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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Na setlist.fm je ova najnovija, 27. novembra u Svedskoj: 1. Pagan Fears 2. Ancient Skin 3. From The Dark Past 4. My Death 5. A Time To Die 6. View From Nihil 7. Illuminate Eliminate 8. Anti 9. Freezing Moon 10. Crystalized Pain In Deconstruction 11. Silvester Anfang 12. Deathcrush 13. Buried By Time And Dust 14. Carnage 15. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 16. Pure Fucking Armageddon Veceras su u Rumuniji, videcemo sta ce tamo svirati.
  2. Jesi, "Exit".
  3. Talvi


  4. I ja sam dosao do istog zakljucka.
  5. Odlican. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlcfUzxxBDw
  6. Ona prva je ipak pobedila.
  7. Pa dobro, ako cemo iskreno ja se malo plasim zbog ovog Portnoy-a...
  8. PORCUPINE TREE's Steven Wilson revealed to Chordstruck Magazine that he has begun work on material for his much-anticipated collaboration with Mikael Åkerfeldt from OPETH and Mike Portnoy from DREAM THEATER. "I started writing with Mikael last month, finally," he said. "It's still in the very early days. "We wrote about 15 minutes of music last month in my studio near London and we're very excited about it. "I think people are going to be very surprised by the direction. "If they're expecting some kind of death-metal-progressive rock, they're going to be surprised [because] it's not like that." He continued, "If you put the two of us together, the last thing we're going to do is something similar to what people already know from our most high-profile project. "It's very arty, very ambitious; it's going to be epic. "We're still writing. "[it's going to be] very dark, very twisted, very experimental. "It's still rock music, but we're trying to do something really, really special and really different with this."
  9. Kakva su vam to, bre, sranja, dajte nesto lepo za promenu.
  10. Hohoho, Kreator, Sodom i Destruction istog dana? Klanje.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E92zCs4sWto Hail Santa.
  12. Jeb'o majku, pokrao je u celini i celosti.
  13. Fora je u tome sto je lemmy ozbiljan.
  14. www.godhatesgoths.com
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC59qfRJvWc Jel' se seca neko?
  16. Izgleda da on prati yumetal.
  17. Kokta Svidja mi se kako je u zadnje vreme Pepsi zajebao sve ostale sa cenom.
  18. Talvi


    I ja sam vrlo eklektican: Mar-2009 Rotting Christ 67 Apr-2009 Moonspell 210 May-2009 Amorphis 443 Jun-2009 Orphaned Land 61 Jul-2009 Amorphis 208 Aug-2009 Amorphis 196 Sep-2009 Madball 124 Oct-2009 Amorphis 243 Nov-2009 Korn 154 Dec-2009 Amorphis 142 Jan-2010 Amorphis 112 Feb-2010 Rotting Christ 402 Mar-2010 Rotting Christ 253 Apr-2010 Rotting Christ 259 May-2010 Pro-Pain 113
  19. Talvi


    Ima kul nova stvarcica na last-u, "festival recommendations" bazirano na vasem ukusu.
  20. Talvi


    Nema sanse da cu vise ikad slusati ovaj tekst istim usima. Kao sto posle one misheard verzije "Hangman Of Prague" kontam da peva "Wait, you cunthead!", tako ce biti i ovde.
  21. Prosto neverovatno kakva remek-dela Travis radi Amorphis-u, a kakve stereotipe Nevermore-u. Nego, sad se setih:
  22. A Monstrosity?
  23. Nove potvrde: Alkonost i Sadist.
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