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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    BELPHEGOR + VREID + guests - Live in Belgrade 07.10.2010.
  2. Talvi


    Objavljen omot na spejsu, vrhunski izgleda.
  3. Talvi


    Sad znam.
  4. Talvi


    http://www.last.fm/music/Shining/+images/7781183 :haha:
  5. Talvi


    Ja se bs nadam da ce biti slican "Kicmi".
  6. Finnish extreme metallers IMPALED NAZARENE have issued the following update: "First things first: After 18 years, [Jarno] Anttila (guitar) has stepped aside from IMPALED NAZARENE. "There is no drama or bullshit involved. Jarno is simply too busy with his work and family. "Cheers and beers to Jarno for sticking with us that long!!!! "Jarno's departure does not affect our plans. We will continue as a four-piece. "As we previously reported, we will enter Hellhole studio [in Helsinki] this month with our very own soundman Tero Kostermaa to record our 11th full-length album. "Writing has has been going very well. We have 12 finished songs so far. "We will record also a song made by Jarno for us as it is a kick-ass tune and he gave us permission to use it. "'Road To The Octagon' is the album title. We can reveal some songs titles: * Under Attack * Tentacles Of The Octagon * Silent, Violent Type * Execute Tapeworm Extermination * Gag Reflex * Tremble, Man Of God "'Road To The Octagon' will be released by Osmose Productions in the beginning of November 2010. Album shall be mastered by Mika Jussila and artwork is handled by Darkgrove Design. We can also confirm that we have been booked to play Maryland Deathfest 28th of May 2011. This will be exclusive show for USA in 2011!"
  7. Negura u Bg-u 12. septembra.
  8. Ja stvarno ne znam kakvu ste vi to visu poentu i poruku ocekivali od filma. Kao da je najavljeno da ce vam otkriti smisao zivota pa sad kukate kako je sranje. Od starta se znalo koja je svrha ovog filma i sa kojim ciljem se snima i sta u njemu mozete ocekivati, ne kapiram cemu se sad iscudjavate niti zasto ste ga uopste gledali kad ste dobro znali sta ce se sve naci u njemu.
  9. Bolja mi je kad igra uz Melechesh, ono je erekcija momentalna.
  10. Ako cemo tako, najbolji odnos sa publikom imaju Jaya The Cat koji isfuraju bar na binu pa dele publici pica. Nikad nisam shvatao kako im se to isplati, ali eto.
  11. Kuruz se, zapravo, obracao tebi.
  12. Jel' se vi to ozbiljno raspravljate oko toga da li su bolji Metallica ili Maideni? Ajmo sad, Suffocation vs. Behemoth i Frost vs. Kollias pa nek' se nosi sve u pizdu materinu.
  13. Pa uradi to sam, cas posla. Sta mislis, kako sam ja brijao glavu?
  14. A sta te briga, pa izrasce ti za nedelju dana, zajebavas se malo. I moja keva je prezivela moju tarzanku preko pola glave svojevremeno, naviknu se one na to.
  15. Brijac u ruke i bices kul celavi smeksi.
  16. Brate, ogromna je. Ali zato:
  17. Valja drogu. To "nesto" sto treba da mu stigne je kokain.
  18. Koga zabole za Rozu pored onakve Ashley? Preslatka redhead Amerikankica sa naocarima.
  19. Hrvati se dave u koncertima. Primera radi, samo u maju/junu su imali Metallicu, Megadeth, Lamb Of God, Deicide, Arkonu... a do kraja godine ce pored ovih "nasih" Therion-a i Taake imati i Dark Tranquillity i Sabaton, to za sada potvrdjeno.
  20. Chimaira - Coming Alive (2010)
  21. Greek extreme metallers SEPTICFLESH are hard at work on material for their new album, tentatively due in early 2011. The recording process is scheduled to begin in August at the band's own newly built Devasoundz studios in Athens. Once again the orchestral parts will be recorded in Prague under the guidance of Chris Antoniou (CHAOSTAR). This time, the band's effort "is bound to expand its dark and dreamy soundscapes and will be enhanced" by the mixing job of producer PAIN/HYPOCRISY mainman Peter Tägtgren (AMON AMARTH, MARDUK, THERION, CHILDREN OF BODOM, CELTIC FROST, IMMORTAL). Commented SEPTICFLESH: "The creation of the 10 songs that will appear on the next album is approaching the final stage. The musical result can be described as a great mass of emotional death. One of the dominant elements of the album is the use of the characteristic guitar melodies of the band in a more intense and dramatic way. In combination with the orchestral parts that will surpass everything else that the band has done in the past, the sound resembles to a funeral concerto. Actually, it appears that the whole atmosphere of the album is one step closer to the depths of Hades… Also, as actually SEPTICFLESH is in the wider sense an artistic dark experiment, the nightmarish visual world of Seth Siro Anton that is part of this experiment is going to be expanded towards extremity in order to 'dress' fittingly the soundscapes and the new mysterious lyrical thematology."
  22. A moze i nova pesma: http://www.myspace.com/malevolentcreation
  23. Koja je to invazija na siroticin profil bila, to je bilo epski.
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