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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Jasta.
  2. Auf. Rotting Christ, Mayhem, Primordial i The Exploited. Odlican line-up ali mi je preblizu datum, moram da se stekam za Brutal Assault.
  3. Finnish gothic metallers CHARON will release their first-ever compilation album, "A-Sides, B-Sides & Suicides", on June 23. The two-disc set will include almost 40 songs and two and a half hours of music spanning the band's entire career — from its first demo tape to the most recent recordings. In addition to the album cuts, there will be outtakes, cover songs and demos. CHARON will upload a teaser video every week leading up to the compilation's release feature unforgettable moments from the band's 17-year career. The first clip can be viewed below. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9464AB8kZ50&feature=player_embedded
  4. Meni se, prvi put kad sam je cuo, ucinilo kao da izvuce onaj jedan deo na fazon "Ruzica si bila".
  5. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=140376
  6. Kad?
  7. Sad nesto citam o Enochian Crescent-u i naletim na ovo: Vocalist Wrath was hospitalised during a show at Tavastia Klubi when the band were supporting Emperor in 1997. He accidentally cut his wrist too deep with a knife that his father had received as a gift for 20 years of duty. Emperor refused to climb on the stage before it had been cleaned thoroughly. Black fuckin' metal.
  8. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Uzeh sad da slusam. Meni veoma dobar, super mi lezi, ali ono, ja nemam problema sa finskim black metalom.
  9. Da javimo onima na Blabber-u?
  10. Nista cudno, sad su velika jaja u Norveskoj.
  11. Pa jes', vecina smatra "Midian" za prekretnicu. I meni je "Godspeed" najbolji od novijih, mada i na ostalim ima stosta da se cuje, sem pesme "Nymphetamine" koja je nesto najgore sto su ikada snimili, ali to je mozda zato sto ja ne mogu da smislim Liv Kristine. I da, posle "Midian"-a su se makar nasnimali gomile odlicnih obrada.
  12. http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#!/photo.php?pid=3873665&id=154200033470 Alan poceo da skida Kvarforth-ov stajling.
  13. Jebite se, sad sam morao da opet uzmem da pretresam CoF diskografiju, sa akcentom na novije stvari.
  14. Dreams & reality:
  15. Talvi

    Amon Amarth

    Sto jes' - jes', Mita se skidao i na koncertu.
  16. Talvi


    Jos nista.
  17. Talvi


  18. Talvi


    U, koja sexy rezolucija, taman za wallpaper.
  19. ^ Jel' to neki pokusaj rime ili se tako zalomilo, posto deluje kao stih?
  20. Nije, bio je jos krvaviji u prvih nekoliko minuta.
  21. Ma jok, izbacio ih neki gay.
  22. Jbg, nismo svi toliko muzicki nadareni da ga bacamo na "Dragontower".
  23. "Nymphetamine" je losiji, njega preskoci, "Thornography" djene-djene, a "Godspeed" je odlican. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILHXcQ8Ka4E
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