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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Talvi


    Bassist/vocalist Thomas "Angelripper" Such of veteran German thrashers SODOM has issued the following update: "The current economic problems have overtaken and finally reached the music business, too. Also, the labels have to suffered, and in our case, this applies to [sODOM's longtime] label SPV. This is also applied to the artists when it comes to the well-planned releases which had to be deferred. But now SPV is newly built up and ready for action. They are currently concentrating on the remainder of the bands like us. Therefore there will be no barrier. Finally, we have to file here and there in the studio to our and your satisfaction. "There has never been a SODOM album which is so wide-ranged, as powerful and as typically SODOM as this one. "At the moment we are searching for a new studio which is able to fulfill our ideas of a high-quality production. "We will start the recording in summer so as to we are able to release the album in fall or pre-Christmas [period]. "At this point I'd like to thank you for your patience one more time." Najzad.
  2. Talvi


    Do jaja su. Kol'ko para?
  3. Kako ova "Dreaming Light" ima "Burzum tribute" tekst.
  4. pa zar ne poredi?
  5. Novi, najnovcatiji.
  6. Sad si me podsetio da ga obrnem ponovo. Ova naslovna pesma ubi koliko je iskrena i dobra.
  7. Talvi


    "Reaping Death", the new CD single from Swedish black metallers WATAIN, which was exclusively distributed in Sweden via Sweden Rock Magazine, was certified gold in the band's home country on April 21 by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry for sales in excess of 10,000 copies. (Note: Each copy of the magazine sold in Sweden was counted towards the certification.) WATAIN frontman Erik "E" Danielsson comments on this achievement: "No matter how awkward it feels to be a part of the materialistic record business, and even more so being rewarded by its filthy capitalistic measures, we will still accept this award with a poisoned smile. The same smile with which we have kissed your sons and daughters with 'Reaping Death'. We see this disc of gold as a trophy, a trophy of a successful hunt for their souls." Jebote.
  8. Talvi


  9. Talvi


    Privatno pakovanje, na imanju kod ortaka.
  10. Talvi


    Nisam planirao nista ali mi sad odjednom izlete super aranzman i ima da se anihiliram od alkohola.
  11. Talvi


  12. Na prvo slusanje - Not. Impressed. At. All.
  13. Ucrvao nam se podforum ovih dana. Dajte neko zlo, blud i razvrat.
  14. Ja ocekujem da ce ovo da raspici.
  15. Da se vratimo na sustinu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9EpwjHo_Q8&feature=related
  16. Semplovi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8VOhecSbFg&feature=player_embedded
  17. Jea.
  18. Mick Kenney's facebook: Just finished writing new Nathrakh album
  19. 'Oce kurac, unistice ih Bajern.
  20. A pazi sad: Kerry King (SLAYER), Hank Shermann (MERCYFUL FATE, FORCE OF EVIL, DEMONICA), Andy La Rocque (KING DIAMOND) and Jim Durkin (DARK ANGEL) have recorded guest appearances on "Witchkrieg", the forthcoming album from Swedish metallers WITCHERY.
  21. Uf, ne mogu ni ja da se setim imena ptice. Znam da je Saca imao onog skolskog druga koji se nikada nije pojavio a koji se zvao Evgenije.
  22. I ona obrada Doorsa je svojevremeno bila na njegovom spejsu, nemam pojma cemu to.
  23. Pa ti nastavi da kacis sve na engleskom.
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