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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Kul je, samo mi font kojim je ispisano ime benda ne ide sa ostatkom koncepta - mnogo mi "savremeno" deluje.
  2. http://www.limundo.com/kupovina/Numizmatika/Novcanice/Srbija-i-ex-Yu-1961-do-danas/Serbia-10-dinara-2006-UNC/1609181 Postarina: 60 dinara
  3. Realno, radnja vecine metal spotova moze da se sabije u minut.
  4. Spot: http://www.metalblade.tv/tv/music-videos/behemoth-alas-lord-is-upon-me-uncensored/
  5. Cak ima i iste inicijale kao Bruce Dickinson.
  6. Comments Van Drunen: "This time HAIL OF BULLETS takes on the Pacific War. The expansion of the Empire of Japan throughout Asia, introducing a full scale war using all forces combined. The massive strike back of the Americans, whose marines bravely fought many tough and bloody battles on now forgotten insulate islands spread throughout the whole Pacific. This led to desperate Japanese defense tactics such as Kamikaze, human bullets and suicidal Banzai charges. Until, finally, incendiary bombings brought the empire to its knees." The album title "On Divine Winds" is a translation of the Japanese word "kamikaze," as kami stands for "God" and kaze means "wind."
  7. Rep? Akusticni pop? Onda ce se mozda meni svideti. Ali me mrzi da se jebavam sa torentima, sacekacu regularan link.
  8. Probaj ako imas negde Media Player Classic, najstariji i najmanji program ikada ali otvara SVE! Elem: http://mpc-hc.sourceforge.net/
  9. Auuuu, sjajno.
  10. TRIPTYKON, the group formed by former HELLHAMMER/CELTIC FROST singer, guitarist, and main songwriter Tom Gabriel Warrior, will follow its highly acclaimed debut album, "Eparistera Daimones", with the release of "Shatter", an all-new five-track EP, on October 25 (Europe) and October 26 (North America). At a playing time of approximately 28 minutes, "Shatter" will consist almost entirely of previously unreleased music. The EP's track listing is as follows: 01. Shatter 02. I Am The Twilight 03. Crucifixus (Recorded during the "Eparistera Daimones" album sessions in 2009. "Crucifixus" appears in a newly mixed and mastered version.) 04. Circle Of The Tyrants (live) 05. Dethroned Emperor (live) (Cover versions of CELTIC FROST songs, recorded live during TRIPTYKON's headliner performance at the Roadburn Festival in Tilburg, The Netherlands, on April 16, 2010. "Dethroned Emperor" features guest lead vocals by Nocturno Culto of DARKTHRONE/SARKE.) TRIPTYKON's "Shatter" EP will be available through Century Media Records (under license from Prowling Death Records Ltd.) as CD, digital download, and 12" vinyl (at 33? rpm). The EP will further contain the lyrics to all songs as well as detailed liner notes and credits.
  11. Uh, svi smo najebali ako pocnes. Ne jedite vise govna, molim vas. Btw, bolji mi ovaj novi od AMOLAD, nekako mi vuce na starije radove vise.
  12. Jebem li ga, nisam skinuo ali stoji tu da je .avi format.
  13. Sta, procureo Terror? U jbt, to mi je promaklo.
  14. Zanimljivo deluje, bas da vidim na sta lici.
  15. Sudeci po omotu, na ovom albumu ce se pevati o Japanu u WWII, bice zabavno. Oho, bio sam u pravu, evo ga track-listing: 1. The Eve of Battle 01:06 2. Operation Z 04:37 3. The Mukden Incident 04:12 4. Strategy of Attrition 04:57 5. Full Scale War 05:19 6. Guadalcanal 03:25 7. On Choral Shores 05:10 8. Unsung Heroes 05:14 9. Tokyo Napalm Holocaust 05:20 10. Kamikaze 04:27 11. To Bear the Unbearable 04:16
  16. Zasad mi deluje kul nekako. Kompleksan je ali nekako ne davi, bas ga opusteno slusam. Naravno, nije nikakva revolucija ali posteno zvuci. Samo kad bi ponovo pisali malo direktnije pesme...
  17. @Verbat: Otprilike. Uf, a mislim da nisam kacio ranije Fionu Apple : :wub:
  18. http://pics.kuvaton.com/kuvei/that_guy.jpg
  19. Talvi


    Inace, Scaicha is back: http://scaicha.helld.ru/
  20. Ma nisam mislio na to nego na one kutije.
  21. http://mediaboom.org/mp3/284435-immortal-the-seventh-date-of-blashyrkh-2010.html DVD rip.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPUPAkP12QM
  23. Google translate Nergalove izjave: Smesten je na hematologiju, dakle nesto oko krvi je u pitanju, svi koncerti i turneje pootkazivani. Deluje zajebano, mozda leukemija, jbg.
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