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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDgnjc-y9NI
  2. Talvi

    Rigor Mortis

    Texas thrash metal veterans RIGOR MORTIS will enter the studio next month to record their first new tracks in 20 years. The band lay down two new songs between March 6 and March 8 with longtime friend and producer Kerry Crafton (who previously worked with the group on 1991's "Vs. The Earth") and will use the recording to procure a new record deal. A new full-length album will be released before the end of the year.
  3. METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett revealed to RollingStone.com in a brand new interview that the band will head back into the studio in May to begin a new project. "We want to record it in two weeks," Hammett said. "We had planned on doing it in March, but we pushed it back to May. I don't want to give too much away, but it's not really 100 percent a METALLICA record. It's a recording project, let's put it that way. Without getting too deep into it, it's more a recording project than a bona fide METALLICA album. Whether or not we can pull it off in just two weeks remains to be seen."
  4. Čeka se da Blagoje skonta ovu temu.
  5. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Meni je fin novi Vreid ali mislim da su ga malo preterali sa gitarama. Baš sam radio intervju sa Hvall-om, pa kaže da su oni u fazonu otkako im se pridružio ovaj ex-Windir gitarista da su se napalili na lead-ove, solaže i tako to k'o mladi majmuni. I super je to sve, ali bi meni odgovaralo da ima malo više direktnijih deonica, povremeno baš guše sa igrarijama na gitarama. Ali kul album sveukupno.
  6. Talvi


    Glenn Danzig has entered the studio to begin recording his long-talked-about "covers" album. Five songs have already been laid down, including as-yet-undiclosed tributes to ELVIS PRESLEY and BLACK SABBATH. More details will be made available soon.
  7. Ne znam jbg, ja kad nešto brojim obično krenem od jedinice a ne od nule...
  8. Doći će i to na red, polako.
  9. OVO JE MUZIKA... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZAwuVDc0p0 (bez zajebancije, do jaja mi je ova stvar)
  10. UVEK JA... NIKAD VI...
  11. Plakat deluje 120% Tim Burton-ovski:
  12. Talvi


    Hoću ovo.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkYPtYaDw3I
  14. In the midst of recording a new album, Nightwish has been preparing a movie. "Imaginarium" is a music fantasy - film based on the forthcoming Nightwish album of the same title and its 13 songs. The protagonist of the film is a songwriter with an otherworldly imagination. He is an old man who still thinks he`s a young boy. While asleep he travels into his distant past where his dreams of old come back to him mixed to the young boy`s world of fantasy and music. In his dreams the old man fights to find the memories most important to him. This never-done-before project originates to more than two years in the past when Tuomas first introduced his ambitious idea of the Imaginarium - concept to the fellow band members and to Mr. Stobe Harju, the director behind "The Islander" - music video. He will be the director of this full-length feature. The film will be produced by Solar Films Inc. together with Nightwish. The shootings for "Imaginarium" will begin this spring, it will have its premiere in 2012 and the album it`s based on will be released in an undefined point in time. Nightwish will hold a press conference related to this project at the end of February.
  16. Meni je zasad Ava Inferi album godine a čekaju se Amorphis, Septic, Pain...
  17. Talvi


    Eto - i Lua je, kao najodmerenijeg od nas sviju ovde, udarila caps lock groznica.
  18. Danas su to tek objavili, kontam da će interesovanje biti ogromno. Kao i za celu turneju uostalom, u Luksemburgu ima da dođe cela država.
  19. Jeste, to će isto biti specijalni koncert.
  20. 14. maja Atina.
  21. Meni je odmah zapalo za oko da se prvi bend u related videos zove Kretens.
  22. Po facama im se baš ne bi reklo da su mladi.
  23. Haha, kontam. Mada, ja na primer uopšte ne smatram "Am..." za ambis, pre bih rekao da je taj album prosto neshvaćen pa ga i ne mogu okarakterisati nekim lošijim opisima, ali to je već za Amorphis temu.
  24. Swedish metallers PAIN, who are led by HYPOCRISY mainman Peter Tägtgren, are working on the follow-up to 2008's "Cynic Paradise". NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon, who also happens to be the girlfriend of PAIN bassist Johan Husgafvel, writes on her official blog that Tägtgren is putting the finishing touches on the new CD this week. "The album will be out approximately in June," she says, "and so far I have listened to seven of the songs and they are really good! The new songs are more aggressive, faster tempo and also include new elements they haven't used before. A more 'dark' album in the lyrics and also in his way of singing. One song is more like HYPOCRISY, so if you like that you'll have that one as a favorite." She adds, "When I first heard the songs I thought it was quite different from the last album and it is. The more I listen to the songs the more I like them and I think it will be a great one! I can see them do their famous headspins live to this album, too."
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