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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Zato što jednostavno jeste. Sam "Wildhoney" je kult kakav Crematory nikad nisu snimili niti će, Tiamat je daleko ispred Crematory-ja i po kvalitetu i po uticaju/značaju za scenu u globalu.
  2. A i to je bilo uglavnom zato što ih je Nuclear Blast gurao kao nenormalne. "Awake" i "believe" su bili fini albumi, ali značaj Crematory-ja generalno jeste minoran. Inače, sad vidim da je "Symbol Of Life" najpopularniji PL album na last.fm-u.
  3. Crematory nikad nije bio bitan bend.
  4. Ma samo:
  5. Hahahahah, ali ona Lunarova bestijalnost od posta sa vrha strane.
  6. I da je Kayo Dot isplatljiviji bend od svih fensi velikih imena koja su dolazila ovamo.
  7. Semplovi. (koji gotovo ništa ne pokazuju ) Nije album, jbg.
  8. Ne znam, meni nije preterano ženstveno kad bi riba mogla da me savije k'o pitu jednom rukom.
  9. Verujem da je naziv turneje trebao da bude "Blacken The Balkans", ali kako god vam drago.
  10. Kipelov ima novi singl: http://www.mediaboom.org/mp3/323591-kipelov-dyhanie-posledney-lyubvi-2011.html
  11. Fensi melodic death iz Finske, biće predgrupa Rotting Christ-u na turneji sad na proleće pa ih to i čini interesantnim.
  12. Omnium Gatherum - New World Shadows (2011)
  13. Album
  14. "Deconstruction" and "Ghost" — the third and fourth in a series of albums from Canadian musician/producer Devin Townsend (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, STEVE VAI, LAMB OF GOD, DARKEST HOUR, GWAR) to be made available under THE DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT moniker — will likely be released in the summer. Townsend writes on his Twitter account, "I deliver [the finished masters] on March 1, so maybe [the record company] can get it out earlier [than the summer]." In other news, Townsend's previously announced new live EP, which was supposed to be made available for free download this week via Century Media Records' web site, has been delayed until next Wednesday, February 9. Devin states, "Getting the free EP up has been more semantics than I assumed."
  15. According to the Plotek.pl web site, Adam "Nergal" Darski, the 33-year-old leukemia-stricken guitarist/vocalist of the Polish extreme metal act BEHEMOTH, will remain in the hospital until at least next Tuesday so that he can continue to receive tratment for an infection he developed six weeks after he underwent a bone marrow transplant procedure. "The patient is feeling well and is under constant medical observation," Andrzej Hellmann of Department of Haematology and Transplantology at the Medical University of Gdansk told the web site. "Being in the hospital is certainly safer for the body." Darski was readmitted to the hematology division of Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kliniczne (UCK) in Gdansk "because he did not care proper care of himself," Dr. Maria Bieniaszewska, assistant professor in the Department of Hematology, told the Fakt.pl web site. According to Marrow.org, most infections happen in the first 100 days after a transplant, but they remain a risk as long as the patient's immune system is weak.
  16. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Sad će Gojko da kaže da je finski black metal sranje, ja ću da kažem da nije, Blagoje će da okači "Suck My Blood" od Beherita, Grob nešto od Impaled Nazarene, Uroš će da uleti sa Satanic Warmaster-om na šta će Gojko da se nasmeje... U pravu je lemmy, mnogo je predvidljiv forum postao.
  17. Auuuu, obe su sjajne ali plava je
  18. Probaj ovo: www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=3540302780. Taj neki Panopticon fazon otprilike.
  19. Long-running Czech black metal band ROOT has inked a deal with Agonia Records. The group is currently recording its ninth full-length album for a fall release. According to the label, fans can expect to hear "more epic, slower compositions as well as some more agressive and faster parts."
  20. Evo i na youtube-u: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0LqSHOXvc8
  21. Talvi

    BM noviteti

  22. A Khan vaskrsne Conception i svi srećni i zadovoljni. Inače, ni ne krivim čoveka ako mu se ide kakva su poslednja 2-3 Kamelot albuma.
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