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Everything posted by Talvi
Zivot je za ljude koji nemaju ukusa u muzici.
Znaci, da ja ovo preskocim.
Aj' ovako, mrzi me da vise gustiram i bacam pojedinacno pa cu okaciti sve: http://www.last.fm/user/baltech22/journal Cova je seo i napravio listu 50 najpotcenjenijih death metal albuma, dakle uglavnom su to manje poznati ili gotovo nepoznati bendovi koji su izdali odlicne albume a koje niko ne jebe ni 2%. I prilicno mu je dobar izbor, mogu reci i sve je stilove pokrio - ima i brutalistike, i tehnikalisanja, i usisivaca za morbida, i finskog oldschool-a za Groba i mene, death/doom-a za aprila, Immolation fazona za Blagoja i Dismember-alike stvari za Gojka i neke progresive za Cynic-worship bratiju... Navalite.
I Cathedral je bio predgrupa HIM-u.
Pa to, ovo mu dodje turneja na obostranu korist, narocito zato sto je Evropa (tj. Nemacka i okolina) u pitanju a Dimmu tamo uvek prolaze odlicno.
Generalno, cini mi se da se ljudi plase bez razloga da ce oni sad da, ne znam, omeksaju i krecu da ubacuju neke Korn-alike finte u muzici. Jeste, cudan je paket skroz, narocito zato sto je sad i basista Korn-a postao hriscanin , ali jbg - ocigledno su ljudi iz Korn menadzmenta kontaktirali njih i ponudili im 10-tak datuma na turneji sa, da opet citiram Frubija, prepunim halama, naj-profi opremom i svim ostalim blagodetima. I neko bi to, kao, odbio na foru "tr00" stava koji Dimmu ionako vec odavno ne zastupaju? Daj ne zajebavajte. Dobili ljudi iznenada fantasticnu ponudu i prihvatili je, kraj price. @ITF: Slayer Mensonu, ako se ne varam.
Pa, sto se tice ovog novog albuma on je svakako vec gotov, tako da za njega nema straha. A sto se tice kvaliteta - hm, pa zavisi. Meni je npr. "Death Cult Armageddon" bolji od "Spiritual"-a, koliko god cudno to zvucalo. Uostalom, ovo je samo jedna turneja, tj. sto rece Frubi sansa koju bi, da se ne lazemo, svako iskoristio. Po toj dedukciji, ako posle krenu na turneju sa Nile-om jel' treba da ocekujemo da se presaltaju na death metal? Sve je to biznis, vec odavno.
E da, i skontah sad da, posto je ova turneja u septembru, verovatno uskoro mozemo ocekivati da objave ko su novi clanovi.
Pa da, naravno, stvar ukusa je da li se nekome svidjaju noviji albumi ili ne, ali u principu sam hteo da kazem da takve stvari kao sto je npr. to sa kim ce neki bend ici na turneju nemaju nikakve veze sa time kakve ce biti note na novom disku, a meni je to daleko najbitnije. Btw, sad mi od ove govorancije dodje da pustim Dimmu, eto kako ovo ipak ima efekta.
Ja bas ne bih rekao da su ovime postali zabava a ogradili se od umetnosti - sve dok oni snimaju dobre albume zivo me boli kurac sa kim ce deliti binu, a ako ljudi krenu da ih bojkotuju zbog toga to samo pokazuje da ih uopste ne prate zbog muzike nego "stava".
Kolosalno govno od albuma. Sve su gori iz izdanja u izdanje, treba da se samo lepo drze koncerata i sviraju stare stvari i dovidjenja. Ili da se, jednostavno, raspadnu.
2010.08.12-14. *Josefov, Czech Republic* Brutal Assault 2010
Talvi replied to Talvi's topic in Arhiva koncerata
Da, to se i ocekivalo. Bolje da su stavili STS ili Amorphis, jebem ih, ali ok je i ovako. -
On July 9, reformed Dutch death metal outfit ASPHYX will release the "Abomination Echoes" deluxe seven-inch box set exclusively through CMDistro.com. Featuring artwork from Ketola (WATAIN, KAAMOS), the set contains six seven-inch EPs, including: * "Enter The Domain" demo * "Crush The Cenotaph" demo * Rehearsals * "Mutilating Process" * Promo '91 * Live in Holland '89 Also included is a 20-page booklet with lyrics, introduction by Metalion (Slayer magazine), liner notes by the band, old flyer designs and more. The set also includes a previously unreleased track, "Priest Of Mendes". Click here to pre-order the box set. ASPHYX recently entered Sonic Assault studio to record two new songs. One of the cuts, "We Doom You To Death", will appear on the upcoming split seven-inch single with Finnish doom/deathsters HOODED MENACE. ASPHYX says, "The title says it all...it's brutally doomy and heavy." The second track is a cover of the song "Bestial Vomit" from the 1988 demo by the mighty MAJESTY from the U.S. ASPHYX comments: "Since MAJESTY is a big influence of ASPHYX, we thought it was a good idea to honour that excellent demo this way." ASPHYX recently parted ways with bassist Wannes Gubbels and replaced him with Alwin Zuur (PULVERIZER, ESCUTCHEON). ASPHYX's new lineup made its live debut at this year's edition of the Hammer Of Doom festival on February 6 at Posthalle in Würzburg, Germany. ASPHYX 2010 is: Martin van Drunen (vocals) Alwin Zuur (bass) Paul Baayens (guitar) Bob Bagchus (drums)
Reunited '80s cult metal outfit SANCTUARY, which features in its ranks current NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane, has begun writing material for a new studio album. Dane tells MetalSucks, "Wait 'till you hear some of the new stuff! I've got a song that I've been working on the last few days. It's pretty frickin' cool. . . It sounds like 'Into The Mirror Black' stuff [sANCTUARY's second and most recent album, which came out in 1990], which obviously is the evolution of our sound." Regarding SANCTUARY's decision to reunite after almost two decades of inactivity, Dane says, "I know I said years ago that I wouldn't do this. That was probably because most of [ the members of SANCTUARY] weren't really friends. We didn't talk to each other." He adds, "The ending of that band was weird. It got kind of ugly at the end. Eventually, we grew up a little and started talking to each other again. Now, we're in a place where we're good friends again. Which is cool, 'cause we're all different people now. "I had always thought that Len [Rutledge, SANCTUARY guitarist] … He tried a couple bands after SANCTUARY broke up, but then he kind of quit doing music. One day, it occurred to me that he's too talented to not be doing something. I thought, maybe we should work on something together and see what happens." According to Dane, his signature high-pitched vocal delivery, which has been largely absent from some of NEVERMORE's most recent recordings, will make its return on the forthcoming SANCTUARY CD. Dane says, "I am going to go back and take more voice lessons before I even think about recording another SANCTUARY record. I have to! I haven't been using that aspect of my voice for years because in NEVERMORE, I don't think it's really appropriate. When you're singing that way, you have to be consistent. And since you're never too old to learn anything, why not go back and take lessons?" Read the entire interview from MetalSucks.
Znam coveka u ciju jednu nogavicu ja udjem sa obe noge (bez homo aluzija).
180 i nesto, ne znam tacno koliko. Auschwitz style.
Ja cuo za Downstroy, Figlio Di Puttana, Kurire, Kvazar i Threesome, ovo ostalo nidje veze.
Pa ono, ne bi me cudilo na Korn-ovci i slusaju Dimmu privatno, zna se da su veliki fanovi Morbid Angel-a npr, cak su i snimili obradu "God Of Emptiness' pre 10 godina ali nikako da je izdaju.
Jes' smesno, ali za njih je u poslovnom smislu ovo pogodak kakav su samo pozeleti mogli.
Kakvu potragu, pa eto ti linkova. Bitchy enough?
Lose mi skroz legao Osculum Infame. Nego, dobih novi Forest Silence EP, nije los. Zapravo, dve nove pesme i tri stare. Fino zvuci, mada mi ta atmospheric prica vise nije ista otkako se Varg vratio i razneo ih sve.