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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Meni je sjajan omot, a i izbor boja mi je super. Slika izgleda nekako mardukovski. Volim što je ovako direktan i prost, poslednjih godina baš masa njih ide na kurac sa pretrpanim i besmislenim omotima.
  2. Alan "Nemtheanga" Averill: "If I had to sum this album up, I would say this is the 'death' album. Plain and simple. "There isn't exactly a whole concept but many of the themes deal with mortality, how we deal with it. The spiritual structures we place around us to make sense of it. Sex, death, procreation and god. As we get older our relationship to our lives changes, the realization you will not live forever, the grand plan you hoped to uncover never materializes, food for worms and nothing more. "We are animals, beasts and making peace with that beast might be your life's work but more often than not he is never tamed. "Once a wolf always a wolf. "We all seek redemption in one way or another, from lies or from truth. Those of us who are godless or faithless often envy the man of faith for his life seems to have an extra purpose, despite the fact that logic, pragmatism, science and realism should crush any sign of faith, we still persist in lying to ourselves. Perhaps the alternative is too much to bear. So the themes of religion, mortality and death occur over and over again, along with continuing themes of alienation, martyrdom, sacrifice, violence and retribution. Occasionally, very occasionally a chink of light breaks through. "This is our seventh album, you know what to expect, passion, intensity, commitment and sheer bloody mindedness. Don't expect fantasy or escapism. No remorse, no regret."
  3. Talvi


    U Belfastu svirali "Emerald" od Thin Lizzy na bis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apBfY5hU_QQ
  4. Slaughter Of The Bluegrass uradili 3 obrade In Flames: "Jotun"; "Moonshield" i "Stand Ablaze". Navalite: http://www.sotb.se/ Kako su razbili "Jotun"-a, sunce im ludo jebem.
  5. Meni otvorilo iz Google Chrome-a, Firefox nije hteo. Ona fora da okačiš reklamu za album na fejs pa ti se pokrene download, nema nikakvog drugog servera.
  6. PENTAGRAM, the band that has been churning out widely admired hard rock/doom metal for over four decades, has just revealed the track listing and artwork to the band's highly anticipated full-length album Last Rites. Last Rites, out on April 12th via Metal Blade Records, contains 11 new tracks of behemoth tunes that fans have been clamoring for since the last Liebling/Griffin masterpiece was released in 1994 (Be Forewarned). 1. Treat Me Right 2. Call the Man 3. Into the Ground 4. 8 5. Everything's Turning to Night 6. Windmills and Chimes 7. American Dream 8. Walk in Blue Light 9. Horseman 10. Death in 1st Person 11. Nothing Left Cover art for Last Rites was handled by Mo Moussa (MoMoussa.com) who is best known for his work with Marvel & DC Comics. Mo Moussa's other credentials include New Line Cinema, Nickelodeon as well as the four major TV networks. A Philly native and a huge fan of underground music, his work also graces the covers of several of his favorite local bands including Total Fucking Destruction. Stay tuned to MetalBlade.com for more info on Last Rites including preorder options, show dates, singles, and more! Follow PENTAGRAM at the following location: (Official Pentagram Facebook & Twitter pages coming soon!) http://www.myspace.com/thepentagramarchives http://www.myspace.com/thedeathrowarchives
  7. Džabe ti je, Grobe, nećeš mu sići sa avatara.
  8. Talvi


    Je li ovo neki trol/fejk/ tako nešto? Da znam da li da banujem ili ne.
  9. Talvi

    God Dethroned

    2011 is God Dethroned's final year in existence. We could have spent another year in a tourbus because the amount of offers was endless, but I just don't feel like touring anymore. People told me to take a break for a year or maybe two, but as I'm an "all, or nothing at all" type of person, I decided to call it quits. ... Not immediately, but in December of this year we will definitely play our last show.
  10. Otkud LoG u konkurenciji kad je njihov album iz 2009? http://ironmaiden-bg.com/en/images/stories/tourshirt_back.jpg Atina 17. i Sofija 21. juna, Sonisphere.
  11. Jebem li ga, meni ovo nije loše uopšte.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOwd30wXc-0
  13. Talvi


    "Lux Mundi" track listing: 01. Luxferre 02. Let My People Be! 03. Of War 04. Antigod 05. For A Thousand Years 06. The Shadow Of The Sword 07. In The Deep 08. Mother Night 09. Pagan Trance 10. In Gold We Trust 11. Soul Invictus 12. The Truth Is Marching On
  14. Talvi


    Meni Bostaph draži od Lombarda.
  15. Što bi rekao Homer S: "I was being sarcastic.".
  16. Irina Voronina cult eternal:
  17. Jesi li ti nekad svirao u bendu pa da znaš kako je kad treba vas 5-6 da odsvirate neku pesmu koju niste svirali ne mesecima nego godinama? Brate, ne održava se gomila proba pre svake turneje tek tako, da se može piti pivo u vežbaonici. Em imaju 1000 pesama em sviraju decenijama. Sve mislim da svaki od njih zna svaku notu i svaku reč kad gde ide, naročto što se tiče dela ekipe koji nije svirao na svim albumima.
  18. Gledao, ali teško, jbg.
  19. A ovako nešto?
  20. Koliko vidim, ima ga na youtube-u: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BgEnrYS318
  21. Talvi


    Novi "Sound": http://www.mediaboom.org/mp3/325820-death-the-sound-of-perseverance-3cd-relapse-reissue-2011.html
  22. Talvi


    Ja sam lepo govorio da će njemu ona tehnika sviranja doći glave ruci.
  23. Ali stvarno jbt, Metallica razbijaju kakve setliste prave i kakve klasike izvlače na koncertima a ovi samo voze jedno te isto. Dobro reče Feniks, Riblja Čorba sindrom 100%.
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