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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Najjače što je danas objavljeno da je ona južnoamerička Borknagar turneja sa njim na vokalima otkazana.
  2. Tek sad skontah - pa ovo će im sjebati turneju, bre.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M2qk5D5Z6s
  4. Još samo da se i Tiamat malo uozbilje i to je to.
  5. Ali, što je najjače od svega, baš mi se u isto vreme nekako i uklapa kao nastavak "Kabale". Zna Kris šta radi, jebem ga.
  6. Početak je premoćan, zaista totalni "Vovin" fazon.
  7. Talvi


  8. Jebaće mu Norvežani majku zbog ovoga
  9. roflcopter
  10. Me like it. Veoma.
  11. Talvi


    Lebe mekani, al' bi ovo vredelo posedovati. Eto kako se takve stvari rade sa stilom, a ne upaljači, privesci za ključeve, navijačke čegrtaljke, starinske gaće sa pumparicama i šta ti ja znam.
  12. Na spejsu joj stoji da je straight & single.
  13. Talvi


    Sjajan EP, jebote.
  14. Talvi


    Pa jes' ali Negura je ipak malo ranije a ovo su baš nabili u nekoliko dana.
  15. Talvi


    Nešto kontam da će ovo žestoko da sjebe Belphegor.
  16. Talvi


    Na spejsu im baš stoji "Serbia"
  17. Isprva jeste, valjda je morao da to drži u tajnosti dok se zvanično ne objavi - veliki biznis, jbg.
  18. Nije link, trailer.
  19. Mislilo se na Noctiferiu, ne na Dimmu.
  20. Poprilično. Znalo je i po 6 meseci.
  21. Norwegian gothic metallers TRISTANIA have issued the following update: "Last summer, Østen [bergøy, vocals] announced that he had decided to take some time off from TRISTANIA to devote his time and attention to the new family members expected in August. A year on, it has become obvious that the time, dedication and efforts of fatherhood makes it hard to continue as a full-time member. Due to this, Østen recently informed the band that he sees no other option than to make his decision a permanent one. TRISTANIA has asked Kjetil Nordhus (HEAD DISCO, ex-GREEN CARNATION, ex-TRAIL OF TEARS), who was engaged as Østen's temporary stand-in, to replace Østen on a permanent basis, and Kjetil has accepted the offer." Commented Østen: "I think it was about a year ago I announced that I was taking a break from TRISTANIA to be with my girlfriend and the twins she was carrying. As some of you might recall, I promised that this break was just temporarily and that I would be back within a year or so. "I am sorry to say that I have to break my promise. I never intended to, but the time I have spent with my family has made it obvious that it is impossible for me to combine playing an active part in TRISTANIA with playing an active part in my children's life. Based on these conclusions I have decided to leave the band. It has been the best ten years of my life, a wonderful experience. "It is hard to write this without getting sentimental. I will miss you all. "I do not feel that I am fleeing a sinking ship — the current lineup in TRISTANIA is the strongest ever in my opinion — the new album is a killer and with Kjetil and Gyri aboard — the band seems to have the motivation for serious touring to get the music out to stages all over the world. "I want to wish TRISTANIA the best of luck in the future. "Thank you all for your patience and your dedication and for the good times." TRISTANIA guitarist/harsh vocalist Anders Høyvik Hidle ahd the following to say regarding Østen's departure: "It was with a great deal of sadness I received the news from Østen when he informed us that he'd realized it was impossible for him to return to the band. "Østen has been one of my closest friends for the last 15 years and I love him as a brother. I was the one who asked him to work with us in the first place — first as a guest and later as a full member. The years we've shared together in the band have been amazing. At the same time I admire him for being true to himself and I completely understand that it would be impossible for him to combine his role as a father for his one-year-old twins with an active role in TRISTANIA, especially considering the extensive touring and other activities we are planning with 'Rubicon'. "Even though it's a sad thing for us to know that Østen will stay home when we're doing tours in the future, it is great news that Kjetil has accepted to become a full-time member. "Kjetil was the first person that came to my mind when Østen first told me about his babies, and I'm really glad he accepted our offer. In my eyes he is the perfect replacement for Østen." "I've known Kjetil for almost ten years, and he truly is a great guy. As a singer he is impressively professional." Dakle, za stalno je.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emrBZZtGFgI
  23. Talvi


  24. Jesss.
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