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Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
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Nije to njemu prvi put. Ko je gledao "Mystic Festival 2001" DVD zna za onaj intervju sa njim gde prica kako je pobegao iz bolnice da stigne na festival.
Finnish/Swedish symphonic metallers NIGHTWISH are in "the deepest countryside of Finland" working on material for their new studio album, which they will begin to record on October 15 for a late 2011 release. Commented keyboardist/mainman Tuomas Holopainen: "Another week passed by, another week of rehearsing, song-shaping, sweating, boating and fishing. The happiest event, naturally, was Anette [Olzon, NIGHTWISH singer] having a baby and feeling fantastic with the newborn! "Our congrats and blessings for the whole family! "Songs #9 and #10 took shape last weekend. The #9 one explores Zimmer territories shamelessly with the chorus taking us back to our roots. Emppu's [Vuorinen, guitar] favorite part of the whole album, I reckon. "I've always had problems with short-, simple-structured songs but this sounds very promising even to my cynical ears and heart. "Last song put together will be the last one on the album, an insanely ambitious piece. I assume it will be close to 20 minutes long. Uncle Walt's [Disney] spirit is already haunting in every note of this song. Still needs some arranging, though. "We have only one song left to practice after the monster song, an acoustic piece in the vein of 'The Islander'. Ennio Morricone meets Christy Moore. "Emppu and me need loads of Guinness, some fine single malt and a windy day to bring this one alive. And [u.K. multi-instrumentalist] Troy's [Donockley] pipes and bodhran, of course. "Marco [Hietala, bass/vocals] also sang demo vocals for almost all the songs so they start making more sense and so that Anette would be able to hear the vocal melodies and the pacing of the lyrics. "I deeply enjoy this process of building the songs slowly together, weaving stories out of thin air, and it's almost always the vocals that finally wake the songs up. It's about three weeks before we start recording the demo so now we have time to put final touches into the songs and perfect them the best we can. "It's fantastic not to be in any hurry for a change!"
Meni je onaj od "Microcosmos"-a ipak savrsen.
Nema, poslednjih meseci su se uglavnom zajebavali okolo sa kojekakvim side-projektima i gostovanjima... Cenim da je Tchort-ov odlazak to dosta usporio.
Gde nije, lik je genije.
Seth iz Septic Flesh radio omot, njegov stil 100%.
Slusam sad ovaj poslednji Besatt i ne mogu da se otmem utisku da su Watain hteli da snime nesto otprilike ovakvo (mozda malo sporije) ali su se preforsirali. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_wBJwDuFp8
Kad smo kod dece, gledajte ovo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPTIShkz5Uk Gorece crkve za 10 godina.
Ceo album na spejsu: www.myspace.com/kataklysm
Nego: Immortal - The Seventh Date Of Blashyrkh (2010) Audio rip.
Pa verovatno, ali opet, mene bi licno bilo sramota da se ciganisem po svetu vukuci one kutije sa sobom. Prikljuci se u opremu koju imas i pici, sta te boli kurac.
Pa sta se onda kurce i prave budale od sebe ako ih nemaju? A, realno, dovoljno su (pre)skupi da mogu to da iskesiraju. Il' si musko il' si Bosko, jbg. edit: Haha, i Siske ulete u istom momentu.
Ove tri sestrice su bile slatke za svog vremena:
Kakva im muzika, takva i pojacala.
Sto ti je sexy ovaj Van Gogh u "Coming Up".
http://www.last.fm/music/Marduk/+charts?rangetype=6month&subtype=tracks Jako cudna lista, mogu reci. 13. mesto ftw.
@Bryn: Ne, napravis plejlistu - samo stavis po jednu pesmu od svakog benda koji si videla na listu i sacuvas je. Primera radi, moja lista: http://www.last.fm/user/MiroslavZR/library/playlists/4e3bd_seen-live-playlist I onda odes na ovaj link: http://gsicht.com/seenlive/ i to je to.
Kiltovi su kul, though...