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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Ako volite kratke filmove, evo vam jedan dobar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpjHSiQLPmA
  2. Nije montaža, stvarno je. Pričao je Blasphemer o tome:
  3. Talvi

    The Crown

  4. Super album, bre.
  5. Kako su krenuli, ne bi me čudilo da izbace još jedan.
  6. Talvi

    The Crown

    Kasno je sad za ispravljanje, izdali ste.
  7. Talvi


  8. Nešto ne verujem da će iko uspeti da provali iz mog opisa šta mi treba, ali vredi pokušati. Strip objavljen u (čini mi se) "Stripoteci" pre nekih 20-tak godina, crno-bela tehnika. Dešava se u nekom fantasy svetu i radnja se valjda vrti oko toga kako bogovi uništavaju taj svet. Bogovi su prikazani na neki fazon kao na antičkim skulpturama npr, takve fizionomije, i sećam se nekoliko scena, tipa kad bog vetra duva sa oblaka ili kad bog mora potapa svet talasima. Jako teška, mračna atmosfera, uglavnom. Seća li se iko? Provlači mi se kroz podsvest već godinama i nikako da ga nađem pošto je taj moj broj negde davno nestao.
  9. They always come crawling back.
  10. Talvi


  11. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Four years after the release of the critically acclaimed "Generator" album, Italian/Norwegian electro/post black metallers ABORYM are back with their fifth CD. Set for a November 8 European release (November 23 in the U.S.) via Season Of Mist, the new full-length is entitled "Psychogrotesque" and is composed of a single song written by the band's mastermind Malfeitor Fabban and talented new guitarist Hell:IO:Kabbalus.
  12. Mongo Ninja - "No Cunt For Old Men"
  13. Mongo Ninja završili 3. album - "Nocturnal Neanderthals"!
  14. Talvi


    Inače: I - Branded Death II - Impaled upon the tongue of Sathan III - Sado Messiah IV - Leave the flesh - leave the fear V - Necromantik VI - Epic VII - Experiment pt. I VIII - Hexensabbath IX - Hyperblast Neka ostave ove naslove do kraja.
  15. Možda će i on, polako, vidiš kako se Dark Funeral raspada dan za danom.
  16. Hmmmmmmmm, nađoh sad intervju sa Vrangsinn-om iz februara i paz' šta kaže u vezi novog albuma: Uglavnom, kaže da imaju tonu materijala napisano.
  17. Progressive metal giants DREAM THEATER have released the following statement regarding the departure of the band's drummer, Mike Portnoy: "To all of our loyal fans and friends: It is with profound sadness — regret — we announce that Mike Portnoy, our lifelong drummer and friend, has decided to leave DREAM THEATER. "Mike's stature in the band has meant the world to all of us professionally, musically, and personally over the years. There is no dispute: Mike has been a major force within this band. "While it is true that Mike is choosing to pursue other ventures and challenges, we can assure you that DREAM THEATER will continue to move forward with the same intensity — and in the same musical tradition — that you have all helped make so successful, and which is truly gratifying to us. "Fans and friends: File this episode under 'Black Clouds and Silver Linings.' "As planned, we begin recording our newest album in January 2011, and we'll follow that with a full-on world tour. "'The Spirit Carries On.' "All of us in DREAM THEATER wholeheartedly wish Mike the best on his musical journey. We have had a long and meaningful career together. It is our true hope that he finds all he is looking for, and that he achieves the happiness he deserves. He will be missed." Jebote, sastavili saopštenje k'o da je umro.
  18. Slikaće svoj komp ili, u najboljem slučaju, telefon.
  19. Talvi

    Dark Funeral

    Ja se baš nadam da će doći novi Mortuus. Ma, generalno, sve dok je Ahriman tu ne brinem se ja za DF preterano. A propos debelih ljudi i bubnjeva, nije to ništa čudno s obzirom na to da je kod bubnjeva ipak sve u zglobovima, nema tu mnogo rada celim udovima sveukupno. Uzmi samo Gene Hoglan-a za primer.
  20. Čkepi, čkepi.
  21. Jok, iz Orozheda.
  22. Talvi

    Dark Funeral

  23. Sad videh - Mađarica. :wub: :wub:
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