zaista IZGLEDAJU ko pravi bend a ne ko da su dosli sa trafike
  13. Ma Stonsi su zakon, bez njih ne bi bilo gomile drugih bendova tipa Aerosmith. Upravo slusam Moonlight Mile... Predivno
  14. iskreno mislim da su velike! U Italiju i Austriju ce npr 100% doci dok je i velika verovatnoca da dodju kod nas nas, Bugara ili Hrvata... ipak su oni Evropljani jbga i nikada nisu svirali ovde (doduse mozda gresim) a ono sada ce teti da sviraju svugde i da zgrabe puno para i da se baskare u njima
  15. cekaj ti ocec da kazes kako te frizure nisu u fazonu 80ih???? Ono izvini ali ti onda nisi normalna iskreno brate...Ovo su i onako samo fotosesn slike gde svako stavlja frizurice da mu izgledaju sto vece i natapiranije! A i svi oni se tapiraju tako da ne vidim razliku... uostalom stvari EVOLUIRAJU... ionako tipicna 80's frizura je bio mulet... Ako nisu fazon roka 80ih ove frizure kazi mi koji su fazon? I nemoj molim te da kazem EMO jer emosi ne nose takve frizure cak nemaju ni duge... All American Rejects, Fall Out Boy, Tokio Hotel, Cinema Bizzare... daj molim te...
  16. E znaci ja sam ovo hteo da postujem
  17. NITRO C.C. DeVille gitarista Poisona TUFF HANOI ROCKS JON BON JOVI, pevac benda Bon Jovi AXL ROSE, peavc Guns N Rosesa aj mi sada kazi kakve ima razlike u frizurama? Ja se ne razumem u glam LOL LMAO ROFL pa ti nisi pri sebi, e castim te picem ako se vidimo ikada
  18. znaci ovo gore nije glamurozno nego emocijalno? Jer to ocete da kazete? Lucky_charm ti oces da kazes da se ja nisam "naslusao muzike 80ih" ? ROFL LMAO LOL a pa ti nisi mormalan niko me ovako nije nasmejao vec duuuuuuuugo vremena :D :D :D :D Os da kazes takodje da ovake frizure nisu bile u 80ima?
  19. ne kenjaj... Svi ovi bendovi postoje duze od Tokija pogotovo od te Bilove frizure koja mu je od prosle godine... To sto neko ima istu frizuru ne znaci da mu je sranje. Bob Marli ima istu frizuru ko brat od Bila... uuuuu fuuuuuujjjj Uostalom negde sam procitao da su njihovi najveci uzori glemeri iz 70ih pogotovo Dejvid Bouvi
  20. zasto mislis da nije?
  21. ne lupaj gluposti odlicne su. Kakav bre emo... usotalom emo je "glam metal light"... zapravo very very light
  22. Martin Sweet, gitarista Crashdieta Peter London, basista Crashdieta Nikki Sixx, basista Motley Crua Dave Leppard (r.i.p.) osnivac i originalni pevac Crashdieta originalni Crashdiet sadasnji Crashdiet bend Sister Deni gitarista Sistera Ovde se nalaze clanvi tri benda... trojica najplavljih su iz Snakes Of Eden, sareni je iz Pepper mint Creepsa a onog petog neznam
  23. najbolji album do sada
  24. Stryper su zapravo mnogo dobar bend... Tehnicki odlicni. Imaju takodje i par vrlo finih pesama npr TO HELL WITH THE DEVIL, HONESTLY i SOLDIERS UNDER COMMAND
  25. jbga nisam se odma setio
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