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Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Biće izgleda malo drugačiji pošto je ona pevaljka otišla i rekli su da je neće menjati nego će da ponovo sviraju "ekstremni folk metal".
Irish folk metal band CRUACHAN has inked a deal with Candlelight Records. The group's new album, "Blood On The Black Robe", will be released in early 2011. An audio sample of the new CRUACHAN track "I Am Warrior" — taken from "Blood On The Black Robe" — is available for streaming using the Soundcloud player below. http://soundcloud.com/candlelight-records/cruachan-edit (sajt je trenutno sjeban zbog nekog održavanja, ali će se vrne)
Norway's legendary black metal duo DARKTHRONE and Britain's independent heavy metal powerhouse Peaceville Records will continue to re-release new editions of classic DARKTHRONE albums, from the recently acquired Moonfog Productions catalogue titles. To celebrate the release of the next two titles to be reissued, "Goatlord" and "Ravishing Grimness", the band and label are calling on fans to create new artwork for the now-classic albums. DARKTHRONE guitarist/vocalist Nocturno Culto issued the following statement: "We are pleased to announce that Peaceville/Snapper has bought the entire Moonfog catalogue of DARKTHRONE, that is seven albums in total. The plan is to release these albums within the next year, with new distro network and fresh thinking around these albums. "There are two albums that will have entirely new cover artwork: 'Ravishing Grimness' and 'Goatlord'. This is a decision that is made by Fenriz and myself. And the idea now is that we are making a competition out of this. If you now feel the urge to contribute to this competition, you are most welcome to send in your art to Peaceville. Only serious contributions will reach Fenriz and me to decide upon. Thank you in advance, we're looking forward to this." Submissions should be e-mailed to [email protected] before January 31. Head over to this location for full terms and conditions. The "Goatlord" and "Ravishing Grimness" re-releases will be available later next year.
Mr. Big - What If… (2011)
Meni novi Dub Buk i nije bio baš toliko loš - ono, prosek neki, od njih ionako nisam ni očekivao išta više.
Nope. Nisam nešto puno slušao ni ono starije, u tu svrhu imam staru Neguru i, naravno, Martoleu.
Dobro, zabo je dva odlična albuma - Terror i Sick Of It All.
Ovaj Gus G. je 'ladno stavio na prva dva mesta albume na kojima je on svirao.
Što se mene tiče, ta dva albuma stoje rame uz rame, tj. bilo koja pesma sa novog je mogla opušteno ići i na "Filosofem" i savršeno bi se uklopila - dobro, sem "Sverddans" ali ta je ionako napisana pre 20 godina. A produkcija je već stvar ukusa, meni je ova na "Belus"-u taman.
Ajd' da kažem i ja svoje mišljenje: Samoth-ovi projekti > Ihsahn-ovi projekti, by far. Volim ja Peccatum i sve to, ali dajte vi meni Zyklon, Scum i, evo, sad i The Wretched End i ja sam srećan. A što se tiče Zyklon-B - super je bio onaj EP, vaistinu šteta što ne uradiše još nešto po tom pitanju.
Meni je top 5 albuma na kojima je V pevao "Cosmic Genesis", "His Creation Reversed", "Origin" i oba Otyg-a.
I Skyforger je imao odličan album, isplatilo se čekati ga.
U jebote, čuo sam tek kad sam otpanjio do kraja, nešto tiho u pozadini. Fapril super-uvo.
"Razorback Killers" was recorded at Trident Studios in Pacheco, California with producers Juan Urteaga and Geoff Thorpe. The track listing is as follows: 01. Murderball 02. Black 03. Razorback Blade 04. Blood Stained Sunday 05. Pearl Of Wisdom 06. All I Want Is You 07. Axe To Grind 08. Let The Garden Burn 09. Rite Of Devastation 10. Deal With The Devil VICIOUS RUMORS 2010 is: Larry Howe - Drums Brian Allen (LAST EMPIRE, MALICE, WILD DOGS) - Vocals Kiyoshi Morgan - Guitar Stephen Goodwin - Bass Geoff Thorpe - Guitar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONIoYof9bac
Čuo sam Cronian pošto ja moram da poslušam sve u šta je Vintersorg upleten ali mi se onda nije nešto dojmio, mogao bih da probam opet.
Hm, baš se razlikujemo. Meni je Burzum remek-delo, čovek je jednim albumom oduvao kompletnu tu atmospheric black scenu koja se nakotila za njegovog odsustva. Borknagar ("Fleshflower" ) i Drudkh odlični (ne bih ja to nazvao prodajom, meni je ta promena skroz logično došla).
Ja moram da dodam i ovo na listu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcl_gI49OY4
Još malo radosti fejsbuka od pre koju stranu: Maaajku ti jebem.
Canadian musician/producer Devin Townsend (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, STEVE VAI, LAMB OF GOD, DARKEST HOUR, GWAR) has tapped Jens Bogren (OPETH, KATATONIA, PARADISE LOST, BLOODBATH) to mix "Deconstruction" — the third in a series of albums to be made available under THE DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT moniker. The sessions will take place in late February 2011 at Fascination Street studio in Örebro, Sweden. Commented Devin: "'Deconstruction' is brutal in a lot of parts, but pretty glorious in others. It rides the fence of negativity but ultimately ends supremely positive. "There are two drummers on this one, Ryan Van Poederooyen [TERROR SYNDROME, THE DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND] for the crushing stuff, and Dirk Verbeuren [sOILWORK, SCARVE, ABORTED] for the inhuman stuff. "This is a record I have been working up to for some time, and while doing it, I realize that not only am I in control of it (totally) but that this newfound control allows me to take it to places I would have never been able to a decade ago. I pretty much believe that this will be one of our finest hours, and although there is some funny moments, it's a pretty 'pointed' record (if ya know what I mean)..."
E da vidiš, nisam ni primetio da ga nema. Ali dobro, nije on pevao stalno ni na prošlom.
Kud' ćeš epskije od ovoga? Orkestar + ženski vokal (jeziva melodija jebeno) + što negde od 3. minuta pa do kraja pesma do jaja podseća na Rotting Christ. Ovaj album će da raspiči.
Pesma. Sad već obilno svršavam.