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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Zapravo, to se već održalo i Phil se nije pojavio. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=148568
  2. Zar se taj MB još proizvodi? Ne pamtim kad sam ga video poslednji put negde, a kamoli probao.
  3. Pa da, to je otprilike to - triger na bas bubnju mi je ok ali mi sve ostalo dođe kao prevara u neku ruku - sad se setih i onog nesrećnika iz Into Eternity: - mislim ono, svaka čast za koordinaciju i sve, ali brate tim intenzitetom bi i moja baba mogla da svira.
  4. Ja sam izgleda jedini kojem je ova nova stvar od Empyrium-a smrtno dosadna i prazna. Čak, kad je uporedim sa recimo "Many Moons Ago" zvuči mi kao jad totalni.
  5. Tačno je to, ali se ja opet malo smorim kad ga vidim kako pipka onaj bubanj: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL0JZb0sW6w Mislim jbg, da mu nije trigera ni čuo se ne bi. Za razliku od, recimo, Mike-a iz Suffocation koji i pored svega ubi onaj bubanj kako udara: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uoEJJ-7nMk Jeste ono da na albumu to nema nikakve razlike kada slušaš, ali mi je nekako lame kad ga vidim. Hardcore u duši.
  6. I meni su oba fino legla vremenom, s tim što naslovnu sa "Nymphetamine"-a verovatno nikad neću moći da svarim kako treba. Ali ću je se makar sećati po lepom jer je išla sa razglasa na Legacy Fest-u pre Amorphis-a pa mi je soundtrack za predorgazmičko stanje. A "Rise Of The Pentagram" je presavršena stvar. Što negde videh komentar, kao da se noću voziš kočijom kroz viktorijanski London.
  7. Anal Cunt - Fuckin' A (2010)
  8. Bonus pesma
  9. Swedish metallers PAIN, who are led by HYPOCRISY mainman Peter Tägtgren, have issued the following update: "What the hell is going on?! Well… It's been a while since the last update and we thought it was about time to let you in on a couple of things. "The last couple of months every one of us has been pretty busy with anything but PAIN. As you may know, Peter has been concentrating on HYPOCRISY this year and recently came home from a successful tour in South America. David [Wallin, drums], who just got signed up with Zildjian, is working for Unique Pyrotechnic along with doing a lot of different stand-in club shows in Sweden. Johan [Husgafvel, bass] became a dad in August [mother is his girlfriend, NIGHTWISH singer Anette Olzon. — Ed.] (best wishes from us all), and the more time spent away from PAIN means the more time spent with his family. Michael [bohlin, guitar] is working with different side projects along with his work for Digidesign. "Now, the following months will be dedicated to PAIN and to finish the new songs. Up 'till today eight songs are more or less ready to go, and at least three or four more are needed before we can start recording. Our plans are to start the recordings in late 2010 or early 2011, and have the album ready for a worldwide release sometime in May 2011. After that, we're about to hit the road and do as many of the summer festivals as we can. Of course, there will be a headline tour as well, and if everything works out we'll even break new grounds. Work has also begun with designing a new stage set that will be something out of the average. "As you may understand we're more eager than ever to record this album, make it the best, and play it for you live. So stay tuned and visit our websites for continuous information, studio reports, album details, and the first show dates for 2011."
  10. Imam tri albuma od njih, odlični su.
  11. Talvi


  12. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    FLOGA RECORDS PROUDLY PRESENTS: The Reissue Series 1. ROTTING CHRIST - A DEAD POEM + BONUS TRACK LP (RED TRANSPARENT VINYL) (AVAILABLE IN THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER 2010) 2. ROTTING CHRIST - GENESIS + BONUS TRACK LP (AVAILABLE AT CHRISTMAS 2010) 3. ROTTING CHRIST - TRIARCHY OF THE LOST LOVERS + BONUS TRACK LP (AVAILABLE AT CHRISTMAS 2010) All releases will be in 350 gr. noble highly gloss laminated Gatefold cover and colored wax vinyl. - Strictly limited in 500 copies! - First 100 copies signed by Sakis Tolis himself!! Order your copy at: www.flogarecords.com www.myspace.com/flogarec [email protected]
  13. Ne spamujte više, nikome nije interesantno. Nego, kad se sve malo sleglo, najbolja stvar na albumu? "The Persecution Song" here.
  14. Pravoslavac čovek, ne voli ateiste.
  15. Auuuuu, pa ja počinjem da gledam "Survivor" samo tako. Razlog 1: Razlog 2:
  16. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Helheim - Aasgards Fall (2010)
  17. Pass the weed.
  18. To u trećem redu.
  19. Noć veštica je sutra (tj. danas) naveče.
  20. Oko 400 ljudi je bilo na CoF-u, ako se ne varam.
  21. Nije bilo uspešno.
  22. Ovo komotno može i na dark ambient da ide, liči dosta na Arktau Eos i tu ekipu. Prejako.
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