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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Suicidal Tendencies - No Mercy Fool! / The Suicidal Family (2010) Features re-recorded tracks from Suicidal Tendencies' second album, "Join the Army", as well as tunes from the second full-length from No Mercy, Suicidal Tendencies' guitarist Mike Clark's speed metal band (which found Suicidal Tendencies vocalist Mike Muir on vocals) from 1986.
  2. Talvi


    Swedish death metallers EVOCATION will release their third album, "Apocalyptic", on October 29 via Cyclone Empire Records. The cover artwork (see below) was created by Xaay (BEHEMOTH, NILE, VADER) and it "fit both the title, 'Apocalyptic', and our musical achievements just perfect," says the band. "We are blown away by the effort and feeling [Xaay] gave it." "Apocalyptic" track listing: 01. Sweet Obsession 02. We Are Unified Insane 03. Infamy 04. Parasites 05. Reunion In War 06. Psychosis Warfare 07. Murder In Passion 08. It Is All Your Fault 09. Curse On The Creature 10. Apocalyptic The song "Sweet Obsession" is available for streaming on the EVOCATION MySpace page.
  3. Ime, prezime, adresa, kontakt telefon, drugi bitni podaci?
  4. Dissimulation - Atiduokit mirusius:
  5. Speaking of Accept: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS3Efk2R-DU
  6. Songtitles on the new FORBIDDEN album are as follows: * Alpha Century * Forsaken At The Gates * Swine * Immortal Wounds * Hopenosis * Adapt Or Die * Inhuman Race * Behind The Mask * Dragging My Casket * Overthrow * Omega Wave
  7. Otkazana je turneja ipak, neće biti zamene.
  8. Tako je! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mHe6FMs46o
  9. Napisao je malim slovom, oprašta mu se donekle.
  10. Talvi


    Grobe, prestani.
  11. To je muzika, ne tekstovi. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_Kabbalah
  12. I meni idu na kurac zapravo, ali slika je bila predobra.
  13. Black metal za lemmy-ja.
  14. Taiwanese metallers CHTHONIC will release a new digital single, "Painkiller", on September 13 via Spinefarm Records. A cover of the JUDAS PRIEST classic, CHTHONIC's version of "Painkiller" will be issued with "Bloody Waves Of Sorrow" as the bonus element; the latter is a track from the band's current album, "Mirror Of Retribution", but here it is included in its original guise, complete with Taiwanese vocals.
  15. Talvi


    Hello. Opeth - In Live Concert At The Royal Albert Hall [Live] (2010)
  16. Ana mi reče da je tada bio Ex Deo, ona je gledala i Destroyer i Behemoth. Anyway, jeb'o ja čoveka koji birajući između Ex Deo i njih ode na debelog Rimljanina.
  17. Mindfuck.
  18. Talvi


  19. Inače, u "Drowned Maid" pevaju i Joutsen i Koivusaari. I tačno se čuje koliko Joutsen šije onog nesrećnika.
  20. Sad nešto gledam - u Hrvatskoj striktno naglašeno da će koncert biti limitiran na 1000 karata. Joj, Srbijo...
  21. Talvi


    Ko je riba iz spota???
  22. Jebote, ja još nisam obrnuo novi Mar a on u međuvremenu i procureo. Kul mix, malo mi je Solstafir tu čudan ali bih ipak otpuzao na to da svrate ovamo.
  23. Zapravo, uzdigao ih je i to nikad više od ovoga. Baš su postali ekstra popularni u poslednjih godinu dana, a i album vrhunski prolazi. Primer: http://www.last.fm/music/Swallow+the+Sun/+charts?rangetype=6month&subtype=tracks
  24. Još malo semplova: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0041WA3VO?ie=UTF8&child=B0041WC2WM
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