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Everything posted by Talvi

  1. Drogarito uopste i ne slusa black metal.
  2. Pa na tematiku sam i mislio. Du-uh.
  3. Blago njemu, nije morao da trpi hriscanske black metal bendove.
  4. Talvi


    To, care.
  5. Talvi


    http://www.efukt.com/20681_Amazing_Horse.html :haha:
  6. Sabaton - Coat Of Arms (2010) Jel' me volite?
  7. Talvi

    Pretty Maids

    Pretty Maids - Pandemonium (2010)
  8. The newly reunited SOUNDGARDEN performed its first show since 1997 earlier tonight (Friday, April 16) under the name NUDEDRAGONS (anagram of SOUNDGARDEN) at the Showbox at the Market in its Seattle hometown. The band's setlist was as follows: 01. Spoonman 02. Gun 03. Searching With My Good Eye Closed 04. Rusty Cage 05. Beyond The Wheel 06. Flower 07. Ugly Truth 08. Fell On Black Days 09. Hunted Down 10. Nothing To Say 11. Loud Love 12. Blow Up The Outside World 13. Pretty Noose 14. Outshined 15. Slaves And Bulldozers Encore: 16. Get On The Snake 17. Big Dumb Sex 18. Waiting For The Sun (THE DOORS cover)
  9. Vaistinu obecava.
  10. Hour Of Penance pobi sve zivo. "Zyklon meets Nile" fazon.
  11. Johan Hegg goes to church.
  12. Ou jea.
  13. Haha, kakve prorocke sposobnosti imam: Sweden's WITCHERY will release a new album, "Witchkrieg", in July via Century Media Records. The CD will mark the recording debut of the band's new vocalist, Legion (MARDUK, DEVIAN). Commented guitarist Jensen: "So it's finally, finally, FINALLY time for a new WITCHERY album! And not just any ol' new album, no sir. This is quite possibly the best WITCHERY album to date. Let me correct myself. This IS the best WITCHERY album to date. "I know a lot of bands claim their current releases to be 'their best work' and everyone knows that's a load of bullshit. However, in our case, I can say its 100% true. If you don't believe me, then check out the album. You will notice how your flapping jaws slowly close, how you crank the volume and how you forget about your miserable life for while! "On a sadder note, due to conflicting schedules, we have had to part ways with founding member Toxine. We wish our brother in metal all the best in the future. Therefore, I would like to introduce to the world, a new unholy axis of musical terror. We wish to welcome a new fulltime member to the WITCHERY coven; none other than: Legion!!!" "Witchkrieg" was mixed and mastered Antfarm studios by Tue Madsen (DARK TRANQUILLITY, THE HAUNTED, HEAVEN SHALL BURN). The cover artwork was created by Andreas "Diaz" Pettersson. As a first appetizer of the unholy axis of musical terror, go to WITCHERY's newly designed MySpace page and check out "The Reaver", featuring guest guitar solos by Gary Holt and Lee Altus of the mighty EXODUS.
  14. Gde vam je Rotting Christ na ovim listama, hrist vas truli jeb'o?
  15. A jbg, ni pasos mi jos nije gotov. Da sam znao na makar malo pre, pa da se covek spremi na vreme, ali jbg kad saznas za ovako nesto na 5 dana ranije.
  16. E do mojega.
  17. Ako, tako i treba. Nego, jel' se ja tripujem ili ove Kruzove izgledaju 1368 puta bolje kad su zajedno na slici nego pojedinacno?
  18. ^ U kolikom su samo kontrastu ova dva posta iznad. :haha:
  19. Aha, obozavam taj bend.
  20. Ne mogu, sutra idem na Jaya The Cat i spucacu sve novce tamo. A u kurac.
  22. Odbio bi je sa gadjenjem, zar ne?
  23. Evo, ovde imas skoro ceo EP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFY-fucyWX0 Inace, tu su 3 autorske i 3 obrade Napalm Death. Dobri su mnogo i oni Japanci koje je Milan kacio na preporuke, btw.
  24. Jeb'o sve, ja sam se toliko navukao na ovaj novi Rotten Sound EP da nista drugo ne vrtim ceo dan. Droga jebena.
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