34155 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Evo malo atmosfere sa snimanja DVD-ja, i to baš delovi sa gostima: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKY6PU7g6WQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbiYb8s6j3c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2ygfAl8hkU
Pogledaj i videćeš, nije da na neki način nema i toga.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrp0WVNdk74 Za fanove "Martyrs" pre svega (liči nekako - francuski film, dve cure, još neke stvarčice u radnji...) ali, što se mene lično tiče, 15000 puta bolje urađeno. Sjajan film. Plus Muse na soundtrack-u.
Ono njihovo štancovanje DVD-jeva je nezaboravno.
2010.08.12-14. *Josefov, Czech Republic* Brutal Assault 2010
Talvi replied to Talvi's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Novopotvrđeni Exodus, Nevermore i Khold. -
Dutch death metallers SINISTER have issued the following update: "We have just our new record out but in the next year we will come with more new stuff. [Poland's] Metal Mind [Productions] will bring out the SINISTER box 'Altered Sins Birth' including nine CDs, the live DVD 'Prophecies Denied' and a full-color book with the history of the band and many many pictures. All this is made by the mighty Graal from Poland. The box will come out on February 14 in Poland, in the U.K. it will be released on February 21 and in the USA it will be out in April."
Vidiš da ima.
Uf uf, zaboravih na tu već.
Bolje promeni avatar pošto to na slici nije Mrki.
Imaš pravo, taj će makar da se namrsi u životu bude li pametan. Nego, nešto mi pade na pamet - pošto ova ekipa koja je sad ovde fino piše i ne spamuje (uglavnom ) a sad imamo ovde i dragog nam Dioklecijana - da otključam Iguman temu? Ono, da smaramo zapitkivanjima za "Bludnog sina", side-projekte, nova izdanja Adžove Vrbe records i tako to.
Novi album je u duhu starijih stvari onoliko koliko je to moguće. Ako neko očekuje da oni ponovo krenu sa ondašnjom produkcijom ili da Dani piše one kilometarske tekstove na staroengleskom - well, that ain't gonna happen. Ali se svakako oseti u rifovima, zakucavanjima, vokalima... tog starog duha, samo u modernom pakovanju - ipak se u međuvremenu izmenila i faktički cela postava sem Dani-ja i Paul-a (a to, čini se, ljudi često previđaju iako je to extra bitan faktor) a i oni sami su se u međuvremenu svakako izmenili kao autori, nemoguće je da oni sad stvore nešto 100% u onom fazonu.
Pa eno ti gore - solaže, vokali, ritmovi... Ono, imaju oni odlične solaže i sve ostalo, naravno, ali sve je to meni sekundarno u odnosu na harmoniju i atmosferu koju ona sama gradi.
Uf, naslušao sam se Drudkh-a dok sam pisao recenzije za ona silna reizdanja ali mi "Micro..." ipak ostaje vrhunac, predivan album. Inače, kad se već dodirnuste solaža, ritmova, vokala... - meni su u Drudkh muzici apsolutno najbitniji akordi i harmonije, zbog toga ih obožavam.
Meni i dalje "Microcosmos" najbolji, taj album mi je savršen u svakom smislu.
Ma nema šanse da je ovo '93. godište, pogledaj slike, mnogo je mali. Ako jeste, jebem ti život, ali ne verujem.
Jaime Edmondson:
STRATOVARIUS' German drummer Jörg Michael, who was was recently diagnosed with cancer and had his entire thyroid removed, has issued the following update: "I hope this message finds everybody well and everybody is in an easy-peasy Christmas mood already. "The first leg of the European tour with HELLOWEEN is over — time to have a few words with you. "First of all, let's not forget the brilliant emergency rescue action and playing of Alex [Landenburg; AT VANCE, ANNIHILATOR, MEKONG DELTA]. Thanks again for all what you did for the fans, the band and also for me. "Surely I hate the idea of somebody is sitting on 'my chair,' but this special action needed some special treatment and I am proud and happy that it was you, Alex. Thanks again; we'll get together for a real drink, not like these other Scandinavian pussies in the band :-) "I was overwhelmed by all the wishes, tons of emails and text messages I received from all over the world wishing me a speedy recovery. Thank you so much for supporting me, and it made me feel very strong when fighting these bastards inside of me. "I have some good news to tell you and believe me — I really enjoy to tell the world: "The surgery was done about six weeks ago and the first therapy is done as well. All looks good so far and as Jens [Johansson, STRATOVARIUS keyboardist] told me before: 'Do not worry, Jörg, nothing survives in your body after all what you did to it!' "Finally he was right, there are only small bits and bobs left — I will fight those with another therapy in about four months' time. "I think I have been very lucky that it was discovered by one of my friends in a very early state. Very good that my friend decided to become a doctor; he was very lousy when he tried playing the guitar. "Besides preparing myself for Christmas, I am currently practicing the drums to be ready and kickin' again when the tour continues in the New Year. I will be back. "Thanks again for everything and let's get alive and kicking once again. "See you in Paris and everywhere else." A semplovi albuma ovde.
Radiće sa Susperia-om pesmu za Evroviziju.
Evo, ubacih nekoliko za početak.
Hahahah, to!
Aj' sad još ispričaj i za onu orgiju sa Lu-om (oko koje se on sad pravi lud) od pre dve nedelje i sve si im rekao.
Treba i ono Grobovo objašnjenje zašto Impaled Nazarene "ne valja" i onu Gojkovu kontemplaciju o gej muzici, to mi pada na pamet. Blagoje će, verujem, da se pobrine za Jovanov deo.
Yes, please.