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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Ajd'. Klikneš na ono crno "сюда" u tekstu, na sledećoj strani klikneš na bilo koji link, sačekaš 30 sekundi i klikneš na "нажмите сюда", izađe ti u vrhu strane. Ukucaš kod i na sledećoj strani ti izbaci link (Tamo gde piše "Ссылка для скачивания файла:"). Inače, u poslednje vreme često preskoče tu proceduru pa ti samo daju da ukucaš kod i dobiješ link, nemam pojma otkud to.
  2. Talvi


    Nova pesma.
  3. Talvi


    Jel' ozbiljno?
  4. Nemam pojma, nisam to znao. Mada, sad tek skontah - muzika mi beše vrlo kul na momente, moguće je da su oni umešali prste. Ono, kul je film, nije ništa epohalno ali ga vredi videti. Nije predvidljiv a i posvećeno je dosta pažnje likovima, ne oslanja se samo na radnju.
  5. Bio članak o Dogonima? Propustih to, baš me zanima kakav je. Creepy pleme.
  6. Ne radi se o njegovom worshipu nego o worshipu koji na Manilla Road bacaju mnogi, od gomile heavy bendova pa do Darkthrone-a.
  7. Talvi


    Aha, baš ima nekog malo starijeg šmeka, kul zvuči. Bolje od prošlog albuma svakako.
  8. Talvi


    Ja sam je postovao pre no što sam je pustio.
  9. Talvi


    Nova pesma na fejsu.
  10. Talvi


  11. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1291652/ Mafija u Švedskoj - Šveđanin, Čileanac i Srbin + Arapi i još Srba. Nije loše. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjIiv9pNiT8
  12. Talvi


    Maks opet serenda, neumoran je: Sonic Excess: The classic SEPULTURA lineup reunion is always a subject, and it almost happened. Why did it fall though? I also heard that you will join SEPULTURA for Rock in Rio III. If this is true, will Igor be joining you? Max: I have not heard anything about that, as far as trying to get SEPULTURA back together. I did call Andreas, and I had a real good talk with him. It sounded like he wanted to do it, and I had Igor onboard for the reunion. I think the only person preventing it is Paulo. I don't know why, but I think Paulo is really against the reunion. People should ask him why he is so against it, because I think it would be a great think for the fans to see the original lineup. SEPULTURA was one of the most important bands in the metal scene, and it would have been really cool to do it. I don't need a reunion, because SOULFLY and CAVALERA CONSPIRACY are doing great, but I would like to do it for the fans to show them we had this kick-ass band. We can do it again, but people should ask Paulo why it doesn't appeal to him.
  13. Nema Blut Aus Nord veze sa depressive-om, Lazo.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fut2gorpmLo
  15. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Bergthron - Expedition Autarktis (2010) Artist: Bergthron Аlbum: Expedition Autarktis Year: 2010 Genre: Progressive/Extreme Metal Country: Germany Format: mp3@VBR231kbps Size: 58 MB 1. Asymmetrisch (Ginnungagap) 02:35 2. 84°03'N 174°51'W (Asgard) 04:58 3. Eisbrecher (Baldur) 04:17 4. Harpune 2010 (Loki) 03:52 5. Weiße Bestie (Thökk) 04:21 6. Nordpolar° (Jormungand) 03:09 7. Seepest (Naglfar) 05:29 8. Experiment Apokalypse (Ragnarök) 04:35 9. Autarktis (Bergthron) 03:00 Total playing time 36:16 uploading ifolder Jako čudan i zanimljiv materijal, sviđa mi se.
  16. Novi spot: http://www.myspace.com/video/vid/107142804 AiC worship all the way.
  17. Talvi


    German thrash metal veterans SODOM have announced the addition of drummer Markus "Makka" Freiwald to the group's ranks. Freiwald previously played for the German bands DESPAIR and FLAMING ANGER and was involved with the VOODOOCULT project. In addition, he played percussion as a session musician on the MOONSPELL album "Irreligious" and is featured on the 1996 LP "Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers" by Greek extreme metallers ROTTING CHRIST. A photo of SODOM's new lineup can be found below. Fina mu biografija.
  18. SIX FEET UNDER will release a new DVD, "Wake The Night! Live In Germany", in April 2011. According to Barnes, "It was compiled from footage that we filmed at the Party.San festival in Germany from August 2009. All of the show was shot on high-definition camera, and it just really looks awesome. It's on the same wavelength as our With Full Force video — really excellent show, awesome crowd. This time we were playing at night, so they utilized some really giant pyrotechnics, so it was awesome and frightening at the same time." Regarding the songwriting process for SIX FEET UNDER's next album, Barnes states, "It's going along good, man. We've got a lot of different things planned for this one — a lot of surprises, a lot of different perspectives on the music and a lot of different input on this whole thing. So I'm really excited to be working on this album. It's really, really heavy so far, the riffs we've come up with. I'm really excited." He adds, "I hate when people say, 'Oh, it goes back to our roots.' This [new material] does not go back to our roots. So I'm not gonna tell you it goes back to our roots, 'cause it doesn't go back to our roots. What it does is it takes the next step in the evolution of SIX FEET UNDER. "So look for our next album sometime late next year [or] early 2012. But we're working hard on that right now, so it's a little early to throw that at you. "Myself, I'm really excited working on this album and seeing how it all turns out, because that's, like, my favorite thing — writing music and being in front of a bunch of people that appreciate it."
  19. "Deathtrip 69" will be made available in April 2011 via Season Of Mist. Charlie
  20. Biće zanimljivo čuti to zacrnjivanje, iako nije da mi neće nedostajati hipsterski hitići u fazonu "Nightfall" i "Life Of Fire".
  21. Talvi


    Nope, to je sve što je do sada procurelo.
  22. VRANGSINN has declared today to be the official 20th Anniversary of CARPATHIAN FOREST's creation (because we know it was sometime in December). So Happy Birthday to us, and 20 years of thanks to all our fans.
  23. Aha.
  24. Do jaja.
  25. Talvi


    Znači da su se zajebali.
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