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Days Won
Everything posted by Talvi
Izvol'te: http://mediaboom.org/mp3/266581-nevermore-obsidian-conspiracy-2010.html
Elem, ispreslusavah ja ovaj "Re-Traced". I koliko god da sam bio skeptican i nisam nista ocekivao na osnovu semplova, toliko mi je fino legao kad ga pazljivo preslusah i bas je fin EP. Najvise sam se plasio za "Integral Birth" ali vrlo je lepo ispala i u ovoj verziji, ostale 3 su takodje zanimljive a i nova je u istom fazonu i valja. K'o sto rekoh, lep albumcic ali se nadam da ce full-length ipak biti malkice tvrdji.
Hm, izbunarih ovaj Wheel sad na tube-u, uopste ne zvuci lose.
Illegal Uploads of the wrong album ! Just thought I'd pass on something I noticed today with regards the current batch of illegal versions of our new album, Manannán that are on-line. I have heard one of these versions and thought my ears had broken. Reason being I sounded like I was singing much higher than I had remembered doing when this album was recorded. Then I saw the lengths of the songs were shorter. The penny then dropped. Whoever uploaded the album has sped the whole thing up. So I suppose I'm just warning all would-be pirates out there that other than the fact that it's not very respectful to put our album up on-line without asking us, the versions that have gone up are not the proper album. If you have downloaded the album please do pop by our myspace site on the 14th of May when we will have some of the songs online for ye to listen to and at least make sure it sound the same. It would be most strange for ye turning up to one of our gigs wondering if the guy singing on the album had been sucking helium from a balloon or had just gone through puberty ! Thanks for reading, Rob - Mael Mórdha
^ http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=139471 U prevodu: Nemaju album u planu.
Idi na temu, imas novi album koji je vrh, Blagoje i ja vec uveliko bacamo worship. Ako volis Primordial nema 'leba da ti se ne svidi.
Eno ga link na temi pa navali.
E, veruj da jos nisam cuo. Bio zatrpan nekim sranjima za recenziranje i skroz ga smetnuo sa uma, moracu da ga turim na dl cim se zavrsi nova Anathema.
E, verovao ili ne, Graviators-a jos nigde! Bas sam proveravao za jos neke ljude ovih dana i sad gledam - nista, a album zvanicno izasao jos prosle godine. Nisam pametan. Ali evo, nadjoh jednu dobru recenziju da dodatno zagolica mastu: http://www.metal-temple.com/site/catalogues/entry/reviews/cd_3/t_2/the_graviators__the.htm?keep_has_js=1
Jes' ono, imajuci u vidu kolika im je zemljetina trebali bi da imaju jos mnogo toga ali slabo, jbg. Mada, iskreno, i ja sam ispao iz tih ruskih black tokova poodavno pa i ne znam skroz kako sad stoje - cim vidim etiketu "ruski black metal" ocekujem ili neku pagansku paljevinu ili neki vampirski goth/black kiceraj. Prosle godine sam iskopao jedan vise nego solidan ruski black bend i kacio sam ga ovde ali sam u medjuvremenu iskusno zaboravio ime benda, moracu da potrazim pa da opet izbacim link.
Ruski black? Tvangeste i Rossomahaar, bre.
Stiglo! http://mediaboom.org/mp3/266308-anathema-were-here-because-were-here-2010.html
Danas i to kosta, sine.
Ako sam dobro shvatio, on se sam javio njima.
Korn - Oildale (Leave Me Alone) [single] (2010)
Tek ti sad skontah novi link u potpisu.
Paljevine, evo vam spot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TunaJNTkc04&feature=player_embedded
Stigao mi link za promo, aj' da svucem pa da vidim na sta lici.
Prvo htedoh da pocnem da serem kako biste mogli da stavite jos koju ogromnu sliku na ovu stranu jer mi komp jos uvek daje znake zivota, a onda videh ovu redhead milf gore i sve ostalo je odjednom izgubilo na znacaju.
Meni se cini da je ovaj lik zapao u kreativni corsokak. Taj ako stvarno ima napisano 30% albuma, ja secem kurac nasred Terazija. A ovde jede govna i izvlaci se nekim pricama o produkciji i sranjima... Koga taj zajebava? Nema love za produkciju? Yeah, right. Pomirite se sa tim, ovaj album nikada nece izaci. Ili hoce, ali nece liciti ninasta.
Finalni bilans unistenja na kojem sam ja bio: nas 10 pojeli 10 kg mesa i popili 12 dvolitri "Lava" i "Jelena" i 30 limenki "Jelena". Zlo.
It's official, narode: Long-running California metallers AGENT STEEL have issued the following update: "As some of you may or may not have already heard the news that AGENT STEEL has parted ways with vocalist Bruce Hall. We as a band would like to acknowledge the accomplishments together with Bruce and the three solid metal offerings; 'Omega Conspiracy', 'Order Of The Illuminati' and 'Alienigma'. Together we had the fortune of touring and sharing the stage in some amazing places and visited some breathtaking countries. Bruce dedicated over a decade to AGENT STEEL and for this he should be recognized, and we part on good terms. "We as a band still have the fire and passion to deliver the metal goods to fans from the past, present and future. "We had been writing new material for the next chapter of AGENT STEEL and after the news got out that we separated from Bruce, we were contacted by original singer, John Cyriis. Call it destiny; call it what you will, but now the communicative channel is open between AGENT STEEL and vocalist Cyriis; we are in talks about an imminent AGENT STEEL reunion tour possibly involving summer/fall 2010 appearances and an extensive '2011' metal blitz. "Honestly, we do not know how long this reunion will last; however this could be the long-awaited destiny of AGENT STEEL originally interrupted, so long as everything moves forward in an evolving good working climate. "Our objective regarding this AGENT STEEL reunion is attached with the intentions of providing the opportunity to not only the dedicated fans, but also to a whole new generation of metal fans the chance to see AGENT STEEL live on stage with Cyriis; the original voice on the classic 'Skeptics Apocalypse', 'Unstoppable Force' and 'Mad Locust Rising' releases. "The legacy continues...stay tuned."
I ja bih voleo da sam mogao ici ali jbg, bice opet prilike.