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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Izgleda da niko zivi nije provalio da je napokon svecano izasao novi album: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NPBRR0D5
  2. Talvi

    Rotting Christ

    Pocela i turneja, od Poljske se krenulo. Setlista: AEALO Eon Aenaos Noctis Era Fire Death and Fear The Sign Of Prime Creation Nemecic Threnody Phobos' Synagogue In Domine Sathana The Fourth Knight Of Revelation Kraca listra ali jbg, svirali su sa jos 4 benda iste veceri. Bez obzira na to je prekultna. "Phobos' Synagogue" Ovo mora da dodje i kod nas.
  3. Swallow the Sun, Katatonia, and Israel's Orphaned Land will set about on a fall tour in North America. E, do kurca.
  4. Mancester? Pass.
  5. Talvi


    A jel' znate vi za ovo: www.myspace.com/liveevilfestival Festival sa line up-om sastavljenim iskljucivo od Fenrizovih "Band of the week" bendova.
  6. Talvi


    To je devojka, gejevi.
  7. Vaistinu, u EU mozes da radis sta hoces za vreme pauze.
  8. bas im je avangardna friend lista - The Mars Volta, Converge, The White Stripes... Najebali su kad se pojave na 'Under The Black Sun' sa ovim fazonom. Btw, meni ovo ne zvuci lose.
  9. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Ti bas ne vidis o cemu se pricalo na ovoj istoj strani?
  10. Grobe, pogledaj temu na Berzi koju je otvorio moj dragi urednik, mislim da ces naci nesto fino za sebe.
  11. @Skull: Ponovo se slazemo u potpunosti.
  12. U, novi album, do jaja! Videh da je Alan iz Primordial rekao da su njega zvali da ga otpeva ali da nije mogao i da mu je drago zbog toga jer je ovako ispao predobro.
  13. Mislio sam da vi zene znate sve Kijanuove filmove napamet.
  14. Nije valjda da se ne secas?
  15. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Meni tesko govno, ne razumem sta su svi videli u ovome.
  16. Ti si svestan koliko je zarada na osnovu prodatih albuma minorna u odnosu na zaradu od turneja? A sto se tice "tezgarenja" - big deal, ako bi isao tom linijom da svako ko odtezgari koncert ne uziva u muzici koju stvara gde bi im kraj bio? Makar smo se mi ovde nagledali tezgi i tezgi.
  17. Ti si svestan koliko je ovaj argument nebulozan? :haha: Znaci, mi koji nismo religiozni mu dodjemo nesto kao zivotinje? :haha: Obozavam tu aroganciju sa kojom vernici gledaju na ostale "nize organizme".
  18. Po jedinima koji su bitni - on ocigledno uziva u ovome sto radi a i jos uvek itekako komotno zivi od toga. Koji ti jos parametar treba?
  19. Mozda zato sto (verovao ili ne) ne mislimo svi tako i njemu jos uvek itekako dobro ide?
  20. Talvi

    BM noviteti

    Produkcija mi toliko ide na kurac da ne znam hocu li izdrzati do kraja albuma.
  21. After 22 years of existence, black/death metal band ACHERON is calling it quits. The group has released five original full-length albums, three mini-CDs, one covers CD and a number of other underground releases. ACHERON will end on a familiar note by doing one last run of "Rites Of The Black Mass" shows until January 1, 2011. After that ACHERON will be done for good. ACHERON's lineup for the final shows will consist of Vincent Crowley (vocals, bass), Art Taylor (guitar), Eric Stewart (guitar) and Scott Pletcher (drums). Promoters interested in booking ACHERON as part of the "The Last Rites (Farewell Shows) 2010" tour, contact the band on MySpace or at [email protected].
  22. Meni se novi Orcivus svideo, nema nekih bitnih razlika u odnosu na prvi pa ako si voleo "Consummatum" voleces i ovaj.
  23. Ne jedite govna nego dajte neku dobru deathcinu a ne ova proseravanja.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na6Oukj2XLQ Hey you little Jesus bride why have you smiled to me? Hey you little Jesus bride why have you sang to me ? They say that God is inside us all, and sometimes He is not in the way that I have preached for to wish to but God is my lover and I love him too He acts in mysterious ways He has such mysterious shapes I know them all from inside out and in one by one I do believe - no matter how and They say the tongue who prays is the tongue which licks and that the ones who kneel in four shall stand to be loved by God without having the grace to see who is behind them now, wearing God's face the Judgement day is not ever far away but to how many did it came long before the puberty Hey you little Jesus bride, why have you smiled to me? Hey you little Jesus bride, why have you sang to me ? as they select themselves and cut in innocent flesh what Jesus really meant by: "Let the children come to me..." Hey you little Jesus bride, be my wife, be my wife...
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI8fJySUxwk
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