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Talvi last won the day on February 18

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Abstract of Metal

Abstract of Metal (6/6)



  1. Talvi


    pa na Clandestine je Nicke i pevao, možda će nešto oko toga da rade
  2. Talvi


    ENTOMBED surprised fans with exciting news on Friday night (February 28th) about new music. The band announced on Facebook at 11:00pm EST that they had been working on fresh material. The post revealed that the band had begun writing new songs at Nicke Andersson's (drums, lead vocals in 1992) home studio, where they were "digging into the riffs, tones, and everything in between." The band also shared that they had "dusted off" the very "same amp used on 'Left Hand Path'" to see if it still had "some magic left in it". Wrapping up the post, the current ENTOMBED lineup-Alex Hellid (guitar), Uffe Cederlund (guitar), and Nicke Andersson (drums)-mentioned that "things are coming together," but they’re not ready to share details just yet. They promised to reveal more as soon as possible.
  3. evo Fake Flag kreće sa pripremama za turneju, samo da nađu basistu po fejsbuk grupama https://www.reddit.com/r/Hardcore/s/MmiJshY1Jm
  4. Talvi


    Amy iz Year Of The Cobra nova basistkinja, već je svirala ona američku turneju sa njima jesenas
  5. wakey wakey eggs and Pain Of Truth / Sunami split ponedeljkom ujutro https://dazestyle.bandcamp.com/album/coast-to-coast-split
  6. ne čuje se često da kada bendovi kombinuju hc i death metal izaberu baš onaj zagrobni najmrtvačkiji dm zvuk, ali ova braća su rešila baš to da urade
  7. https://statepowerhc.bandcamp.com/album/final-hour
  8. evo i albuma, neka peva (plače?) ova kuća https://fieldsofmildew.bandcamp.com/album/iv
  9. Talvi


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